Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's 6/4 wk 23

kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member


  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's,
    Cant well got back on the scale today and lost 5 pounds of the 9 it said I gain (dont think so), aunt flow is visiting this week(started today think that is where the 4 pounds is from) I will stay at the same weight 197 and readjust next week if it is still there. Well today is a new week and hopefully the scale will start moving in the right direction. Give up is not happening, my body will do as it is told :laugh:

    Hope everybody get a loss this week, if not it will come. Have a great Friday :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    forgot to weigh in today :( So I am gonna do it first thing in the morning! Well it is raining yet AGAIN! thank you washington;( and today is my relay for life day! it should be great!!! VERY EXCITED FOR IT! well had a long practice lastnight and I am sore everywhere:( hope all you have a wonderful weekend!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hey all!!
    Sorry :frown: It's been soo crazy here. There was prom last week and then my daughter graduated Wednesday. :drinker: and in between that Mom ended up in the hospital and daughter hand went thru a glass window so Monday I was in the ER for 10 hours with both of them. they admitted mom, and she was released Wednesday. She still having issues but not as bad. Oh yeah computer still out at home. Well with that said, it time to refocus.
    So I sign up for the local prostate 3k walk to help me get back into the groove. So starting today it back to the gym.:smile:
    I weight in at 247 so I am about the same. Which really surprise me because I have not been good at all.
    Hope everyone is doing good. I need to go back and read up to see whats been going on!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Proof that eating right and doing some activity does work, I am down 6.2 this week. Water is likely most of it. Went w/oldest son to college orientation and the lunch they served was tasty, but I had the most awful stomach cramps about 2 hrs later. :sick: Dh arrived home from Canada just as we were walking out the door. So, MY space, or should I say my routine will change a little...mostly in the cooking dept.

    Jacque ~ been missin ya girl. glad to hear from ya! hang in there. Life sure puts us to the test some times. take care.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Happy weekend team! Hope you all have a good one! Trying to keep my motivation going. It helps me to just read some of the 'success' stories on here. Another thing that has truly helped me is to log my food and exercise. It keeps me accountable. If I flub up and make terrible choices, it's documented. A good learning tool. When I look back the last few months, I realize that yes, I know what I wanted, but I was not doing what it takes. That simple. If I want to be a healthy 44 yr old, then I need to live like one. I think if (when) I get in that ugly funk again, the first thing I am gonna do is read the boards. It will hopefully trigger something and change my mindset. Those times are when I fail and go into hiding. I am hopeful for more better, positive days, weeks and months, but it all begins with one day!

    Make it count my friends. We will get's a journey, but it is ultimately your life! :heart:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    hi peppers:

    I wont be around much due to having my son with me all summer YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LW 158 CW 158 ..0 loss

    Hope everyone is doing good .. have a great weekend
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Well, I went up this week - Aunt Flow was around. Damn her....
    Right now, I'm at 169.8

    However, based on the Curves monthly measurement, I'm down a .8lb from last month and down .80% in body fat. The owner noticed I'm been going down in weight & body fat each month. Small loss but losses overall.

    So...... enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    good monday mornin' team.

    not a good weekend here with eating or gettin in some exercise. back at it today.

    megan ~ have a wonderful summer w/ds. take care and check in when time allows...we'll be thinking of you!
    jacque ~ how's things going down your way? hope you're having better days!
    barb ~ congrats on the numbers! slow and steady wins here! my visitor will be around next week sometime....

    hi to everyone else! anyone interested in an exercise challenge? I do so much better when someone gives us orders!

    have a great day ladies....make it count!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's,
    Well cant say I have been totally good. No exercise but watching calories. I am trying to lower my in take this week too 1200 and not doing much exercise. I need to get the calories under control first, plus I do a lot of running around. About 2am this morning I come down either with horrible allergies or a cold.

    Well hope everyone is doing well and keeping on track. Check back later :bigsmile:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Good morning all!
    Well did alot this weekend, ate some, two parties but did alot of walking and swimming so I hope it evened out. Mom is out of the hospital but still fighting blood sugar problems but seemed a little better yesterday. Kid well they r kids, what else can I say.
    Ok Did not get up and go to gym like I wanted, so got to go tonight. Need to start walking everyday for Prostate walk on the 19th. Also plan to swim tonight at moms if the weather holds.
    Hope everyone is having a good day.
    Goals Today :
    1. drink water
    2. go to gym
    3. record all food intake
    4. go swimming its part of my me time
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hey do we want to recruit again and start challeges again? I kinda agree with Kelly about the orders thing. I will try to come up with a challege for us all to see if that can help with motivation
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Here's the plan I set myself for the next fitness test in May 2011.

    Lose 2lbs per month now until Apr 2011. (Um, so far, this one isn't working).

    For running, each month has a distance goal and number of times to run that goal.
    For push-ups, each month has a number goal and number of times to do that goal.
    For sit-ups, each month has a number goal and number of times to do that goal.
    As a minimum once a week, I need to run, push-ups, sit-ups. This is in addition to Curves, in addition to walking dog, etc etc.

    In Feb 2011, the mileage drops and the push-ups/sit-ups drop but I'm doing as a minimum 2x a week.
    In addition to Curves, in addition to walk dog, etc etc.

    So my June goals are 1.5 mile run, 20 push ups (in one minute) and 30 sit ups (in one minute).
    My July goals are 2.0 mile run, no change in push ups or sit ups.
    August to January, no change in mileage but the push-ups and sit-ups increase every 8 weeks.

    The overall hope is by May 2011, I'll be 20-24lbs less, a 35.5" waist or less, able to run 9.0 minute mile and be able to do 40 push-ups in 1 minute, 45 sit-ups in 1 minute. Then my fitness score would be from current 77 (passing is 75) to projected 90+ (100 is top score). The biggest concern is waist... If not 35.5" or less I fail the entire test.

    It's all in an excel spreadsheet, I'll gladly share to whoever is interested in tailoring to their needs.

  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    cool Barb ~ l LOVE IT! I'd love to peek at your chart.....anything to get me motivated and focused! On May 28, I made a chart for that I need to record on daily. It is tracking these stats : what day of my *cycle* I am on, sleep hrs, floss & rinse (teeth :bigsmile: ), meds, fish oil & flax, b/p & pulse, inches (monthly), calories: consumed & earned > exercise. My blood pressure and pulse have already dropped in 11 days! I have goal wts set for 5, 10, 15 & 19 % (percent) AND, 10,15, 20, 25, 30 & 35 POUNDS. I want to be at 160 lbs on Feb 28, 2011. I realize @ 5'4" this still has me over wt and a BMI of 27. But I think this will be a livable wt for me. Gosh, to think I was within 14 lbs last Fall. :frown: I too would love for my waist to get under 35". The closest I got was just over a yr ago, 35.75 "....and that was at 188 lbs! But, guess what I was doing? a 45 minute walk/jog! I swear jogging and running helps me lose wt faster! So, I am thinking that at 160 lbs, my waist will be much smaller.....IF I am ** jogging **! Ohhhhh, the numbers. I think what you have set for yourself is me encouragement! I have no doubt that all of us can reach our goals and desires to live happy, healthier lives. We just have to believe in ourselves and never give up....even if we have a bad day, weekend, week or month! This journey is a lesson for all of us. GO SHGP's! :flowerforyou:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Hey all! Sorry that I was MIA this weekend had my huge Relay for life thing! we raised ALOT of $$ and I walked a total of 20 MILES! I amazed my self! so very proud! walked from 630 pm till 8 am with only a few breaks! Killed me feet LOL but staying off them a little today!
    Behind my house there is a grey whale that has been trying to beach himself for a few days to die... I guess that they try to find a god beach when it is time to die, and he was close enough to me yesterday that if I reached out I could have touched him! It is amazing and made me have a better out look on life ! Happy to go to free skate tonight with the kids!
    Will check in later!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey SHgreen pepper's everyone doing? been dealing with the hungry pms hag the last few days. wow, pretty bad this time around. salt & sugar, and tons of it..... can't seem to satisfy her. so, planned my meals on here and will try my best to stick to it. one thing I am looking forward to is my workouts today. will be with Mia on the ball workout then a 45 minute walk/jog. otherwise, doing house chores here.

    jacque ~ I am fine with a recruit and ANY challenge you post is needed! bring it!
    vita ~ the relay for life sounds like a huge success! ** CONGRATS ** awww, the little whale story breaks my heart. I did not realize how close you lived to the ocean! I'm jealous!

    have a great day gang! you can do this. Just remember why you are here!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    I don't believe this --- some guy in the building asked if I was pregnant!
    Ok, I will admit, I would like to have a child w/Dave. (The 3 I have are from my first marriage). However, that's another story.

    Some of you know I wear a military uniform -- which isn't flattering. And I started to wear a "sweat belt" under my uniform. It's one of those wasit trimming/exercise belts. It's working for Dave, so I thought I would try.

    Perhaps this guy thought since there was 3 pregnant women in my office in the spring, now we have 2 pregnant women - one due early fall, other in Jan 2011. Also in the building are two additional pregnant women. So this guy must have thought I'm just joining the mommy to be trend in my building.

    At least I don't think I look pregnant in my uniform..... naked I could agree, I look a little pregnant but the guy who made the comment isn't seeing me naked. Then again, maybe he wants to see me naked since he only sees me in my uniform.

    So let me keep this mindset what man wouldn't want me. Because this digital pattern uniform is sooo sexy..... add the green boots, oh yeah.... let's not forget the granny bun hairstyle..... And let me tell you there's a regulation on what color nailpolish you can wear.

    Ok, my laugh time is over....! Here's wishing you don't hear "are you pregnant?" day!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Barb...oh, you sexy thang! now, the green boots might capture my attention! lol, hey, my dh told me once that when he was in hs, that he and all of his (guy) friends used to visualize seeing women naked, through clothing. like they would be sitting there in the classroom and pretend they were undressing a, I guess this might still occur, at any age? WHO KNOWS? kind of sickening I'll say....

    I carry most of my wt in my upper body, mainly my belly and chest....and yes, I have been asked the same my in laws! they have always been outspoken to me, dh, and our sons about gaining wt, losing wt, eating too much, or too little. we can't win. they themselves are over wt in their elder yrs. you just never know what people are going to say. I know I say mean, cruel things to myself about myself, and I know some of the things I think are other peoples thoughts too about...but not always spoken. ppl can be so thoughtless before speaking....

    You should have said...."My OB once said he never assumes a woman is pregnant until he sees a head coming out. You should do the same!"

    I prob would have responded, Um, I'm 18 yrs un-pregnant and I like to eat. :bigsmile:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    I like that line.... will try to remember.... should practice stating ...
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey all.....hope you're having an awesome day. so the last 4 days have not been very good. eating w/pms queen. I think I am gonna put a very huge mark on my frig calendar the days in my cycle this occurs. wow, damage. no control. here's to a new day with a pack of gum for non-eating moments.

    take care team.:flowerforyou:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member