A calorie is a calorie and you lose weight??



  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    When I started out I just counted calories, no matter what I ate as long as I stayed within my calories I was fine.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    In theory sure if you eat fewer calories than you need you will lose weight. The problem is it's very difficult to eat fewer calories in junk food, because if that is the bulk of what you eat you will feel very hungry when you just cut calories from that and don't add volume to your diet. So, my advice would be eat more fiber. And if you don't get much protein add more protein to your diet and go with a modest calorie cut and move more to create extra in your calorie deficit so you don't have to feel deprived and hungry.
  • LouLoulost
    LouLoulost Posts: 181 Member
    For me it's a mix. The first goal is to meet my nutritional needs from actual food as much as possible while not significantly exceeding my set calorie level (1500), so I need to eat mostly "good", nutrient dense food. I have an idea what proportions I want for my macros, but I don't dwell on it too much, even if I'm way off some days. I don't have any foods that trigger bingeing (that I know of), so that's not a worry for me, but could be a consideration for food choices where that's a problem. I eat what I want, but do it mindfully. I was offered a Reese's PB ice cream cup this afternoon at work, considered the cost/benefit and decided the calorie hit wasn't worth the brief potential pleasure.

    I agree when I just stayed within calories and didn't pay attention to the nutritional values I started maintaining. so now I make my calories count I agree pb cup cost me too much for the small satisfaction . My quote I try to live by Wake up with determination , got to bed with satisfaction:happy:
  • niightwindz
    niightwindz Posts: 64 Member
    I track mainly calories. I try not to go over in carbs or sodium though. The majority of sugar I have is from fresh fruit so I don't bother tracking it anymore; I track fiber instead.
  • runlilyrun
    runlilyrun Posts: 140
    I focus first on calories and then on protein. The other macros I don't really bother with - though I need to find out what my protein macro ought to be.

    Most days now I'm hitting or nearly hitting my protein goal, which is good.
  • ChanceTakr2131
    I ended up developing an eating disorder by obsessing over the calories. Now I just try to eat at least 80% healthy, and work out often. It's so much more freeing than worrying about calories all the time.
  • amandapye78
    amandapye78 Posts: 820 Member
    A calorie deficit is all you need to lose weight, but in order to be healthy you need to watch nutrition.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    You can go and eat a big mac and fries (for example) or you could eat lots of healthy foods and get more to eat over the day.

    If you go with the fast food you will be increasing sugar/sodium etc, but you will remain in your calorie goal if you eat around those goals with the rest of you food.

    I eat loads of food, but steer clear of fast food/processed foods. But that is what works for me, everyone is different
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    I eat healthy and stay under. But of course it is more important to me to be healthy!
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    I try to make healthier food choices these days as I worry that when I move to maintaining I'll just regain the weight as I won't have learnt to eat properly. That doesn't mean I go without a bit of chocolate and junk food but it means I no longer have days where I stay under my cals but only eat chocolate all day lol. I also feel like its important to keep an eye on carbs, fats ect as I put on weight if I don't limit carbs a bit and as a vegetarian I struggle to get enough protein.
  • MandyJokl
    MandyJokl Posts: 26 Member
    I think it depends on what you want out of your diet. To begin with I ate what I wanted and just counted the calories. Once I'd lost three stone (42lbs) I joined a gym. I found trying to exercise very tiring and I was exhausted. A friend at the gym went through some simple changes with me and now I eat a lot healthier 90% of the time. I have to have treats nearly every day. I just try to keep them small. Some days I have a total binge but I do notice a big difference the next day. I feel sluggish and bloated.
  • sammi674
    sammi674 Posts: 41
    Yes, it's true. Unless you have some sort of medical condition, if you stay within your calorie range you will lose weight. A guy lost weight by eating 1,200 calories a day in twinkies.

    Part of the reason you want to eat healthy, is because it is much easy to stick to your calorie target when you're eating filling healthy food. Plus, you want to get your nutrients so that your hair doesn't start to fall out or something. But if you're good with moderation, you should definitely work some treats into your calorie budget on occasion.
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    I eat whatever I want in my calories. I definitely am not the most healthy eater, I do try to add in a touch more healthy things when I can. The only thing I really keep an eye on is sodium so if I am up on the scales I know it's sodium related not something else, but I tend to eat low sodium naturally (shockingly), except on weekends where i eat out/eat more. I have lost 30 pounds just fine!
  • squiggyflop
    squiggyflop Posts: 148 Member
    I only track calories. I am losing about 2lbs a week. I eat between 1200 and 1600 calories a day depending on what I felt like eating that day. I usually start the day with a green smoothie, then I eat whatever I feel like eating for the rest of the day. I do the smoothie because it keeps me full for a long time and satisfies my immediate need for food the moment I wake up.

    If I want pizza, I have pizza.
    If I want pudding, I eat pudding.
    If I want steak, I eat steak.