Anyone experience INSANITY related injuries?



  • brentbarrie
    brentbarrie Posts: 532 Member
    After resting my knees and not working out since my last post, I finally went to the doctor yesterday. He told me that I overworked my knees and that I need to rest them indefinitely. He put me on 5 days of anti-inflammatory meds and told me that if they aren't better by then that we might try steroid injections. He didn't do any x-rays but he felt around my knee and moved/bent my leg in different ways. He said the acl/mcl, etc is still fine. I explained to him how they feel and I think its a little more than just being overworked.

    I always feel pressure in the back of my knee, like when you press on a pressure point and it gets all funny feeling. When I squat down or walk up stairs, or bend my knee up to almost 90 degrees it feels like there is a bruise and something is pressing/rubbing up against it. Sometimes it feels like a stabbing pain. When I'm walking around normally it doesn't hurt but I always feel pressure inside the knee. Sometimes it catches and sometimes I get sharp pains when I'm walking, and sometimes it feels like my knee is being twisted but its not.
  • kimberlyannearmstrong
    brentbarrie - I am feeling the exact same thing as you... except it also feels tender when I touch the lower part of my knee / upper shin. I also started feeling the pain about 4 days into month 2. Im seeing the Sports Chiro this week. In the meantime, I've put the program on pause (which upsets me more than the knee pain, I was so committed!)
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    brentbarrie - I am feeling the exact same thing as you... except it also feels tender when I touch the lower part of my knee / upper shin. I also started feeling the pain about 4 days into month 2. Im seeing the Sports Chiro this week. In the meantime, I've put the program on pause (which upsets me more than the knee pain, I was so committed!)

    This is pretty common and it's why the program is not endorsed by the American Council on Exercise. It's highly unsafe and injury prone.
  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    I started having more pain during core cardio and balance in my ankle/lower calf....i bought new shoes, it helped. Not sure if this is something that would be an option. Hope it feels better soon.
  • jodyb23
    jodyb23 Posts: 101 Member
    me knees really bothered me the first week, i had to ice them and take ibuprofen. I switched to doing it barefoot and haven't had any pain since. I know this isn't the best way either, but it's what works for me. I also quit doing those high jumps those are what were killer on my knees so i jump but with out getting my knees above my hips so that land isn't so hard. I've only completed month 1 though so month 2 could be a whole different story.
  • honey_bee_keysha
    honey_bee_keysha Posts: 773 Member
    I pulled a muscle in my thigh and had to rest up for a while. I tried doing it a few days ago but decided against it. It's way too hard on my knees.
  • OMG_Twinkies
    OMG_Twinkies Posts: 215 Member
    I tripped over my cat during globe jumps. I blame Shaun T.
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    Excellent advice from all. I am definitely a proponent of listening to my body, and that's why I have stopped for at least the next few days. I may try and do insanity 3x/week and 3x/week other exercises. My boyfriend is trying to get me to do an at home wight training routine but videos help motivate me believe it or not!

    This is not listening to your body. You won't heal on three days of plyo a week. Insanity is fun, but it was never meant to be a long term fitness solution. It's time to move on. It's going to be hard to get motivated by videos during the 6 weeks your ankle is going to be in a splint and the 8 weeks of rehab after, just sayin

    ^^^He is absolutely right. Do not do plyo every day, or even 3x's a week. your body needs more time than that to heal. You might end up seriously injured.

    I think you should try out the strength training routine. i'm curious, is it heavy lifting? does your bf have a home gym set up?
  • nicoledfinn
    nicoledfinn Posts: 40 Member
    Try slim in 6! It is low impact, I have a calf strain from the gym, so attempting slim in 6, so far so good after day 1 lol
  • mrspiggypink
    i broke my ankle doing insanity yesterday on day 5!! i just went over on it :( i am gutted as i need a beach body in 8 months! it is my fault not wearing the right trainers!
  • maryjaquiss
    maryjaquiss Posts: 307 Member
    I had pretty bad foot pain from Insanity. Possibly from the shoes I was wearing, though I doubt it - I am pretty fussy about my footwear and was using supportive shoes. Never had it running or with any other exercise DVD, so I've given up on it.
  • brettcurtain1971
    Hi there, I took the insanity challenge and I am at day 32, going well and strong, I was already fit but this is just a new level I havent been at for a while, anyway anyone wanting to start insanity should consider a few things,
    1. be reasonably fit first,
    2. good shoes is a must
    3. the most important and don't make the same mistake I made and worked out for the first 3 weeks on tiles, 3 injuries later, 2 CALFS and 1 QUAD, alot of ice and anti-inflammitorys but pushed through, I got gym mats, solved the problem, I cant stress how important mats are.
    4. commit and know this YOU WILL GET RESULTS, just tough out the first week and its all good,
    5. just because your exercising madly, good healthy food and serious protien for recovery otherwise this is just going to slow the results down
    6. Dont go at there pace at first just push pause for an extra 15 seconds if you have to, you have to get the heart rate down before starting up again, this interval training, great cardio will come to you
    7. Good form is a must, I have watched so many videos on you tube of people doing insanity with complete and utter poor form, this is only cheating yourself, put a mirror up in front of you if you have to and check your form, its not about looking at yourself and loving yourself its about form, even shaun T says this so many times.
    8.enjoy insanity and spread the word
  • Trueray
    Trueray Posts: 1,189 Member
    Did insanity back to back for a year and Dr said i lost mostly all my cartilage in my left knees which resulted in my knee pains but now i took about 4 months of and my knee is slowly getting stronger and better.

    So I would take breaks between rounds at least a month. So two months of insanity then one month break then repeat.
  • Steffani911
    Steffani911 Posts: 196 Member
    I can't do it. I can't take all the impact on my knees. I have done the 12 discs from JMBR, I run, and I lift heavy, but I can't do Insanity without serious leg pain.
  • Crochette2
    I got plantar fasciitis after doing 2 weeks of insanity, I had to stop doing it, I'm almost on the 3rd month without jumping, I'm following my Doctor's advice, but as soon as I try to jump again, my plantar start hurting so bad, I almost finish my P90X second round, feeling good
  • writergrlrox
    writergrlrox Posts: 16 Member
    I hurt my knees a lot while doing insanity. I had only two weeks left when I quit the program because I couldn't handle the pressure with a new job. The heat spray for sports injuries that I got from the supermarket totally worked for me.
    I was doing my squats right. I think the jumping part of the workouts were totally off. They were making me woozy so I didn't give them my all.
    hope this helps. good luck.
  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    My insanity has caused me injuries on more than one occasion.

    But the doctors have changed my medication, and I'm doing much better now.

    I can't decide what's louder.......the sound of my internal laughter or the sound of crickets.
    It's both a good and a bad joke at the same time.
  • onandoff
    onandoff Posts: 122 Member
    Insanity is tough on the joints because there's so much plyometrics in most of the workouts. It is not meant to be done all year round and whoever does this is prone to longtime injuries.
    I did it only once, barefoot, no problems to make me stop but I did felt pressure at one of my knees after the first weeks, so I took care not to exagerate my jumps and take it slowly when I felt the body needs it. Although it's a program that gave me results, will not do it more than once a year, just to be cautious.
    I remember I had this reaction at JillianM's BanishFat too, which also uses a lot of plyo.
  • burbacka1132
    burbacka1132 Posts: 19 Member
    It all felt good until 2 weeks in...and my right knee started feeling sore. I'm not one with knee problems and I'm a marathon runner. Granted, my knees take a beating on those super long runs, but generally speaking I don't have knee issues and I haven't been training or running long distances at all this year.

    I took a break from Insanity and after 2 weeks my knee issues went away. I really like the Insanity workout and I think its really fun...but I think a little too high impact for me. I don't have any issues doing lower-impact workouts like 30 Day Shred.
  • kdubby22
    kdubby22 Posts: 13 Member
    Insanity is a form of HIIT-High Intensity Interval Training. And unfortunately, this form of HIIT is notorious for causing knee-related injuries. It happened to me, and honestly it's never a good idea to keep performing that kind of exercise if it causes pain or injury.

    If you like that kind of workout without the risky injuries, research HIIT more. You'll find more relieving workouts with equal, if not better, results! :)