Losing HALF my body weight!

TickledPurple Posts: 33 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone! I have 158lbs to lose, and have just lost my first 9 following the Rosemary Conley diet of 1200 calories every day. I'd love to get in touch with anyone who has similar amounts to lose (or less). I'm a married mum of 2 from UK :)


  • mzmoonlight
    mzmoonlight Posts: 160
    I had 120lbs to lose when I started, Ive lost 80-odd now and have another 40 still to go. My advice is stick with it, take it one pound at a time and you will be there before you know it. I do think 1200 calories is extremely low given how much you have to lose. When I started I was eating 1800 a day and now when counting calories I have 1400, before exercise. Well done on your 9lb loss.
  • dj_stevie_c
    dj_stevie_c Posts: 270
    Good luck! I've got a ton to lose as well and things are moving in the right direction. 1200 cals doesn't sound a great deal though, I started on 2070 and now down to 2000 and that appears to be working for me alongside the working out as well.
  • wiseg2
    wiseg2 Posts: 210 Member
    Hi, I still have about 140 lbs to lose. That's over half my body weight as well. I'll send you a friend request.
  • leadvocalchick
    leadvocalchick Posts: 59 Member
    Welcome! I too am looking to lose half my body weight!!! We're gonna do great!!! :laugh:
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Feel free to shoot me a friend request also... I dont have to lose quite 50% but its sure close (Doing the math its 40% for me). I started at around 250 last xmas(not here but on my quest to lose weight), my end goal is between 160-180. I have been on MFP for about 1 month and down 8lbs so far.
  • TickledPurple
    TickledPurple Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks everyone for your replies! Yes 1200 calories isn't a lot, but its only for the first 2 weeks, then 1400 a day for the following 2 weeks then it increases to whatever my BMR is to hopefully lose 2lbs a week. The restriction at the start is to help me lose a fair amount as a bit of 'thinspiration' and to keep me on track!
  • gregdr
    gregdr Posts: 1
    :noway: good luck with 1200 k cals a day you got will power, I am on 2030 but try to be 500 kcal under with exercise I have 170 lb to loose and it hurts but i am going to do it. good luck
  • TickledPurple
    TickledPurple Posts: 33 Member
    Actually the calories haven't been too bad as I eat them in lots of small meals and snacks - I'm having trouble with the 'low fat' part of the diet - I'm not allowed to eat anything over 5% fat total! Almost everything in my cupboards was WAY over this to start with!

    Good luck to you too gregdr... feel free to add me if you wish :)
  • Cynduck
    Cynduck Posts: 255 Member
    I'm with ya girl!

    I have a goal to be around 1200 but allow myself to go to the calories that MFP says I can have if I need it etc. In the past I didn't have trouble sticking to around 1200 most days if I was exercising. I eat better and a whole lot less if I am working out. I would have a hard time with the 5% fat total. Does that leave you many choices?
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    Hi there:

    We weigh almost the same and like you, I'm working to lose 1/2 of myself, LITERALLY! :) Down 8 lbs! Would love to be "friends" for support!

    1200 seems extreme. The day after an intense gym day (I work out at night), I'm hungry and I would be starving with only 1200 cals! Right now I'm eating about 2100, but trying to calorie cycle a bit, so that my body doesn't get too "set".

    Lots of luck!

  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Welcome! I have a little over 100 to lose to get to my goal weight (though I should probably lose a little more than that... I'll decide when I get closer!). I am aiming to lose 1 pound a week and have calories of 1650 a day (plus exercise). I agree that 1200 seems a little low... but it just depends on your body too. I do think it is definitely possible to do, but if you aren't losing after a few weeks, I'd definitely bump up the calories a bit.
  • TickledPurple
    TickledPurple Posts: 33 Member
    I'm lucky that I have found a great website that gives me recipes and shows videos of a chef making them to try out! I also have a book with lots of menu suggestions in it.... there are even low fat cakes in there!

    I have found lately that I'm living on the 'pasta' suggestions in the book, fills me up for longer and with some chicken and lots of salad too its really very yummy. A friend of mine keeps telling me off for eating pasta as she says I should avoid carbs but I have lost 9lbs this week and she has gained 2! So clearly my way is working better than hers!

    Hi Nina! Well done you for sticking with an exercise routine, I find that exercising seems to be the one thing I can't commit to. Every night I promise myself I'll actually exercise the next day - even if its just for 10 minutes but I rarely do! Unless you count housework of couse... I never seem to stop doing that!
  • CFaye
    CFaye Posts: 59
    Hi! Sorry, I am new to this site, and am having trouble finding but where do you find recipes at on here? or are you talking about another website you use for recipes? Thanks for your help! and Good luck!
  • TickledPurple
    TickledPurple Posts: 33 Member
    Hi, there is a recipe section of the forum, but I use another website...
    Everything there is under the 5% ruling and there are workout videos too plus lots of stuff on the psychological reasons behind your weight gain - if you like that sort of thing!
  • CFaye
    CFaye Posts: 59
    Awesome! Thank You!
  • thatcat61
    thatcat61 Posts: 7
    I just did the math to see if I still fit the scenario - and darn it, I still do. I started back in November when I reached an all-time high weight of 425. My diabetes, which the previous summer I had gotten under control by diet alone, was out of control, and I felt awful. This morning I was 344 lbs, so I've lost 81 total so far. I've hit a plateau a time or two, but it's been pretty steady. I was very sick in January/February (little wonder, as bad a shape as I was in) and between that and the unexpected death of my husband in March I think my weight loss was accelerated a bit.

    My biggest goal is to control my diabetes by diet, and not have to take medicine. The doctor knows I can do it and is giving me a chance to get it right. Losing weight just seems a by-product, albeit a happy one - of my goal. Seriously, giving up bread, rice, pasta and potatoes is pretty hard at first. After a while though it isn't such a big deal. My body just feels lighter inside, more alive. I'll allow myself to give in now and then but really after I have done so, I can feel the sluggish effect it gives me and the mood swing that seems to accompany it.

    I guess last time I had it in my head that once I lost the weight, I'd be "fixed". The thing I've come to realize this time around which gives me confidence it's going to stick is that really, I just had to change my life. Doing without doesn't really feel That bad and I have been finding things that really help smooth the way too. (Jello Dark Chocolate Decadence Mousse!) Then again in the past I've ended up stopping just short of losing 100 lbs - and this time I really do have to take it all the way. I hope being here with all of you helps me get past the "I've done enough, I'm good" phase.

    TP, I think you should do whatever works for Your body. I only cut the pasta because it spikes my sugar. I splurged a week or so ago and ate chinese with rice and darned if I didn't lose the most weight that week. Sometimes too much fasting can slow the metabolism. Got to give it something to push everything out. *g* If you haven't tried Dreamfields pasta you should. When I splurge, that is the one I use and frankly, I think its better than any other pasta I've had. OK, enough babbling - sorry! Cat
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