Night Shift!!

I just got home from working 230-11 and I am HUNGRY!! Any suggesitons on light fare that will keep the tummy from rumbling through the night??

PS I am proud of myself for NOT hitting up the drive thru! Yay me :) lol


  • sunshineshardz
    well cheerios and almond milk it was. Sleep time :)
  • surfergirlash
    usually something with protein and not too many carbs is good to keep your tummy from grumbling through your a scrambled egg, or pb on whole wheat toast. Cheerios and almond milk isn't too bad either!
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Well done for resisting the drive thru, that's an achievement in itself. Try tuna and ryvita, it always does the trick for me. Protein is the key. :smile: