question for fellow lifestyle adaptees :)

Ok, I have been doing this since January 21, and have lost 54 pounds and over 100 inches, I am super excited with my progress. However, the past few weeks the scale seems to have slowed considerable. Also for the past few weeks, I have not been so nit picky about being super close to my goal calories 1560. I have been happy as long as I reach 1200, My water is always great. I am not looking for bashing, just opinions from those veteran established individuals that have tried and tested calorie differences. vs pounds lost In your opinion if I try going back to hitting my goal calories, do you think the scale will speed back up? Thanks in advance for your thoughts. Best of luck on your journeys.


  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    In my experience, which isn't a lot. I have seen the scale jump down 3lbs in one week, stall for a week, go up 0.2 the next, go down small portions of a pound for a month in a row and then jump down 3lbs again ...

    It is a crazy roller coaster ride, right?

    My opinion is, just keep sticking it out. Personally I say eat more! And exercise more! No doing less and less. You want your body well fed, strong and healthy, not skinny and weak.
    Maybe hide the scale for a good solid month. Stick to your guns, measure every week and stop worrying about what the scale says.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    Pounds drop off when they feel like it (assuming you're maintaining a calorie deficit), sometimes you're down a lot, sometimes a little, sometimes you're the same and sometimes you gain. That's the natural course. Focus on maintaining eating and exercise habits that are healthy and that you can maintain for the rest of your life. Do that an the weight loss will happen. So in essence, don't screw around with calories other than finding a healthy & reasonable level to eat, just stick with it.
  • HappyElizabeth
    HappyElizabeth Posts: 231 Member
    Pounds drop off when they feel like it (assuming you're maintaining a calorie deficit), sometimes you're down a lot, sometimes a little, sometimes you're the same and sometimes you gain. That's the natural course. Focus on maintaining eating and exercise habits that are healthy and that you can maintain for the rest of your life. Do that an the weight loss will happen. So in essence, don't screw around with calories other than finding a healthy & reasonable level to eat, just stick with it.
    This! I have been playing around with calories and food choices and all sorts of things since starting this weight loss journey a few months ago. Bottom line - My body does what it wants, when it wants. Just work at a caloric deficit and eating plan that is sensible and that you can tolerate long-term, and the weight will come off.
    Also - AWESOME job losing so much weight already!!
  • SheilaG1963
    SheilaG1963 Posts: 298 Member
    I agree. Hide the scale. The darn thing can become an obsession and not in a good way! Just hang in there. I've been fighting with the same 10 pounds for a month. I figure I'm not gaining huge amounts, so I'm OK. I still feel good and am not tired all the time like I used to be.

    I'm proud of the first 100 I've lost!
  • BoboGritt
    BoboGritt Posts: 72 Member
    Hello. I have also experienced these things and it is frustrating. My opinion based on experience is it helps to vary your general routine somewhat from time to time. Looking at your deficits I would say trying to add a little is a good thing to try. Another trick I have learned that has worked is mixing up the intensity in your workouts. Whatever you like to do it may help to reduce the time and up the effort from time to time. I use the exercise bike often and sometimes going bat crap crazy on it for 15 minutes gives me better results than going a steady 60 minutes. Good luck to you!
  • SKMC0214
    SKMC0214 Posts: 58 Member
    :( well I did up my calories this week to try and speed things up, I the scale showed 2 pounds this week unfortunately, it was a gain. My first one since starting this on January 21. how flipping discouraging!!! Lord give me the strength not to binge today. Ughhh.
  • Mock_Turtle
    Mock_Turtle Posts: 354 Member
    you need to relax!

    You've been absolutely crushing it for 4 months, whatever you have been doing - KEEP DOING IT

    A little bit of fluctuation is normal.

    Weight loss is non-linear.

    My own example: I lost 50 lbs in about 26 weeks - yet within that there were 2 periods of 3-4 weeks where the scale didn't move more than 1 lb (should've moved 6-8 lbs) even though my calorie consumption was about the same.