stay at home mom

Hi im a stay at home mom of two young kids both under the age of 2. i had close pregnancys and my 2nd pregnancy i gained more weight then i should have now im trying to get back on track and get healthy. i dont have a lot of engery to work out like i should also no one to watch the kids. my finance is in the hospital dealing with health problems so i have alot more stress then normal and like normal women i eat when stress. if anyone has any tips to help i would be thankful i want to lose my baby weight by my son first birthday. my goal is 35lbs by december 22nd


  • blondiecon
    blondiecon Posts: 13
    Habe you tried any of the at home videos? You can do a little while the kids are napping or sleeping.... I know sometimes that is tuff. I have a 6 yr old and he is forever in need of something..... Or a walk while they are in the stroller....
  • Tamm04
    Tamm04 Posts: 182 Member
    Hi there! Welcome aboard. I'd look into doing a video while they're sleeping, either nap time in the afternoon or at night after they go to bed. There are some you can either rent at the library, or our local video store has a free section of them...or you can even find some online (such as youtube).
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    Hi SAHM of 6 kids. I also have high stress and am tired. My fitness is important to me so I make time. You don't need much to start just the decision to start.

    run on the spot
    air boxing
    I highly recommend weight lifting changes your body quickly and it feel so good!
  • chantelp89
    chantelp89 Posts: 590 Member
    There's no reason you can't lose that weight. If you're not very active, I once you start to exercise you'll be surprised how fast it can slide off. Trying putting the babies in the stroller and going for a walk or do a 20-30 mi it's video while they're napping like pp said. I've lost 19 lbs since February and its mostly from walking and cutting back on junk food