im here to gain weight, is anyone else?

Im on a weight gain mission! I want to be much heavier, with good fats and muscle!
Feel free to add me if you are also trying to gain weight.

Ive been skinny my whole life and hated it! Finally at age 25 i gained a lot of bad weight and then i looked skinny fat :/ not cool

Ive since fixed that by going to the gym and completely changing my diet, ive lost 5 kilos but ive lost all the bad fat, so im happy with that

My goal is more curves!

Now its time to gain back good weight and im finding it hard!
Ive cut out all soft drinks, packaged foods, preservatives, red meat, sweets etc for over 6 months now

Any good snack ideas for piling on some good weight?

Im going to the gym about 3 times per week for weight training and light cardio

my measurements are 32"- 25"- 38" and currently 55 kilos


  • Ghomerzgirl
    Ghomerzgirl Posts: 67 Member
    I've been thin all my life as well and also trying to gain weight. I always hate when people tell me "I would love to be as skinny as you" Well what they don't realize is that being as skinny as I am, you still don't have the energy. (though health doesn't help my cause either) I'm 5ft 1in and currently 95 pounds. I have been as low as 79 pounds 7 years ago shortly after having my youngest son. Drs don't know why I have so much trouble, but most of my family is thin as well. I don't really go to the gym for weight training because of health problems but I try to do some dumb bell lifting at home with the help of my boyfriend. I'm glad I'm not the only one here who is struggling or wanting to gain weight rather than lose it.
