Soda cravings.

I'm just wondering if anyone has any tips for fixing the soda cravings? (My favorite sodas are Ale-8 and Pepsi.)
Are there any juices or other beverages that you substitute for soda that are a healthy alternative?


  • DezPride
    DezPride Posts: 1
    I really enjoy my sodas as well. Besides the obvious (Water,) Crystal light makes a great drink mix as well. If you often drink from bottled water, Ocean Spray has a few "add to water mixes" that taste just as good as their fruit juice. If adding to water isn't what you are looking for, I have recently been trying a tip from a friend where I use regualr juices or sweet teas (etc.) and make half the glass water. It still tastes like the original drink but less calories, sugar, etc. I hope you find some of these useful. Certain sodas are also making lower calorie options, A&W 10, has only ten calories per 8 oz. However, I don't know what the sugar is.
  • phocid
    phocid Posts: 85 Member
    If you have access to Dry Soda - those are great. My favorites are the cucumber and the vanilla bean. They're very low cal and help get your "fizzy fix."
  • Cheeky_0102
    Cheeky_0102 Posts: 408 Member
    I just quit them cold turkey and don't pretend that I can have my cake and eat it too.

    I drink water or milk (not really milk). When people come to my house, I offer them water or milk...

    I also buy beer and drink coffee and tea. I just decided at some point I don't want to drink my calories, and it's not worth it.
  • Megs081211
    Megs081211 Posts: 150
    I haven't found anything yet. People tell me it's the caffiene so have you tried something else with caffiene. For me it's the carbonation, and they have the fizzy water (but I don't like them too much). I tried having a soda the other day and all I could taste was syrup even though it tasted the way it always has.