What to eat before/after work out/run?

Hey all-
Just joined this week. Im curious to know what you eat before and after a workout or run? I am 5'7" and about 155, it was suggested I consume about 1500 calories/day. I try to keep it light in calories, but should I be consuming more protein or...? Any advice or suggestions are welcome. And if this has already been asked someplace else, I will remove it!



  • nickhuffman74
    nickhuffman74 Posts: 198 Member
    Depends on the workout. If I know I am going to hit the boxing gym I will down a gainer shake because I know I will burn an easy 1000+ calories over 2.5 hours, hitting the weights same thing but less gainer, running distance I carb up and follow all with protein.
  • ohtender
    ohtender Posts: 21 Member
    Awesome. Thank you- I just went for a run and wasn't sure what to eat after. I heard protein helps you to recover faster?
  • Havend1
    Havend1 Posts: 52 Member
    I usually have a protein shake. Obviously you don't want to eat anything to heavy before. You may have a bit of carbs before too.
  • nickhuffman74
    nickhuffman74 Posts: 198 Member
    If you are running then defiantly eat carbs before you run, it will help with your ability to run and give you energy to burn. Post Protein will help your body build muscle and repair itself.
  • LisaWilson2012
    LisaWilson2012 Posts: 118 Member
    Hi Ashley

    I joined not so long ago and so far have lost a lb a week so I must be doing something right ay?

    I do prefer to eat before I go and work out so I hit this problem at first. I always make sure I have protein in the form of some sort of fish with veggies. It's light, the protein will help you build muscle and the carbs in the veggies will help your body break down the protein. Carbs are great for doing cardio too. They fuel the fire!

    As far as your workout goes, please please do weights as well as cardio, and in that order. Cardio combined with weight training will result in a much more effective weight loss. Not only this, but whereas calories are burning shortly after the cardio workout has stopped, calories burned as a result of weights will continue for between 12 and 36 after the session has finished. The reason for this is that muscles recouperate and regenerate when you are resting but to do so it still burns calories long after you've left the gym. Just try it and see.

    Good luck xx
  • therighttrack
    therighttrack Posts: 96 Member
    Great thread! Thanks for all the info on this. I have often wondered about this myself!
  • gjulie
    gjulie Posts: 391
    I work out early in the morning so I dont eat before after I have breakfast of about 400 calories usually muesli and fruit works fine for me.
  • makenziewhicker
    makenziewhicker Posts: 29 Member
    Before a lifting workout I eat about an hour before and It is only protein, usually a cup of eggwhites that I just drink raw so my body can absorb quicker or 4 oz of chicken. After a workout only drink a protein if necessary. Truth is, depending on the type of protein powder you are buying you're only going to absorb about 30-50 percent of the nutrients. If you are to buy a higher quality protein such as, http://thebodyevolution.com/ you will get a 85% absorbtion rate. My point though try to have cooked food on you at all times whether it be chicken, tilapia, turkey, or whatever your heart desires and eat that after any workout. It is solids that your body is going to break down and absorb and since your body has to break down the protein your going to end up burning more calories that way and boosting your metabolism. For the best "recovery" it's not going to be a protein shake. For recovery you'll want supplements such as glutamine, krill oil or even fish oil. Before an intense cardio sension such as HIT or a good run or honestly any type of cardio, the best time to do it is on an empty stomach typically in the morning. Before you do cardio you'll want a pre-workout that provides an amino chain to protect your muscles from going catabolic. The reason for doing cardio on an empty stomach is you don't burn the calories that your body is still trying to absorb, you burn your stored fat but having that pre workout with the amino chain is crucial. The website I have given is the product I use for multiple uses. If I am hungry they have a very good meal replacement. If I need protein but don't have cooked food, i can shake one up, if i need recovery they have krill oil and glutamine and the pre workout with the amino chain is called boom and it works wonders! I love their protein too, it's not chalky and it mixes very good. They have a facebook page too if you want to see before and afters :) any questions?!
  • ohtender
    ohtender Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks everyone!
  • ohtender
    ohtender Posts: 21 Member
    Before a lifting workout I eat about an hour before and It is only protein, usually a cup of eggwhites that I just drink raw so my body can absorb quicker or 4 oz of chicken. After a workout only drink a protein if necessary. Truth is, depending on the type of protein powder you are buying you're only going to absorb about 30-50 percent of the nutrients. If you are to buy a higher quality protein such as, http://thebodyevolution.com/ you will get a 85% absorbtion rate. My point though try to have cooked food on you at all times whether it be chicken, tilapia, turkey, or whatever your heart desires and eat that after any workout. It is solids that your body is going to break down and absorb and since your body has to break down the protein your going to end up burning more calories that way and boosting your metabolism. For the best "recovery" it's not going to be a protein shake. For recovery you'll want supplements such as glutamine, krill oil or even fish oil. Before an intense cardio sension such as HIT or a good run or honestly any type of cardio, the best time to do it is on an empty stomach typically in the morning. Before you do cardio you'll want a pre-workout that provides an amino chain to protect your muscles from going catabolic. The reason for doing cardio on an empty stomach is you don't burn the calories that your body is still trying to absorb, you burn your stored fat but having that pre workout with the amino chain is crucial. The website I have given is the product I use for multiple uses. If I am hungry they have a very good meal replacement. If I need protein but don't have cooked food, i can shake one up, if i need recovery they have krill oil and glutamine and the pre workout with the amino chain is called boom and it works wonders! I love their protein too, it's not chalky and it mixes very good. They have a facebook page too if you want to see before and afters :) any questions?!

    That is intense! Thanks for the info though!
  • ohtender
    ohtender Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Ashley

    I joined not so long ago and so far have lost a lb a week so I must be doing something right ay?

    I do prefer to eat before I go and work out so I hit this problem at first. I always make sure I have protein in the form of some sort of fish with veggies. It's light, the protein will help you build muscle and the carbs in the veggies will help your body break down the protein. Carbs are great for doing cardio too. They fuel the fire!

    As far as your workout goes, please please do weights as well as cardio, and in that order. Cardio combined with weight training will result in a much more effective weight loss. Not only this, but whereas calories are burning shortly after the cardio workout has stopped, calories burned as a result of weights will continue for between 12 and 36 after the session has finished. The reason for this is that muscles recouperate and regenerate when you are resting but to do so it still burns calories long after you've left the gym. Just try it and see.

    Good luck xx

    I have been looking into weights to incorporate into my daily work outs. Thank you for the advice! And congratulations on your weight loss- keep it up!
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    Before a run I eat Malt-O-meal. It is easy on the digestion so I do not have to "visit the trees" when I am on a long run, plus it gives me the energy I need without making me too full. If I am going to lift, I usually do not eat because I am only there for an hour and I feel gross if I have anything in my stomach. That is what has worked for me. I do not do any supplements/protein powders or anything like that. My recovery meal is protein, usually chicken. (I know 1,001 ways to make chicken :)
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I believe most nutrition experts recommend some carbs before a workout -- wheat toast or oatmeal before a trip to the gym. That gives you energy.
    They recommend a protein shake, or better yet, and cheaper, a chocolate milk immediately after. There is a new appreciation of the need to refuel muscles after a workout. It helps with recovery. You'll be stronger the next day. Chocolate milk has the perfect proportions of proteins to sugar, and it is much cheaper than Muscle Milk and that kind of thing.
  • knowwhentoshutup
    knowwhentoshutup Posts: 318 Member
    I like to eat a half of bagel with peanut butter and a banana before heading out for runs longer than 5 miles. Otherwise, as long as I am eating enough throughout the rest of the day, I don't really make any modifications.

    When I am going out for anything longer than 10 miles, I grab a protein bar (I can't stomach gu's) and eat it about 1/2 to 3/4 of the way through my run.

    I'm not a big fan of protein powder, so my favorite post-run snack/meal is chocolate milk and greek yogurt.
  • I don't eat before Cardio, but have complex carbs right after and protein within one hour after. If I am working out, other than just cardio, I eat half a banana with peanut butter on it. Just something light that will get me throught the workout but will not make me sick.
  • nickhuffman74
    nickhuffman74 Posts: 198 Member
    I believe most nutrition experts recommend some carbs before a workout -- wheat toast or oatmeal before a trip to the gym. That gives you energy.
    They recommend a protein shake, or better yet, and cheaper, a chocolate milk immediately after. There is a new appreciation of the need to refuel muscles after a workout. It helps with recovery. You'll be stronger the next day. Chocolate milk has the perfect proportions of proteins to sugar, and it is much cheaper than Muscle Milk and that kind of thing.

    Yeah but it has high fat, sugar.

    Water and Protein is much better than milk if trying to cut. someone said that protein after a work out was not effective, I would strongly disagree with you on that point.
  • makenziewhicker
    makenziewhicker Posts: 29 Member
    [someone said that protein after a work out was not effective, I would strongly disagree with you on that point.

    if you're referring to my post, I did not say a protein after a work out was not effective, I stated a protein shake would be less effective than a pre-cooked protein such as tilapia or chicken. If you honestly think a protein shake or better yet chocolate milk will benefit you after a workout over a prepared protein cooked in your own kitchen you should probably do some more research. Muscle milk isn't even that good for you.
  • Funsoaps
    Funsoaps Posts: 514 Member
    Boiled egg, protein powder, almond butter, nuts (I like Brazil nuts).
  • healthy food i think especially those food that are high in protein that helps you build and repair muscles http://bestadjustabledumbbellsreviews.com/