Crazier things have happened...well...maybe not....



  • erinleigh76
    I think it's awesome, yes I beleive things like this can work. I have met people on line who are now really close friends and when I met my husband we got engaged after 3 months...we just had our 14th wedding anniversary and have been together 16 years... have an awesome time :)
  • irishrose22
    irishrose22 Posts: 161 Member
    That's awesome. So cute. I'm excited for you both. Good luck. It doesn't surprise me, some if the best relationships I've seen are those who came together because they have common interests.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I met my ex boyfriend online. We were together for 2.5 years and are still best friends. It can happen. I know tons of stories! Being an MMO gamer, I meet lots of guys online. 99% are just friends, but I've fallen for a couple, after talking for ages. Have tested the waters with one (we were together for a couple months before some stuff went down - never got to meet in person), and well, the other is TBD right now :P

    it's the digital age. There's some stat about a ridiculous amount of people these days meeting online. You're far from alone. The world is getting smaller, and people from all corners of the globe are meeting and hitting it off. It's MUCH more common than you think.
  • AlbaAngel25
    AlbaAngel25 Posts: 484 Member
    welll, when i "met" my husband it was through facebook. We both had quite a few mutual friends and just chatted back and forth for a while. I was going on an annual Vegas trip with some girlfriends, and I thought, well, if I am going to meet him it might as well be in a fun place like Vegas. If for whatever reason it doesn't work out or the physical is not there, it wont be a waste of my time or his. So thats where we agreed on meeting.
    Oh btw he is from NY, and I lived in B.C. Canada at the time.

    Anyways we met, we hit it off, and visited back and forth...I lived in NY for a while, and then he moved out here permanently. We got married, had a child and that'll be that!! It can work! most definitely.
  • blazergrad
    blazergrad Posts: 603 Member
    In this day and age, it's not crazy at all! I met my wife online through a site called Christian Cafe. It started out kind of the same way, minus the whole fitness stuff. ;) We started with emails.... which then progressed to phone calls.... and then eventually a face-to-face with me going to see her. She only lived about 4 hours away from me at the time, so we didn't have the cross-country aspect of it to deal with.

    Anyways, here we are now coming up on our 3rd anniversary in just a few more months and things are even better now than when we first met! :)

    Best of luck to you both!!!
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    I met my husband on a music festival forum 6 years ago, we only lived 80 miles apart but I think if it's meant to be it will happen, if not its not the end of the world. I moved to be with him and I think it's the best decision I ever made! :)
  • NostalgicMuse
    NostalgicMuse Posts: 340 Member
    excited and nervous for you at the same time.... PLEASE let us know how it goes!!
  • Mel2626
    Mel2626 Posts: 342 Member
    How cute!! I am so excited for you two!!! Call it destiny or fate or being in the right place at the right time. There's no way to tell when or where we'll have a connection with someone and there's no reason why this won't work. Have fun and enjoy your time with one another. Best of luck for a happily ever after ending as well! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Dhellia
    Dhellia Posts: 84 Member
    I met my partner on an online game. We talked online all the time, then on Skype, then we met in person. Now I have immigrated to Canada (I'm American) and we have been living together for 2.5yrs.

    This type of thing seems to happen quite often!
  • wildcat808
    wildcat808 Posts: 140 Member
    im not in the same boat but if theres a connection then theres a connection! i advise anyone to be careful about who you meet online but then again i advise everyone to be careful about who you meet anywhere!! good luck to you and i hope everything works out well =]
  • SmartWhatever
    SmartWhatever Posts: 718 Member
    I find this completely adorable and not crazy at all!! Best wishes to you and I can't wait to hear how it goes!
  • Moonblood
    Moonblood Posts: 199 Member
    It's not crazy at all! I met my husband on MySpace! We've been dating nearly 8 years and married for a year next month. I moved to a whole different country to be with him! Best decision I've made in my life.

    Good luck!
  • ShazMc73
    ShazMc73 Posts: 106 Member
    Awww what a great story, can't wait to hear how it turns out!

    I was in the same boat, kind of - lots of paralells to your experience, we met on MFP, started challenges together to keep each other motivated and accountable, 3 hour time difference, talked and enjoyed that BUT unfortunately, he's not interested in this long distance thing EVER so it's over other than remaining MFP pals. Am glad to see that there are brave souls out there following their hearts,

    Really wish the best for you and enjoy the time!!!

  • amanda_ataraxia
    amanda_ataraxia Posts: 400 Member
    That is a super sweet story!

    I met my husband online through a fan club of our favorite band. His girlfriend of 2 years had just dumped him and as luck would have it my boyfriend of 2 years had just dumped me. We bonded over that and I told him to message me if he wanted to talk. He lived in FL and I lived in NY. We met when I traveled down there for spring break. We remained friends as distance was hard. Two years of being long distance friends we decided to just go for it. We were married 4 months after that. We had only seen eachother face to face twice before that! Some times you just know.
    We celebrated our 5 year anniversary in May and we have a 2 year old. I absolutely believe everything happens for a reason.
  • danger_kitteh
    danger_kitteh Posts: 301 Member
    Not crazy at all. I met my husband online 12 years ago. It was a long distance international relationship, but it was worth it to us to meet, see if it was possible and figure out how to make it work. I now live in Canada/have Canadian citizenship, married 10 years, have a 6 year old son and life is pretty damn good. I wish you all the best and happiness <3
  • ShareeMorty
    ShareeMorty Posts: 324 Member
    That is really sweet, I hope it works out for you both.

    I met one of my best friends online and he lives across the world from me, the internet is an amazing place. If you can weed through all the bullsh!t there are some great people to meet.
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    I am really excited to see all those that have met online...he is a wonderful man...great more than I have ever dreamed of...Next week is the last full week before we meet....getting nervous and excited. CAN'T WAIT!!!
  • Tishy78
    Tishy78 Posts: 108 Member
    I met my husband online 15 or so years ago at this point. We were just friends for years. Chatted constantly. But I was in Michigan and he in Massachusetts. I was terrified of the distance. After a bad relationship and him being there for me yet again, I decided to just go for it. That first visit is crazy. It's amazing to see the person face to face and a little challenging to force your brain to make the connection that it really is him. By the time the visit was over, we knew we didn't want to be apart.

    There were definitely rough times over the year where we were long distance (mostly when you really need a hug after a crappy day), but he was worth it.

    It can definitely work. Good luck :)
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I'm so excited for y'all! You've spent hours and hours communicating before any physical relationship. That can be a good thing. I hope y'all have a great time together!
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    A little over three month ago...I friended a man across the country from me( and he better be happy I didnt think about the 3 hour time difference then!!!)...he was cute....Almost instantly, the connection between us was nausiating to our friends... ( Sorry guys)...we both were wanting to start JM 30DS and it seemed like a good way to hold each other accountable and a fun way to stay motivated...#s were exchanged via messaging...and then the first call...

    Let me step back for a moment...I am from SC...and have a VERY heavy southern accent ( I am kinda sensitive about it) and had warned him before calling about it. I was so nervous about him hearing me...but at the same time, could not wait to talk to him...that first call was PRICELESS, ambulance sirens and dying phone battery ( still dont think he believes this story)....that call ended and I could not wait to talk to him again...he texted me how much he enjoyed talking to me and loved my voice ( first obstacle overcome!!)...and to make a very long story a little shorter...we talked for literally hours on end EVERY day since that first call...he pushes me and I know I push him...we have a deep friendship even though we have NEVER met in person....and here comes my question and set up....

    He purchased a plane ticket to come see me...60 days out...I was beyond excited...and scared at the same time. I have been alone for nearly 10 years, and did not need a man to complicate my happy little carefree life....

    Tonight...we are 13 days and mere hours from seeing each other face to face... I have talked to his children on the phone, I have friended his mom on FB...both of us have talked more to each other than anyone else we have had traditional relationships....I know there is a lof of flirting on this site...I get that...this isn't the casual flirt...

    My question is...have any of you fallen in love with someone on MFP...have you met any of the people on your list? i don't need the validaton, just curious if I am alone. I know many people will think this is CRAZY ( I would be one of those btw!) But keep in mind, I am almost 40...not lonely...and could date if I chose to....

    Anyone in the same boat?

    Totally in the same boat, almost exact same time frame too. 13 days to go also. Cept I'm an Aussie and she's from California. I have a trip planned already but she is going to fly out to Chicago and spend the time I'm there with me. We joke and talk about the future as well but it's hard to gauge and not be too carried away as of yet lol.

    Anythings possible!

    Awwww my boyfriend is an Aussie and I'm from California too!! We've been together almost 2 years now and I honestly have never been happier in a relationship. Yea, it sucks not being able to see each other for months at a time but I feel like you shouldn't push away true love just because it's a difficult situation. I actually talk to him more than I talk to my friends that only live a mile from me haha. Don't listen to people who say it won't work out. Anything is possible and you'll never know for sure until you try!!! Good luck to all of you guys! <3