Anyone else seeing a new world?

sar00sh Posts: 14 Member
Hi everyone!
I am fairly new to the program and enjoying it so much!

I have had a life of fast food, over eating, and eating the wrong things. I decided that my 27th year would be different! I have done all the fad diets and I never got very far. Only good thing that came out of all that was all the things I learned. Really you have to take bits and pieces from many different things you have learn and apply them.

This program has allowed me to realize just how bad I have been eating and refocusing my eatting habits. I can now look at the grocery flyer and skip all the junk food and focus on the fresh meat, fruits, and veggies. I feel like a new world of food has opened to my eyes!

I am 27, no kids, generally happy, but... 270 pounds! I need to lose a bunch of weight and I would love it if you wanted to friend me and we can support each other!



  • MGwasp
    MGwasp Posts: 16
    I am a newbie too. It would be great to support each other.
  • sar00sh
    sar00sh Posts: 14 Member
    Every ounce of support helps! We can do it!!
  • stu1102
    stu1102 Posts: 129 Member
    This is a great app (Myfitness Pal), it really is life changing

    Like you, I saw what I was eating and have changed radically, consequently its mainly focussed on fresh veg, fruit and some meat

    I came across this maxim on the forum and like it a lot;

    'calories in / calories out" "eat less, move more"

    There are SO many inspiring stories on these forums, be inspired

    I'm not an expert in weight loss but I'm getting my weight down

    Feel free to send me a friend request

    Stu102 (UK)
  • jasmine1129
    jasmine1129 Posts: 38 Member
    I am pretty new too...well new again....but this time I am ready and focused! I could use all the support so anyone who would like to add me can. I am a great supporter also!
  • tasteoheavn
    tasteoheavn Posts: 47 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have found having friends here really help me to get through the tough times.