I am back, I need support.

I am a 27, about to turn 28, year-old female in need of support. I started myfitnesspal last year and I managed to lose a lot of weight, but then I became pregnant and my diet/fitness goals were placed on hold. I have always had a very low self esteem and have always managed to think I am the ugliest woman alive. Previously I was in a hurry to lose weight because my boyfriend managed to let me know I was overweight and that he was attracted to skinny women. However, as I started to lose the weight I managed to believe I no longer cared what he thought and only wanted to lose the weight to get over my insecurities and be happy with my self.

I have now given birth to a beautiful, healthy little boy and I could never be happier. However, being pregnant was tough on my self esteem. Since I had the baby I have lost lots of pounds and I am now only 7 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight, but I am back to feeling disgusted of myself and I wonder everyday if my son would be embarrassed of me one day because I'm overweight (I am crazy to think this).

I was hoping to get more friends to see what has been working for you guys. I need all the support I can get to make it through my commitment of losing weight.

I only had my baby three weeks ago so I am waiting on dr's authorization to get back to longer tougher workouts; for now, I am walking and staying as active as possible.

Looking forward to meeting new friends.



  • MassObserver
    MassObserver Posts: 21 Member
    Ive havnt had children yet but my mom had my little brother when I was 15 and I saw her struggle to lose the wt. It just takes time and hard work I guess. EASIER SAID THAN DONE! LOL You can do it! Welcome! :)
  • LiZzie1917
    LiZzie1917 Posts: 65
    Beauty really is skin deep. I have met GQ looking men that turned very ugly upon talking. I know a few women that are close to 300 lbs and the most sweetest, beautiful people I know. Learn to love yourself. The rest will follow. It is the most valuable gift you can give ourself and your children. <3<3<3
  • LiZzie1917
    LiZzie1917 Posts: 65
    Also, dump anyone that would treat you less than a queen. Love yourself as you love your baby. :love:
  • KettydeDios
    KettydeDios Posts: 125 Member
    Hi Ericka, welcome back

    I, like you came back after a while... The fact that you decided to come back means that you are a fighter with great determination, so welcome back and feel free to add me as your friend
  • jujudot
    jujudot Posts: 129 Member
    I'm another just re-starting. Actually, I lost 30lbs and have gained it back +10lbs. :grumble: I have decided that this IS it-I AM going to do this!! Feel free to add me!
  • KGBliss
    KGBliss Posts: 1
    I am the mother of 4 children and I can tell you that they have loved me when I was thin and they loved me when I was big.
    You are a child of God. You need to realize your great worth in this world. The Lord knows when even a sparrow dies. If you are worried what your child will think of you as he grows, it will have nothing to do with weight. You need find and love you for who and what you are. After you figure that out and realize how amazing you are, then you will become stronger and stronger. That is the gift you can give yourself and that is the best give you can give your son.
    Pray, ponder, and know your infinite worth.
  • mooseflute
    mooseflute Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Erika,
    I hear you and I've been through the self esteem issue with myself, in high school and with my daughter. I am now 64, with so much that should boost my self esteem but it is still fragile. You're right to take it slowly; don't push the workout issue until you and your doctor feel you're ready. Just something for you to think about - your self worth is not tied to your weight or your looks. It's tied to who you are inside and what you can accomplish. Let me know if I can help in any way.
  • amsohs85
    amsohs85 Posts: 166
    Sweetie don't ever let a man make you think you aren't good enough. Exterior beauty will fade especially as we age but inner beauty is something you will always have!! If a man can't take you as you are he isnt good enough for you. You will find someone who looks at you and all he sees is the perfect woman for him....just as you will look at him and see only the perfect man for you! So many women try to fit a mans physical ideal only to find that no matter what they do they fall short. Losing weight should always be done for you and only you. Low self esteem is an inner problem which can only be fixed from within. Love yourself....better yourself in mind and spirit and the rest will follow. Life is a journey and the best way to enjoy it is to leave the "bad" baggage on the side of the road..literally!!

    Congrats on the new baby...I'm on here every day and welcome new friends so feel free to add me!!
  • kittybear86
    kittybear86 Posts: 341 Member
    I joined MFP a few weeks ago,and so far I love it because it's helping me out a lot.I don't have children,but I know what you mean.Here is my story: I have always been very self conscious about myself since I was almost hitting my teen years,and I felt that it has taken over my life:( I felt that I was not good enough and would never fit in.However,this site is helping me right now in a way to boost my confidence in a way that I never thought possible:) I don't feel alone anymore because I know that there are people out there who can relate to me,and so far I feel like I am down the right path of wanting to change my life.I would be more than happy to help you and give you support when you need it,and feel free to add me if you would like.:smile:
  • LuvORR
    LuvORR Posts: 36
    Thank you everyone for the great advice and support. I am happy to meet each and everyone of you and can't wait to learn so much from you guys. I'm committed to lose the weight, but most importantly learn how to love myself.

    Thanks again.
