Can 7lbs make this much of a difference?!

I am 5'4" medium framed and currently at 129lbs. I had went from 152
to 122 in 6mths by MFP tracking eating healthy and walking. In the
last few mths I've gained 7lb back. Still eating healthy and staying in calorie range
but do have sweets,
something I was rarely eating before. I also was walking 30-60mins
at least 4x wkly now about 15 mins 5 days wk and 30-40 2days a wk.
My question is the 7lbs has changed my body- clothes
are tighter and I look noticeably bigger I also feel almost puffy even with
Increased water watching sodium and eating pleny of raw veggies(they are
my favs!) Why is there such a difference with not a huge gain?