Tough Mudder

RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
Hey all :) I remember seeing a few other people mention they were training for Tough Mudder events, but cannot recall where I saw y'all. So I'm posting a general invite to anyone training for one to come join the group I've created! I have a nice reference training schedule to help any new runners (like myself) ramp up your mileage since it is a 10-12 mile long race. I understand you don't have to be able to run that far to be able to finish it, but no harm in increasing your mileage. :)

Anyway...happy running!


  • oumick03
    oumick03 Posts: 29 Member
    I will definitely join! My TM is in a month, and I am sooooooo not ready.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I will definitely join! My TM is in a month, and I am sooooooo not ready.

    Great! I'm sure you will do great - I've read from others that if you can at least run a 5k you should be good since it's not just a straight run - there are the obstacles and such :)
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Anyone else training for a TM for 2013?
  • Janey142
    Janey142 Posts: 50 Member
    I am doing it in august 2013 in scotland!
  • patrickblo13
    patrickblo13 Posts: 831 Member
    I am doing one in July. I am not focusing a lot on running because I can run, I just hate it. I play soccer so thats where I work on my running. I am focusing on core strenght and endurance.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I am doing it in august 2013 in scotland!

    Awesome!! :) I sent you an invite to the group. You'll have to let us know how you do once you complete it.
    I am doing one in July. I am not focusing a lot on running because I can run, I just hate it. I play soccer so thats where I work on my running. I am focusing on core strenght and endurance.

    You as well. What are you doing for strength training? A weight routine? I'd love for you to share with everyone in the group! :)
  • patrickblo13
    patrickblo13 Posts: 831 Member
    I looked at the training program on the TM website, it practically mirrors Insanity the Asylum so I have been mixing up the videos from Asylum Vol 1 and Vol 2. For cardio, I play soccer twice a week in a very competitive men's league and mountain bike...
  • annieu613
    annieu613 Posts: 143 Member
    I'm doing a TM this weekend! I'm nervous, but I've been training so hopefully I'm ready. I had my last strength workout this morning, and I'm planning to do an easy 4 mile run tomorrow and then resting before Saturday. I'm mostly worried about diving in ice water!
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I looked at the training program on the TM website, it practically mirrors Insanity the Asylum so I have been mixing up the videos from Asylum Vol 1 and Vol 2. For cardio, I play soccer twice a week in a very competitive men's league and mountain bike...

    I thought the exact same thing when I looked up the info on the TM site. I'm finishing up Insanity now then going on to Les Mills Combat and am toying with he idea of doing Asylum 1 & 2 after that. I don't know if I have the room in my living room to do it though lol!
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I'm doing a TM this weekend! I'm nervous, but I've been training so hopefully I'm ready. I had my last strength workout this morning, and I'm planning to do an easy 4 mile run tomorrow and then resting before Saturday. I'm mostly worried about diving in ice water!

    Good luck!!! :) I'll be cheering you on from here. Please check back and let us know how you do. Id love to hear about it.
  • Lessthanpenguins
    Lessthanpenguins Posts: 30 Member
    Mine's in October and I am already starting to get nervous about it.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Mine's in October and I am already starting to get nervous about it.

    Nervous why? Are you afraid you won't be able to get through it? The plus side is that it's not timed :) I sent you a request to join the group. Maybe we can help boost your confidence!
  • Joocey
    Joocey Posts: 115 Member
    Maybe he's nervous because jumping in a tub of ice in October sucks! :laugh:
  • Lessthanpenguins
    Lessthanpenguins Posts: 30 Member
    Honestly, the cold water stuff doesn't scare me that much. I surf down here in the winter months so the cold water is fine. Its just the thought of not finishing or being to weak physically to do the obstacles.
  • Joocey
    Joocey Posts: 115 Member
    Honestly, the cold water stuff doesn't scare me that much. I surf down here in the winter months so the cold water is fine. Its just the thought of not finishing or being to weak physically to do the obstacles.

    Oh, then don't worry. Very few of the obstacles require higher-than-average-couch-potato strength. The only ones I can think of which might be difficult are the wall climbs (but having a partner who is strong makes it easy) or the half-pipe (again, other people will help you through).

    As far as finishing goes, up your cardio! But if you get winded you can walk so... train hard, but don't over train. :laugh:
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Honestly, the cold water stuff doesn't scare me that much. I surf down here in the winter months so the cold water is fine. Its just the thought of not finishing or being to weak physically to do the obstacles.

    Oh, then don't worry. Very few of the obstacles require higher-than-average-couch-potato strength. The only ones I can think of which might be difficult are the wall climbs (but having a partner who is strong makes it easy) or the half-pipe (again, other people will help you through).

    As far as finishing goes, up your cardio! But if you get winded you can walk so... train hard, but don't over train. :laugh:

    LOL at the "higher-than-average-couch-potato strength" :)
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    Honestly, the cold water stuff doesn't scare me that much. I surf down here in the winter months so the cold water is fine. Its just the thought of not finishing or being to weak physically to do the obstacles.

    I am doing another one in October too. My first was in Florida in December, our weather was amazing. Not sure where you are, but I definitely wouldn't be concerned about the elements. There will be stuff that you fall off of or can't finish sometimes. It happens. Some people walk around some obstacles if they don't want to do them, but where is the fun in that. I think people psych themselves out about nothing. It's honestly the best event I have done. Everyone is helping everyone, cheering, if you fall, someone grabs you whether they are on your team or not.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Honestly, the cold water stuff doesn't scare me that much. I surf down here in the winter months so the cold water is fine. Its just the thought of not finishing or being to weak physically to do the obstacles.

    I am doing another one in October too. My first was in Florida in December, our weather was amazing. Not sure where you are, but I definitely wouldn't be concerned about the elements. There will be stuff that you fall off of or can't finish sometimes. It happens. Some people walk around some obstacles if they don't want to do them, but where is the fun in that. I think people psych themselves out about nothing. It's honestly the best event I have done. Everyone is helping everyone, cheering, if you fall, someone grabs you whether they are on your team or not.

    This is one of the reasons I am so psyched to participate - the way it sounds so positive. Everyone being a team player and helping others. How fun is that? :)
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member

    This is one of the reasons I am so psyched to participate - the way it sounds so positive. Everyone being a team player and helping others. How fun is that? :)

    This is why I inly do obstacle runs. There aren't a lot of people that are there to PR like a marathon or race. I feel like a lot of people go into them with the same mentality of "oh *kitten*, what did I get myself into, please God let me finish and not embarrass myself."

    I had a hard time on the Berlin Walls and we had two sets of three 12 foot walls. I was having a hard time and then I hear someone yell behind me "help her up, help her up" then someone picked me up so I could grab my teammates hand and get over the wall. No clue who did that, but it shows the type of people that were there. It's such a great time.
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    I did a TM two years ago in VT. How to train for it can depend a lot on the terrain of the course. The one I did was at Mt. Snow, so we were up and down the ski mountain a half a dozen times. There really weren't a lot of people running uphill after the first 1/4 mile. There was a lot of brisk walking uphill and then jogging downhill or on the limited amount of flat surface we covered. The obstacles were usually a nice break from the uphills.

    We had a group of 7 people, so we stuck together and helped each other with the wall obstacles, but complete strangers helped us with the half-pipe. It was pretty much that you'd get up the half pipe, then you'd stick around to help a few other people up when you were at the top.

    It was May when we did it, and there was still actual snow on some parts of the mountain. They even made a climbing obstacle out of it. And the water obstacles were all well below 40 degrees. I couldn't feel my legs when I got out of the water. It was exhausting--but it was fun overall and I would probably do one again.