Back on the wagon I go!

Hey y'all,

I am new to MFP, but definitely not new to the concepts.

I am 5'3", 24 yr old female and in 2006 I was about 135... My goal is to get back to that point.

My peak was in 2009 at around 175, that's what I confirmed anyway, it was probably higher though. I got down to the 150's easily enough, but have floated there ever since... I've flirted with the 140's and when I was super motivated I managed to get to 143 briefly, but that was basically making diet and exercise my one and only focus.

I am currently around 153-154.

My main problem is my diet, I feel like if I can get a handle on that everything else will come easier. I eat relatively well about 70% of the time, but then I have 30% of complete crap. My body doesn't digest food very well, so I take a medication every day which helps, but if I could clean up my diet a bit more, I think I'd feel a lot better day to day and could even reach a point where I might not need the meds anymore which would be fabulous.

I have an undetermined Mixed Connective Tissue Disease and am on pain medication 24/7 which makes exercise difficult because most repetitive movements cause anywhere from mild discomfort to debilitating pain in my joints and the only way to figure out what kind of a pain day it is is to try it and see. I have been working with a wonderful CrossFit gym for over a year now, they are very familiar with my medical history and help me modify every movement to something I can do. I've fallen off the wagon there too in the last 2 months, but I am determined to get back into it and finally see the progress I keep telling everyone I want.

Anyway, that's my long sappy story, I am hoping that by getting back to tracking and keeping myself honest I can get myself to a point where I am physically and mentally a lot healthier.