Just joined weightwatchers

:happy: Hi, I've been on myfitness pal for a while and love it. However, I've just joined weightwatchers,and am also tracking my calories on here as well. Anyone else doing this? And how do you like weightwatchers so far? I'm on my second week and have lost 4lbs so far.


  • wanttoloseweight4
    im on weight watchers! so far i love it!
  • 7mariposa
    7mariposa Posts: 23
    Me too!
  • wanttoloseweight4
    i also lost 4 lbs my first week! now im down 7 its been about 4 weeks now yur weight should slow to about 1-2lbs a week but thats the best way to lose it!
  • 7mariposa
    7mariposa Posts: 23
    Good for you!Yes, they told me that it's best to lose 1.2 to 2lbs a week. Thats the healthy way. My sister has been on it for 2mos and has lost 18lbs. I just have to break this habitt of weighing myself too much.