HELP HELP...the frustration is mounting!



  • nmiller0813
    nmiller0813 Posts: 109
    Can someone please look at my diary? I am having the same problem. I have also put up a blog!!!!
  • foxyv069
    foxyv069 Posts: 23
    Can someone please look at my diary? I am having the same problem. I have also put up a blog!!!!

    way too much sodium, increase protein, decrease carbs, quit eating out (the quality of the food we put in is just as important as the quantity) You also mayyyyyy be overestimating your calories burned. what do you do for a workout?
  • Jaykull
    Jaykull Posts: 2
    As you gaze at the stars you tend to miss the changes at your feet
  • natasa26ca
    natasa26ca Posts: 107 Member
    Can someone please look at my diary? I am having the same problem. I have also put up a blog!!!!

    Ok you are definately overeating. Your exercise colorie lost is seriously wrong. You should correct it. On the days when your exercise seems ok 200-400 cal lost your daily calorie limit seems to be around 1500-1600 which is fine but one the days where your exercise is messed up and it shows you lost 5000 calores, you seriously overeat up to 3000 calories a day.
    Just so you know, 3500 calories equals to one pound of fat.
    Make sure you eat around 1300-1500 every day no matter what your exercise has been like. Limit eating outside. Your sodium intake is really high which can prevent you from losing weight. Eat more fiber throught veggies and fruits and you should be ok

    You have some good days in there too and some where you are undereating. 1200 is lowest recomended calorie intake. It depens on how active you are throughout the day. Personally i intake 1200-1400 and i spend most of my day sitting. If you are active, 1200 might be really low for you.

    Play around your diet plan until you figured out what works best. Its all about trial and error until you find perfect plan.