Body Fat %- Realistic goal?

I went up to the University this week and had some testing done. RMR and Body Composition (Bod Pod- which was totally cool btw). I was pretty suprised and dissapointed to find I had 31.2% body fat! I've been much more active this year. I had been doing weight training and cardio 2 or 3 times a week (I know, not enough) from January to April and started working out 5 to 6 times a week since the begining of May. Basically- I thought the number would be much lower.

I'd like to set a goal to be down to a certain percentage by the next body comp. test (100 days) but I have no idea what would be realistic. Any suggestions?


  • KiriKiriKiri
    KiriKiriKiri Posts: 227 Member
    An "acceptable" range, is apparently 25%-31% for women our age... although there are many factors that play into key. Diet, height, weight, etc... I was able to drop mine down into the teens from a very high body fat percentage just about 7 months from eating clean, working out vigorously and loosing quite a bit of weight. Also genetics has quite a bit to do with it. I would not be disappointed with that number, but be proud of it!!! You have worked hard and THAT is something to be proud of :)