tattoo and dad



  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    I only ever got one. It was a B-Day present from a tattoo artist friend. I was 17 at the time. (I'm about to turn 31 now). My mom took me to get it done. She doesn't have any, but my older brother was heavily tattooed by the time I went to get mine. She didn't seem thrilled, but she was supportive. Her advice to me: "Make sure it's something you can live with for the rest of your life."

    I followed that advice, and I still don't regret having it done. OP, if your art makes you happy, don't let your father's comments affect you. He'll have to get over it sooner or later. Probably later.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I don't like tattoos at all and I would probably be upset and disappointed if my kids got one (or two or more....), but they are adults now so it is their life, their business, and their bodies.

    I am lucky that neither of them cares for tattoos either, or maybe they are afraid that I will take their names out of the will...:laugh:
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Tell him first.

    If he overreacts, its on him.
  • tigerblood78
    tigerblood78 Posts: 417 Member
    My mother hates my tattoos. When I know she's going to find out, I usually wear something that allows her to just barely see part of it, so she knows something is there, and she will say something about it. Awkward....but its whatever.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    If it were me and it was my dad, I'd probably just wear pants to the Jack and Jill. I don't wan't a blow up to ruin the night, nor do I want to feel uneasy knowing dad is still pissed about it. Yes i realize that we are grown women yada yada yada but at the end of the day we're still our daddy's little girls :)
  • crenner07
    crenner07 Posts: 36
    I have two tattoos. My dad doesn't like tattoos in general, but he's okay with mine. The first reason is that I'm an adult and I made a decision to get them. The second is I was able to explain my reasoning behind the two I have. The first one is a Celtic knot standing for friendship, love and fidelity. The second is a quote from a book that he read me as a child that has become a personal motto for me over the years.
    I told my parents about the first one before we went on a family vacation where I knew they would see it. They didn't get mad about it, except for the fact that I'd kept it a secret for six months. The second one I honestly didn't even think to tell them about. I didn't tell them when I got my ears pierced for a second hole in high school. But, my dad's not the kind of person to take a decision I made about me personally. If you think it's going to be an issue that would impact the rest of the night, either tell him ahead of time or wear pants and deal with it another time.'s an amazing tattoo.
  • maiaroman18
    maiaroman18 Posts: 460 Member
    My dad has a tattoo on his forearm from the military, but doesn't like them; he gave my older brother **** for his tattoos and piercings.

    I remember when he found out I had gotten a tattoo and my tongue pierced when I was 18 (I didn't live at home). I never heard the end of it, and I let him make me feel bad for expressing myself. When I was 21, I had gotten my eyebrow pierced and two more tattoos. First time I saw him I said "I got two tattoos and my eyebrow pierced. You can hate it, hut it's my body and I don't need your approval." He was speechless that I stood up to him. 7 tattoos and many piercings later, not a peep from him.

    I would just tell him beforehand, and then showcase it. There's no reason you should have to conform. There's also no reason anyone should ever let you feel bad for being you. Ever.

    ETA: I love that tattoo; it's an amazing piece of artwork!
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    My dad has a tattoo on his forearm from the military, but doesn't like them; he gave my older brother **** for his tattoos and piercings.

    I remember when he found out I had gotten a tattoo and my tongue pierced when I was 18 (I didn't live at home). I never heard the end of it, and I let him make me feel bad for expressing myself. When I was 21, I had gotten my eyebrow pierced and two more tattoos. First time I saw him I said "I got two tattoos and my eyebrow pierced. You can hate it, hut it's my body and I don't need your approval." He was speechless that I stood up to him. 7 tattoos and many piercings later, not a peep from him.

    I would just tell him beforehand, and then showcase it. There's no reason you should have to conform. There's also no reason anyone should ever let you feel bad for being you. Ever.

    ETA: I love that tattoo; it's an amazing piece of artwork!

    thank you, and thank you to everyone!

    I have decided I am just going to show up with it. I know I am waffling back and forth here, but my reason is that

    1. He found out about my first tattoo, ankle (cute little fish) on accident, my pants were too short. He was livid!
    2. My second tattoo is on my ribs and he still doesn't know about, and has no need to find out lol
    3. My third tattoo is a butterfly on my arm, I don't even remember when I told him about it. I may not have. I think he found out in front of one of his girlfriends.
    4. I got a larger piece on my back shoulder a month or so before his wedding. I told him ahead of time, just because I didn't want to ruin his wedding feelings ya know. I was going to wear a dress and wanted to brace him for the sight of it and not be surprised.
    5. I got my mermaid-doesn't know. I got it a year ago.
    6. I got a cupcake, and I don't even care if he sees it!

    So, I am just gonna show up. I am an adult. If he wants to be mad, I will just leave for a bit to cool my jets and come back. I also don't want to allow him to think that he has any control over me. If I tell him early, I think he will use the consideration as a way to make me feel like crap about it.

    i will let you all know how it goes. It is Saturday. And I've got a super sexy dress for it!
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    and thanks for the compliments on the tattoo. I love her so much. I just need to get the piece finished. It was a 6 hr session so I couldn't even finish her hair. Then, my artists shop was only open for like 5 more months (I took my time going back because of the pain and $) and she moved shop to Windsor. Last I heard she was ripping off deposits and her whole web presence is gone (website deleted, facebook deleted, etc.). Super bummed because I was in LOVE with her artwork.

    if anyone is interested,
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    feeling so stressed about this still. It is on Saturday. ugh.
  • mustang289
    mustang289 Posts: 299 Member
    Setting aside the facts of you being a grown woman, and the tattoos are artwork you've chosen, and they are becoming more and more accepted in society...all those points being true but I don't think those are the issue.

    The issue may be in your father's old-fashioned way of thinking. He may be disappointed in himself for not creating within you the same values he has. Seeing your art in person reminds him of how far the apple has fallen from the tree. Again, not saying his values are wrong or right, but they are a part of him.

    Going your own direction is one thing, but going out of your way to show it publicly in front of him when you could just as easily go along with his wishes and cover up for a day....well I guess sometimes you should just go along to get along.

    Have fun at your event, and I hope you follow up and let us all know how your day was.
  • amandapye78
    amandapye78 Posts: 820 Member
    I don't really like tattoos, but I don't judge what anyone else does. I just wouldn't want anything permanent on my body. I am afraid of the commitment. If my kids get them I will be supportive.
  • piratesaregrand
    piratesaregrand Posts: 356 Member
    my mum hates mine. she knows of 2, i have 4.

    i really wish i could show her the latest, but she will never understand :(
  • LMT2012
    LMT2012 Posts: 697 Member
    Beautiful tatt. Hey, I am OLD and I still wear sleeves so my mommy doesn't see the giant, full-color thing i got 4 years ago on my upper arm. Not scared. Just don't wanna hear it. The simple existence of that tattoo means that you made your decision and it was more important to have it than to keep your dad calm. Have the courage of your conviction.
    and what the hell is a Jack and Jill?
  • usmc01462
    usmc01462 Posts: 1,944 Member
    Yeah I dont like tattoo's either....I would wait until after the jack n jill if you can cover them why make it a nightmare.. I have some pin ups that are very graphic that i have to cover up if im at the beach
  • usmc01462
    usmc01462 Posts: 1,944 Member
    awsome tattoo. pretty sick
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    Beautiful tatt. Hey, I am OLD and I still wear sleeves so my mommy doesn't see the giant, full-color thing i got 4 years ago on my upper arm. Not scared. Just don't wanna hear it. The simple existence of that tattoo means that you made your decision and it was more important to have it than to keep your dad calm. Have the courage of your conviction.
    and what the hell is a Jack and Jill?

    it is a co-shower.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    My FIL hates tats so much that he actually put in his will that if either one of my 2 kids (they are 7 and 3) are inked at the time of his death they will never see a dime of his money! NO LIE! He's very wealthy and gives me crap about my 1 small tat on my ankle which is a paw print the size of a quarter! He's actually going to say that a doctor must inspect their bodies before they get any of his wealth after he dies! Crazy huh? So hopefully they will be ink free when he dies and then use his money to get one if they prefer.

    But my husband hates them also and almost divorced me when I got mine about 10 years ago!:noway:
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    My FIL hates tats so much that he actually put in his will that if either one of my 2 kids (they are 7 and 3) are inked at the time of his death they will never see a dime of his money! NO LIE! He's very wealthy and gives me crap about my 1 small tat on my ankle which is a paw print the size of a quarter! He's actually going to say that a doctor must inspect their bodies before they get any of his wealth after he dies! Crazy huh? So hopefully they will be ink free when he dies and then use his money to get one if they prefer.

    But my husband hates them also and almost divorced me when I got mine about 10 years ago!:noway:

    OMG lol, that's nuts!!!!

    I personally never had had a tattoo nor piercings and have no interest in it because of needles and a fear of regret. I think you should tell him before or cover it up as much as possible, even just with stockings, out of respect. You will never have his approval and there are things that you probably will never approve your children or anyone else of doing. It's just a matter of making it as peaceful as possible like you were saying... Showing up with it with no notice will be very shocking and not so peaceful I'm sure! Good luck!!!!
  • nhouse3417
    nhouse3417 Posts: 105
    I would just show up with it. Granted my dad doesnt care. Well I dont know if he does or not. He does not have any tattoos. I got my first one when I was 16, and I dont think he knows about that one and I am 28. My second one I got when I was 18 and I know he has seen it, but maybe 4 years ago? He never said a word to me about either of them.

    My MIL on the otherhand will give you the silent treatment... Well I am not sure if she would do it to me, but her daughter she didnt talk to for 2 weeks because she got a tattoo, and did it with each of her other ones too. Her son (my husband) she doesnt really go to that extreme. It is strange that she does that, I dont understand it, but that is what happens. I am going to be getting another in a few weeks and I dont plan to say a word about it to her, but I dont plan to hide it either so we will see if she gets mad at me as well though I am not her child I have been part of their family for over 10 years now...