Help! I'm stuck or just too impatient!?

I started working toward my goal on January 21, 2010, I got off track a few times but lost 16lbs. I stopped completely for about a month, gained 2 lbs, then started back on May 22. I have been going to the gym every morning, Mon-Fri, before work, and also on Sundays. Each time for an hour or longer. I've been keeping up with my calories eaten in a notebook and also my calories burned. Making sure not to go over. But sadly I haven't lost anymore weight. I don't expect to have lost a lot, it hasn't even been a month, but at least a pound or two. The first couple of weeks in Jan. I lost like 5 lbs. Am I just being impatient or can anybody give me any suggestions of what I can do to help. My goal is to lose 48 more pounds(back to my high school weight) by October 15(My 23 birthday!).


  • PaulaDygert
    PaulaDygert Posts: 148 Member
    Sorry I don't have any suggestions but hang in there, I also started in Jan 2010 and am now stuck I have been bouncing between the same 2 lbs for a month now still watching my cals and working out... We can get through it and I am sure you will look great for your birthday!
  • Lparault
    Lparault Posts: 100
    You ARE too impatient. You are doing everything right. Keep it up. You are probably experiencing water retention from all the exercise. If you have set your weight loss goal at higher than 1 to 1.5 lbs per week, drop it back. Also, DRINK, DRINK, DRINK...water that is, and lots of it. Even more than the recommended 8 glasses per day if you can manage it. It will help flush your system, which you really need if you are exercising like a Spartan.

    Take your measurements; worry more about them than what your scale says. If you build up a few pounds of muscle but lose just as much fat, your measurements and clothes will tell you that you are getting results, NOT satan's minion aka the scale.

    You're going to get there. One more thing, are you eating the calories you burn? If not I can promise you that is where your problem is. If your calorie defecit is too high, no matter how much you exercise, you will not lose weight because your system will go into survival mode because your body thinks you are starving. So if you are not eating those calories, knock it off! ;)

    Try eating a piece of fruit or a bowl of cheerios within an hour of getting up, and eat every two to three hours through out the day. This will ramp up you metabolism, stablize your blood sugar and help you lose as well.

    You are doing great...don't give up.

  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Have you updated your weight in your MFP profile? MFP doesn't seem to automatically change your daily calorie allotment based on the weight you enter under Weight-In (it's supposed to) so you have to do it manually. If you haven't updated, then it could be that you're eating too many calories for the weight you're at and it's not giving you the deficit you expect to lose weight with.

    On the flip side, if you're not eating all your workout calories that could be part of the issue too, because your body needs that extra fuel to function.