Big girl, lots to lose.....

I have about 125 lbs to lose and am worried about what I will look like after it's gone. I am only 29, but am afraid my extra "chin" and "belly" will just be saggy skin? Anyone lost a lot of weight and experianced this? I have a family member that had gastric bypass and has this problem, although I realize it was too much too fast that caused it for her. Any advice to help avoid this problem on my journey will be greatly appreciated!!


  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I have a lot to lose and am a little terrified of that as well! I knew someone who had gastric bypass years ago, lost lots of weight and looked horrible with all of the saggy skin (and she just looked generally unhealthy to begin with!). I'm wondering if she lost too much too quickly as well.

    What I am trying to do is do strength training along with the cardio I am doing in exercise. I think we both also have age on our side (I'm 34). Skin loses elasticity as you get older, so I am hoping that strength training to build/tone muscle along with being relatively young will help.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Drink TONS of water. Drink at least half your body weight in ounces per day. Once of the great benefits of water is that its helps restore/maintain your skins elasticity. So if you lose weight at a rate of 1 lb per week and drink plenty of water, you weight will go down slow enough that your skin will be able to keep up and won't be as bad as you think. It's when you rapidly lose weight that there's an issue. Strength training to tone your muscles will help shape your skin and it shrinks too.
  • OnionCookie
    OnionCookie Posts: 272 Member
    I was worried about this as well so I asked people that lost a lot of weight. One said that their trainer told them that a bit might be left but mainly it depends on genetics, and how quickly you lose it. Also a friend of mine that lost a lot of weight (she lost 200) and has very little sag, told me to moisturize with moisture rich scrub. It gets rid of a lot of dead skin cells . She used a lot of the scrub from Bath and Body works and coco butter. She looks amazing.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Chances are, yep, you'll have some saggy skin. That's the reality and don't let anyone lie to you about it. Some folks will have more than others depending on age and skin elasticity (mainly genetic) and other factors, but like I said you're very likely to have at least a little sag.

    I was looking really really good until about 5 pounds ago. :laugh: Now I can see I'll have some saggy skin on my lower tummy, upper arms, and inner thighs. Oh well! I don't know if it'll ever firm up, but I've accepted the possibility (probability) it won't ever fully "snap back." You can always do the whole moisturizing thing and make sure you stay hydrated -- even if it doesn't help, it's probably not going to hurt. :wink: My rule of thumb is to expect the worst -- that way, you won't be disappointed with your results.

    But the really good news is you won't have 125 pounds of extra fat hanging around. :tongue:
  • angela75022
    angela75022 Posts: 100 Member
    You should be ok as you exercise properly.

    Along with the cardio... you will need lots of toning and strength training.
    Talk to your doctor or just go to a gym and talk to a personal trainer... just remember to go in with your questions and concerns written down so you don't forget anything

    (A good way to talk to a trainer, is by doing a one day trial membership...
    it doesn't cost anything and they usually let you work with a trainer the 1st time)
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    I agree with the gentic part. Also you are young........just don't loose too much fast. I mean it really did take me 2 years to loose about 60 pounds.
  • resptech97
    resptech97 Posts: 147
    I have about 150 I would like to lose. I too am concerned about excess skin. But the good thing is that extra skin can be covered up in skinnier clothes!...LOL I have a friend that had a 70 pound tumor removed from her stomach several years ago and she had alot of skin left. But she looked so much better. She could hide it under her skinnier clothes! Thats what I plan to do when I lose my weight....if I have extra skin. I am 34 y/o.