can you give me advice ? (PICS)



Pics 3 months old, ive since lost around 5 kilos

Im trying to gain weight, im not happy with my size.. I would like to gain 5 kilos at least but also stay fit and only put on weight via good fats and muscle.
Im eating very well but struggling to put on weight, Im always under my daily calorie intake and im just not that hungry during the day. After i work out i have a protein drink and then im not hungry for a while.. :/

I would do anything to have much bigger thighs and *kitten*, even arms. Any advice?

Im doing weight training currently plus a little bit of cardio but im just losing weight not gaining :( I dont want to be skinny!

current weight.. 55kgs 32" 25" 38"

Im active and i dont want to gain more muscle in the top half of my body, i struggle with my legs and they are not very toned.
Should i just power on with my work outs and let my body sort itself out?
Or keep forcing myself to eat more and see what happens? :/


  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Eat more. Obvioulsy if you are still losing you have not found your maintenance level of calories so calculate your TDEE and eat 200 calories more per day - estimated gain of 1 pound about every three weeks or so.
  • Jacqueline86Chavez
    Jacqueline86Chavez Posts: 36 Member
    Eat more. Obvioulsy if you are still losing you have not found your maintenance level of calories so calculate your TDEE and eat 200 calories more per day - estimated gain of 1 pound about every three weeks or so.

    Thats the problem though, im struggling as it is just to maintain my weight as it is now, i find it hard to eat a lot, especially because i dont have a big appetite. Just wondering if there is anything in particular i could eat that can help me gain weight without needing to eat a huge meal with lots of food if you know what i mean. Just thinking about a big plate of food makes me not hungry. I like to eat simple meals with lots of raw vegetables
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Eat calorie dense stuff like peanut butter, cooking oils like olive oil and coconut oil, avocado, and nuts. You can also use natural sugars like honey, agave, etc. if your goal is to eat clean. A calorie is a calorie so I'd say load up on pizza and cookies.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Oh, and if you want bigger thighs do squats. I've gone up 1.75" on my thighs since I started lifting.
  • Jacqueline86Chavez
    Jacqueline86Chavez Posts: 36 Member
    Oh, and if you want bigger thighs do squats. I've gone up 1.75" on my thighs since I started lifting.

    Thanks heaps!
  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    Don't increase your calories by a big number as you will likely put on quite a bit of fat. Rather, take a slow approach called reverse dieting. This is a term used, primarily by physique athletes, to refer to a phase after their photoshoot or competition where they use 100ish calorie increments in their weekly calorie goals.

    For example, if your goal is 1400 calories stick to that this week
    Next week increase it to 1500 calories
    Next week 1600 calories
    Assess your progress and if you are happy with 1600 then stick to it, otherwise increase it again to 1700 and so on.

    This method will minimise fat gain.
  • koing
    koing Posts: 179 Member
    Squats and deadlifts for legs and bum.

    Food tips:
    2 scoops of protein per serving.
    Get *powdered oats* and add this in to your shakes as well. Start off with one serving of powdered oats in to one of your shakes. Stay with it for a week and see how you get on.

    Peanut butter is also a great builder. Just have a table spoon of it :)

  • Jacqueline86Chavez
    Jacqueline86Chavez Posts: 36 Member
    Don't increase your calories by a big number as you will likely put on quite a bit of fat. Rather, take a slow approach called reverse dieting. This is a term used, primarily by physique athletes, to refer to a phase after their photoshoot or competition where they use 100ish calorie increments in their weekly calorie goals.

    For example, if your goal is 1400 calories stick to that this week
    Next week increase it to 1500 calories
    Next week 1600 calories
    Assess your progress and if you are happy with 1600 then stick to it, otherwise increase it again to 1700 and so on.

    This method will minimise fat gain.

    :sad: :noway: :ohwell:

    Oh now :( i set my goal to 2270 calories per day and so far have been going over by 90 calories give or take
    I eat sooo healthy though, raw veggies, chicken, no sugar or soft drinks, no packaged, processed foods..
    Am i really going to gain bad fat like cellulite? Im exercising a lot and doing heavy weight training at the same time.

    now im worried..
  • It's okay, you probably haven't put on all that much fat. Jumping up your calories like that may put on some weight but mostly water as your body adjusts and some muscle if you're still weightlifting. With eating such healthy calories I doubt you've put on much fat at all. If you're still worried about fat gain you can jump back down and slowly come back up again. You should start feeling more hungry and find it easier to eat more as you progress.

    Also, cellulite is mostly genetic. Even at my thinnest I still had a bit on my thighs. You can minimize the appearance when you gain muscle if you already have some though. Rock those squats and dead lifts! Good luck!
  • Jacqueline86Chavez
    Jacqueline86Chavez Posts: 36 Member
    It's okay, you probably haven't put on all that much fat. Jumping up your calories like that may put on some weight but mostly water as your body adjusts and some muscle if you're still weightlifting. With eating such healthy calories I doubt you've put on much fat at all. If you're still worried about fat gain you can jump back down and slowly come back up again. You should start feeling more hungry and find it easier to eat more as you progress.

    Also, cellulite is mostly genetic. Even at my thinnest I still had a bit on my thighs. You can minimize the appearance when you gain muscle if you already have some though. Rock those squats and dead lifts! Good luck!
    Thanks heaps, i feel a bit better now haha amazing how un-motivated you can get by reading one tiny thing..
    Well ive being doing weighted step ups and squats roughly 16kilos to start and i can already notice a big improvement and id say almost all my cellulite is gone, and i had a lot for a skinny person.

    Im also feeling more hungry even though ive been eating more calories :) spot on
  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    Don't increase your calories by a big number as you will likely put on quite a bit of fat. Rather, take a slow approach called reverse dieting. This is a term used, primarily by physique athletes, to refer to a phase after their photoshoot or competition where they use 100ish calorie increments in their weekly calorie goals.

    For example, if your goal is 1400 calories stick to that this week
    Next week increase it to 1500 calories
    Next week 1600 calories
    Assess your progress and if you are happy with 1600 then stick to it, otherwise increase it again to 1700 and so on.

    This method will minimise fat gain.

    :sad: :noway: :ohwell:

    Oh now :( i set my goal to 2270 calories per day and so far have been going over by 90 calories give or take
    I eat sooo healthy though, raw veggies, chicken, no sugar or soft drinks, no packaged, processed foods..
    Am i really going to gain bad fat like cellulite? Im exercising a lot and doing heavy weight training at the same time.

    now im worried..

    Difficult question to be honest. The hormonal response from eating eating 100% clean food for the caloric surplus may be different in the long term than eating a caloric surplus from junk food. Bit in the short term (a few days) it won't be that different.

    I'm not a big fan of the scales, but in this situation assess your weight. If you feel bloated and/or the scale has gone up this may be water, as it's only been a short time.

    To re-iterate by first response. Increase your calories by 100 each week. This will minimise fat gain. This video will explain a little bit about it

    Realistically, you should be fine at the moment so relax! Also, cellulite is different for different women. A long term approach to reducing fat and cellulite, along with doing resistance training will help reduce it :)