slippery slope

help guys.....i am def on a slippery slope to carnage here. i am a sugar addict and was travelling home from a night shift this morning and after eating junk through the night i stopped twice on the drive home for snacks. ....typeed in my calories and i am over by almost the hell am i gonna get through the day....will have to do two or three hours in the gym......dont think so!!!! does anyone just eat their recommended calories...1200...and save up all their exercise ones for days likes this or will that hinder the weight loss process??

hopefully i am bacvk on track now but with the bank holiday weekend ahead its not looking good..........


  • GingerSnark
    GingerSnark Posts: 153
    At least you acknowledge your on your way to a bad place. No one is going to stop you but yourself. You got to find the self control. Every so often your going to trip up but we all do. You go to get back on track though when you feel yourself slide down.

    You should bring healthy food/snacks w/ you to work the night shift & if you must stop on the way home, make it healthy snacks. Run into a grocery store & get some almonds or fruit. You've got to make the good choices for you & its not going to be easy. Just dig deep to find what motivates you.