5 week Euro trip.. help!

Soo, I've been doing my routine of working out a couple days a week and eating pretty healthy for about 1.5 months. I'm leaving on Monday for a 5 week "backpacking" trip in Europe, although it won't be a lot of hard workouts. Maybe lots of walking around, but nothing like big hikes and I'm leaving my big backpack in the hostel where I'm staying at.

So with that said, I obviously want to enjoy Europe and the food and such, but not gain weight/fat back. I have a slow metabolism and I can gain weight easily unfortunately. Any tips? Lots of water and snacks to keep me full so I don't try to buy food? =\


  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    Enjoy the trip....why worry? You may never get back.

    Have fun.
  • Lunachic77
    Lunachic77 Posts: 434 Member
    Enjoy yourself. European food is amazing. Just make good choices. If it is fried or breaded...don't eat it. But lots of Euro cuisine has vegetables and fish prepared in a reasonable manner. I would even venture to say that Euro portion sizes are a lot more "realistic" than American sizes. Plus, they don't use as much processed foods in their cooking. I'm not sure which spots in Europe you will be going to, but enjoy the experience and I'm sure with all the hiking and walking around you will be doing, you will burn off quite a few calories anyway.
  • gaveupheart
    gaveupheart Posts: 48 Member
    I don't know why i'm worrying - I guess I'm so used to trying to lose weight and have been working so hard that when I come back, I'll just be back at square one and hate myself. =X But I think I'll enjoy myself.

    And it is true, I forgot that European portions are smaller.