weight training plateau??????

I have been doing Crossfit (pullups, sit ups, lifting, calesthetics, kettleball, deadlifts, squats...) for 3 weeks / 3 times a week.
I saw immediate results and felt my strength improving. Now I feel like my strength is not increasing as much and I seem to have stopped building muscle definition... my arms and shoulders are bulkier, but the definition I saw at first has slowed down. I did however change up a level from the green support band on pullups to the blue today so I must be getting stronger...

What direction do I take now... Keep doing the varied workouts of the day and wait it out? My body feels tight and tired.


  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    What's your weight and fat %age doing?

    Muscle size and firmness are affected by exercise, you'll get bigger and stronger and harder.

    Muscle definition is mostly a function of bodyfat. Bony little kids who struggle to pick up their mail often have excellent definition 'cause they're at 8% bodyfat.
  • SailorBoyFoster
    Give yourself some proper rest. If your muscles are feeling tight and tight, that is a huge indicator you need to rest. Also, muscle definition takes time. You saw at the beginning a big difference because your body wasn't used to the exercise. You are tense and probably looking pretty buff now compared to before. Sounds like you are doing a fantastic job with your crossfit routine. I also do the same kind of workouts. If rest isn't the case (You are properly working out 3 days a week) then maybe its your diet. What kind of diet are you currently doing? If you are not in taking enough calories your body will not be able to grow. That is why you hear commonly; Bulk then Cut. Very hard to do at the same time. Maybe add some protein after your workouts and in the AM on days you don't. Just my .02 :)
  • sabes2631
    sabes2631 Posts: 403
    I just ordered the Paleo Diet for Atheletes. My nutrition needs tweaking. I am not sure if I am getting enough of the right stuff for what I am doing. I actually lost weight after pigging out all weekend - which means I wasnt eating enough last week and my body was holding it. But I felt like I was over eating... Its the sweet spot / balance I need to figure out for workouts and nutrition. I need a good protein supplement. Do you have a good one that is not high calorie?
    I feel like i need rest. I think I will only do it 2x this coming week. I am running a half marathon next weekend - I havent trained properly because i am so tired from crossfit. Maybe 2x a week crossfit / 3 x run? I dunno....
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Have you been doing the same routine or different routines? If you've just been doing say, the workout of the day and various things everyday...maybe you should start an actual routine and stick with it for about a month. Or, if you're on a routine, try incorporating different things. When I get stuck with my strength routine, I try to just stick with the core moves I know are working and add a couple reps and then alternate body parts. Right now I do Shape's Ab Solution every other day, and I alternate arms and legs, so on arms day I mostly just lift weights for my arms and do some cardio. On legs, I do 8 Minutes to Slim which is an all-over body circuit but works mostly your abs and legs, and I do plie squats along with some other leg moves. Maybe you should try this?
  • SailorBoyFoster
    I just ordered the Paleo Diet for Atheletes. My nutrition needs tweaking. I am not sure if I am getting enough of the right stuff for what I am doing. I actually lost weight after pigging out all weekend - which means I wasnt eating enough last week and my body was holding it. But I felt like I was over eating... Its the sweet spot / balance I need to figure out for workouts and nutrition. I need a good protein supplement. Do you have a good one that is not high calorie?
    I feel like i need rest. I think I will only do it 2x this coming week. I am running a half marathon next weekend - I havent trained properly because i am so tired from crossfit. Maybe 2x a week crossfit / 3 x run? I dunno....

    GNC Amplified Wheybolic Extreme 60 has 93 calories per scoop with 20 grams of protein. That is the one I am currently taking. Im 100% positive there are lower caloric supplements out there though. Good Luck with your marathon!