Any UK Energy Food Suggestions?

tal202 Posts: 34 Member
I have never been great at the whole sleeping thing, and part of the reason I have piled on the lbs since February is because I have been going through a particularly bad spell of insomnia. I know through experience that this slows down your ability to burn calories, reduces your inclination to work out, and finally means that I personally end up comfort eating.

I have some sleeping tablets from the doctor but am obviously trying to monitor my useage as recommended. However, some days I just feel like a zombie I'm so exhausted. Today is one of those days. Does anyone have any suggestions for food that could give me a natural energy boost, exluding fruit? (I just don't like the stuff, unless it is in liquid form, but I am a veggie fan so tend to get my five a day through those means). I also don't like coffee so caffeine is ruled out too as a boost.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions! :smile:


  • mzmoonlight
    mzmoonlight Posts: 160
    I'm not sure about energy boosting foods, I personally would stay away from relying on food to give you the energy that sleep is zapping you of. I, too, suffer from chronic insomnia and it does put hurdles in front of you with weight loss but I havent let it hold me back. The drs keep giving me sleeping tablets but I have a history of not taking them, I get anxious about the side effects. What I do take is Nytol, which does work and doesnt leave me zombiefied the next day. They dont recommend long term use but I have spoken to my doctor about this who doesnt see a problem. If that doesnt work then I take melatonin but I have had to have that imported from america as they dont prescribe it here for insomnia. Lately I have been taking both together which works a treat.
  • SimonLondon
    SimonLondon Posts: 350
    As someone who has suffered from insomnia most of my life here's my take on it...

    You need to forget boosts and just eat healthy. The problem with boosts is that they are just that; a quick boost and then the comedown. I cured my insomnia by healthy eating and working out pretty much every day in the gym. The initial few weeks will be tough but your body will quickly adapt to the new lifestyle and the exercise will make you a lot more tired at night.

    I did the opposite in that I QUIT eating and drinking the boosts while my body adapted and that really helped me combat the insomnia. If possible you should do the exercise in the evenings so you are getting close to bed time when you finish the exercise.

    Because I now eat healthy and exercise a lot I have so much energy during the day it is amazing!
  • AnnieeR
    AnnieeR Posts: 229
    You may have already done this, but try to eliminate white (simple) carbs and sugar - I agree with Simon that boosts are quick fixes that will leave you feeling worse in the end. I tend to eat lunches that are mostly veg and protein - for example today I have rocket (arugula if you're in the US), chopped pepper, tomatoes, and chicken dressed in a tiny bit of olive oil, salt, and pepper. I find that keeps me going for longer and with more energy than things like sandwiches which make me crash in the late afternoon.....