
So I am a little baffled on the Calories ate to calories burned ratio. If you consume 1650 calories per day how many Calories should you burn or attempt to burn during work outs daily?
I still have over 100+ pounds I would like to lose, and I am trying to maximize my workouts.


  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    How did you decided on 1650 for your calorie intake? If MFP gave you 1650 then you eat back any calories you burn through exercise. Another option is to figure out your TDEE and go from there. I figured out my TDEE (taking into consideration my exercise) and then subtracted 20% to get my daily calorie intake. Since I used the TDEE method I do not eat back my exercise calories.
  • Following_Heather
    Following_Heather Posts: 11 Member
    Yes I got the 1650 through MFP. I don't want to eat back any calories like extra calories earned. So say I’ve ate Breakfast Lunch and Dinner and I eat my allotted 1650 and I’m going to the gym after dinner. How many should I attempt to burn since I have consumed my daily intake of calories.
  • mryak750
    mryak750 Posts: 198 Member
    Try not to focus on the amount of cals you burn, just the quality of the exercise chosen...with 1650 alone you should lose is the key
  • tcraw15
    tcraw15 Posts: 223 Member
    Well, it depends on how you look at it.. If you base your calories on MFP, then you need to eat your calories back. If you base them off TDEE, then you don't.

    So for example, my TDEE says I need to eat 2600 to maintain, and my BMR is 1675 (rounding numbers here). Now, in order for me to lose 1-2 lbs a week, I would subtract 500-1000 from my TDEE a day. So 2 lbs would put me at 1600 calories for the day. So that would be what MFP tells me to intake..

    So for you, MFP allots you 1650. That's ALREADY with a deficit. So if you eat 1650, and exercise, burning off more, your net calories would be under 1650.. And in my own opinion, eating under that, let alone your BMR, isn't a good idea. You (generally speaking) want to lose weight, you should do it the healthy way. You can eat your exercise calories back and still lose weight, girl! If you decide not to eat back your calories, you may end up with more problems, so fuel that body! :smile:

    Anyway, I hope that makes sense.