Starting Insanity on Monday June 3rd

I am currently on day 83 of P90X and I will be starting Insanity on Monday June 3rd.

I am looking for others who are currently doing Insanity or will be starting Insanity soon or who may be interested in Insanity. I host several motivation and support groups. I have one on MFP and several on Facebook. We log our daily workouts in support and motivate one another.

If you are interested let me know. Send me a message, Friend me, Respond here, or do all of the above. I always welcome new friends who are working out to any Team Beachbody Fitness program. I have had awesome results with P90X and I have several friends who have had great results with Insanity. It is always great to share our stories and see how everyone has done.

The link to MFP Team Beachbody motivation and support group is below. If interested joining one of my facebook groups let me know. Have a great day.


  • beckyyates
    beckyyates Posts: 85
    I am definitely interested. I need all the motivation I can get. I have been doing the ten minute trainers by Tony Horton. I ordered Insanity last week and should have it this week.

    I will join all your groups if I can.

  • starmickey03
    starmickey03 Posts: 89 Member
    Id love to join you. I finish up Insanity on Saturday and Im going to start right back up with round 2 on the 3rd. So it works out perfectly!
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    I am definitely interested. I need all the motivation I can get. I have been doing the ten minute trainers by Tony Horton. I ordered Insanity last week and should have it this week.

    I will join all your groups if I can.


    Hi Becka

    I have added you to the group on MFP and to the group on Facebook. Let me know if you have any questions.
  • JonathanBB
    JonathanBB Posts: 252 Member
    I just got Insanity as a gift. No idea where it was ordered from. I am starting June 4 (I want my off day to be Monday not Sunday).

    1. I usually workout at home barefoot. That okay or should I be wearing sneakers for these workouts?

    2. Does the program include a warm-up or just launch right in assuming you have warmed up on your own? If on your own any suggested warm-ups?

    Would like to join the group on MFP if there is room.
  • kaleena1983
    kaleena1983 Posts: 64 Member
    I just got Insanity as a gift. No idea where it was ordered from. I am starting June 4 (I want my off day to be Monday not Sunday).

    1. I usually workout at home barefoot. That okay or should I be wearing sneakers for these workouts?

    2. Does the program include a warm-up or just launch right in assuming you have warmed up on your own? If on your own any suggested warm-ups?

    Would like to join the group on MFP if there is room.


    I always wear shoes during the workouts. But, if you are able to jump (high) and land without sliding, then you are probably ok.

    There is a warm up with three rounds followed by stretching, then the workout, then stretching again. It is a great warm up.
  • drew_Cathey77
    Hey All!
    I have completed P90x and went from 250lb to a solid 235. I am 6 ft with a wide chest so I hold my weight really well.
    However after college I have jumped to 290 and ready to shed some goo! If anyone wants to do insanity with me and help each other keep motivated then I think it will make the process easier!

    I want to get down back to my high school wrestling weight at a solid 240. I am going to start my fit test in 2 hours!

    Only thing I am confused about is that taking 3800 calories seems like a lot. I know I'm a big guy but it still seems a lot. Any advice on this would be great!

  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    I just got Insanity as a gift. No idea where it was ordered from. I am starting June 4 (I want my off day to be Monday not Sunday).

    1. I usually workout at home barefoot. That okay or should I be wearing sneakers for these workouts?

    2. Does the program include a warm-up or just launch right in assuming you have warmed up on your own? If on your own any suggested warm-ups?

    Would like to join the group on MFP if there is room.

    Thanks for joining the group. I noticed you asked the above questions in my group. I answered both questions there for you.
  • paulagj
    paulagj Posts: 72 Member
    Glad I found this group. I also plan to start Insanity on June 3rd. I've completed it before, took a long break from it & I think it's time to start again. I will definitely need the motivation.
  • KtAlv
    KtAlv Posts: 1

    I think this is exactly what I need to successfully complete the Insanity program. I have started and failed Insanity 3 times now. THe farthest I have been able to get to was 2 and a half weeks. I would come with all sorts of excuses as to why I couldn't do a video one day, and that one day turned into a week and so on. I think I really need the support and motivation from others going through the same thing. Shaun T has been sitting in a box in my closet for far too long now. I'm way too young to be feeling this old! I need to bring up my fitness level so I can keep up with my 5 year old son and hopefully inspire my husband to jump (or globe jump :wink: ) onto the bandwagon with me.
    I am planning on starting Monday June 3rd.
    Thanks for starting this group! I am looking forward to what the next few weeks have in store for me.


    P.S. Does anyone know of any other Insanity resources? The more the merrier!
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member

    I think this is exactly what I need to successfully complete the Insanity program. I have started and failed Insanity 3 times now. THe farthest I have been able to get to was 2 and a half weeks. I would come with all sorts of excuses as to why I couldn't do a video one day, and that one day turned into a week and so on. I think I really need the support and motivation from others going through the same thing. Shaun T has been sitting in a box in my closet for far too long now. I'm way too young to be feeling this old! I need to bring up my fitness level so I can keep up with my 5 year old son and hopefully inspire my husband to jump (or globe jump :wink: ) onto the bandwagon with me.
    I am planning on starting Monday June 3rd.
    Thanks for starting this group! I am looking forward to what the next few weeks have in store for me.


    P.S. Does anyone know of any other Insanity resources? The more the merrier!

    Hi K,

    I sent you a message with another link to my facebook Total Team Beachbody Suport and Motivation Group. Anyone else who wants can join that group as well. The link is below. Any Team Beachbody Fitness program user is welcome to join us.

  • Alwayzbeenurz08
    Alwayzbeenurz08 Posts: 7 Member
    How would you log insanity into exerise on here? Ive tried to find it but cant.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    How would you log insanity into exerise on here? Ive tried to find it but cant.

    I use a heart rate monitor and create my own exercise when doing P90X. I will be doing the same with Insanity when I start that on Monday.

    Do you have a heart rate monitor that shows calories burned?
  • Alwayzbeenurz08
    Alwayzbeenurz08 Posts: 7 Member
    No i dont but i will look into getting one. I just ordered my Insanity last night and it should be here by the 3rd or 7th. Im SO excited!
  • k_stanway
    k_stanway Posts: 11
    I just started today. Love it already!:smile:
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    I have added everyone here so far to my group on MFP.

    I have also added a few to my Facebook group.

    If anyone else is interested post here, send me a message, add me as a friend and message, or do all the above. The more people the merrier. I welcome anyone working out to Insanity or any Team Beachbody Fitness program.
  • beckyyates
    beckyyates Posts: 85
    I have added everyone here so far to my group on MFP.

    I have also added a few to my Facebook group.

    If anyone else is interested post here, send me a message, add me as a friend and message, or do all the above. The more people the merrier. I welcome anyone working out to Insanity or any Team Beachbody Fitness program.

    Thanks for adding me. I am really pumped up about starting soon. Thanks for also creating this group for people like me who need the extra support and motivation.
  • LiveHealthyish
    LiveHealthyish Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! i'm starting Insanity for the first time on Monday and am looking to join any and all groups for support! I did a facebook group join request per the link above. Excited to start, received my DVD's yesterday!
  • mkmerrill
    mkmerrill Posts: 74 Member
    You will need shoes for sure. The warm up is long and feels like a workout. Insanity is the hardest! So amazing though. I have never done the full 60 days but do the videos in combo with other workouts. They are crazy fun and challenging. Good luck.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Hello! i'm starting Insanity for the first time on Monday and am looking to join any and all groups for support! I did a facebook group join request per the link above. Excited to start, received my DVD's yesterday!

    I added you to my facebook group. Thanks for joining. There are several of us starting on Monday. I am looking forward to it myself. Only 1 more day of P90X left.

    I will send you an invite to my group on MFP too.
  • alexsandstrom1982
    Definitely a yes for me. I love motivation. Here and on facebook would be excellent. I will request to join on facebook.