hi from Newbie Tracy

I just joined 3 days ago so haven't done a weigh in yet but love the website and phone app. I'd love to use the message board to chat with other dieters. I've been gaining and losing weight my whole life. I was very skinny for about 8 years then gained 40 pounds, lost 20 and gained it back. I'd like to lose that weight again. 40 pounds might be too much so maybe 30 pounds. Right now if I could lose 5 I'd be very excited. Baby steps. I think this site will help a lot.


  • craziecritter
    craziecritter Posts: 202 Member
    Hello Tracy, I am new also and haven't been able to put a weigh in yet. Guess that will come next Thur. I too have struggled. My problem is that I was at my goal when I got married and now that I have been married 12 years I have gained 75 pounds! I guess I got comfortable. TOO comfortable. Now for health reasons this mass has got to go. Welcome!!
  • 365Primal
    365Primal Posts: 42 Member
    Welcome! I'm also new to MFP. Welcome to add me as a friend if you'd like.