


  • amybg1
    amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
    My mom smoked for a few years not heavily maybe 2-3 a day at most and she tried a few things to quit such as Champix and the like but they made her feel unwell. What she ended up doing was quitting cold-turkey. She has been smoke-free for a year.

    as far as the weight gain, you'll be able to get it off after the first bit...What happens is when you smoke your body burns calories trying to get rid of the toxic stuff you're putting in you. When you stop smoking it has no need to burn as many because there are no toxins of that nature entering your body so you gaina few, then your body normalizes and then you lose again
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I actually quit with Chantix two years ago. That stuff was like speed, and I actually dropped 10 lbs, of course I gained it back when I weaned off the Chantix.

    While it really was a living nightmare, I quit for good and haven't thought about picking a cigarette up again.

    Good luck OP! Quitting for good is the best feeling!
  • gavini
    gavini Posts: 248 Member
    I tried a couple of weeks ago. Made it 2 days and then caved. It sucks! I just finished my workout and after I log it, I head right outside for a smoke.

    i quit last week, 125 hours ago. going ok for the most part but the post workout time is really tough, closest i came to caving so far was after yoga on friday and then after my bike ride on sunday , just like you i will log my workout and then grab the smokes or if i am at a race i will have some water then hurry back to the car to have a couple cigarettes. it is like the only thing i can think about for the first 10 minutes after a workout.