Addicted to sugar - help!!

I've never posted before but I need some help to get motivated. At the beginning of the year I was in great shape, exercising 3 times a week and felt good.

My life changed a bit after that point and I started to put on weight, got bored of the gym and starting binging at the weekends. The result being that I've put on almost 20lbs!!

I quit the gym and joined a different exercise group which I absolutely love, I go 6 times a week and get much more out of it than I ever got from the gym but my problem now is food. I've become addicted to sweet foods and I can't stop. Every night I go to bed feeling sick from the amount of sugar I've eaten and vow that I'll start the next lunch time I'm out buying more chocolate.

An additional issue I have is that I have exams coming up and I'm using food as a stress outlet but then end up feeling worse for doing so (I know - I can hear my excuses even as I say them!)

I know that as soon as I ditch the sugar the weight will come off, I'm desperate to feel as good as I did at the beginning of the year and lose the 20lbs, but tomorrow just isn't coming.

Any suggestions anyone has to help me ditch my terrible habits would be really appreciated!!

I want to get back in my lovely clothes for the summer!


  • Zavier2012
    Zavier2012 Posts: 15
    Sugar is so evil! I have the same problem with
    sugar it feels like a never ending battle! The
    worst part is if you make yourself not have it
    you won't stop thinking about until you do. The best
    thing that has worked for me is trying to have enough
    willpower(easier said than done) make yourself
    go without for a wk yes you'll feel cranky and
    actually tired but after a week you'll notice you
    feel much better without it. The week without isn't
    The hardest part it's keeping yourself in check after.
    I recently started eating more sugar a few mts ago
    and have gained a few back and am feeling the
    sugar call all th time, so I am back to te beginning!
    good luck!!
  • genofreek
    genofreek Posts: 75
    Substitutes and moderation might help. I could never give up sweet things completely, but if it won't fit in my schedule and I really want it, I try to compromise. Dark chocolate (or maybe carob? didn't work for me but some swear by it), dried fruits, green tea with a little bit of honey. Diet sodas seem to be a lot better tasting these days too, or that might just be because I've gotten used to them.

    If you really need your sweets, then maybe try portioning ahead of time. Get little snack bags, divvy up your candy into smaller portions, and only take one to work/classes with you or wherever you're going. And be sure to log it so you hold yourself accountable! Wean yourself off them slowly if you need to, but try to make a little progress every day until your body stops nagging you so hard for sugar.

    I know it's not easy. It sucks not getting what you crave under stress; I'm exactly the same way and totally guilty of caving to some Jack in the Box recently after a fight with my SO. You just have to keep your goals in sight and learn to tell yourself no sometimes. Oh, and good luck with your finals. :)
  • It's so good to know I'm not the only one, thank you both for the advice. I'll give it my best shot and let you know how I get on!