no squat rack...

froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
i've got a barbell and dumbbells, but no squat rack. so far i am not using that much weight for my barbell squats, but i've read that it's not recommended to pick the barbell up off the floor for doing squats (which i can see would be an issue with heavier weights, getting them up and over your head and into position...).

would you just make do, or switch to dumbbell squats? i find the barbell more comfortable, that's all...


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    check craigslist for a squat rack, sometimes you can find them for cheap. or you can get something like what's used for a bench press. you could load the bar there and would get into position at the bottom of your squat. that's not ideal, but at least you'd be able to use that as a place to do your benches and it takes up less space than a rack