low carbs high protein



  • elysecea
    elysecea Posts: 161 Member
    Ok, I have third party information. On one of my low carb groups, there's a woman that eats nothing but protein, mostly only meat, fish, poultry. :huh: She weights 119, 5'5" age 47

    Now, due to privacy or me not knowing if this is real (one never knows on these sites) I didn't post any of her information herein.

    However, I guess zero carb works for some people.
    Yes this!!! Also I found when I didnt eat enough carbs before i went to the gym my sweat would smell like amonia...after further research I realized that my body was burning my protein and my kidneys couldnt handle it all so it secreted as sweat...gross I know.....

    I don't think anyone would deny you can be thin on a low carb diet. Then again, you can be thin and perfectly healthy on a high carb one too. Look at most long distance runners.

    I am 5'5" and a little over 120 lbs, and eat about 150g carbs a day. I feel super unhappy when I low carb. For my mental well being, carbs are vital.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I went real low carbs about 5 years ago and lost weight fast, but to be fair I was also eating under 1000 calories a day and exercising (I was afraid to eat anything for fear it may have the dreaded carb). I didn't realize what I was doing to myself until I didn't have energy to run and sat down to approximate my calorie count. Don't do it that way, LOL! I lost a lot of weight but I was still soft and mushy in all the wrong places.
    That was the second time, the first time I was eating enough. Both times I was b!tchy, had terrible head aches, and had weird dreams about being chased by cupcakes, donuts, and an array of other pastries.

    Edit: That sounds really negative. It works for some, not for others, but what ever you do shouldn't be a diet it should be a lifestyle. When you temporarily change your diet you do so with the intention to evenutally go back to what you were doing before, which decreases your chances of long term success because you just go back to the same habits that got you there in the first place. When you adopt a lifestyle change that you can live with long term you increase your chance of long term success because the change is a part of your life not a temporary patch work. Personally, I have my macros set to 40/40/20 (protein/carbs/fat), I rarely hit all my macros and I don't stress about fat because the majority of my foods are lean sources anyway so a day or two over on fat doesn't make me break a sweat.
  • Laceybaby1967
    Laceybaby1967 Posts: 82 Member
    Personally, I recently started doing a low carb diet. I watched 'Fathead", and the science just made sense to me. I try to keep my sugar low, and my carbs only from veggies. It's more Paleo than Adkins, I think; in that I prefer to not have processed foods; any fruit and veggie, but nothing processed. I am feeling wonderful; I had a knee injury when I was 24, and since then, I haven't been able to run as much without it bothering me.... it even bothered me on rainey days. Now? I barely know it was ever injured.

    But, I am curious...people are talking about 'net carbs'...and I got to thinking...who came up with the idea that you could 'lower' your carb intake by counting 'fiber' against the total 'carbs'? I mean....Benefiber has 15 calories and 4g carbs....with 3 grams fiber. I get that we have been told the fiber isn't digested, therefore it passes through....and that's why you can't count them. Why is 'net carbs' now being pushed?
  • SmartWhatever
    SmartWhatever Posts: 718 Member
    Personally, I recently started doing a low carb diet. I watched 'Fathead", and the science just made sense to me. I try to keep my sugar low, and my carbs only from veggies. It's more Paleo than Adkins, I think; in that I prefer to not have processed foods; any fruit and veggie, but nothing processed. I am feeling wonderful; I had a knee injury when I was 24, and since then, I haven't been able to run as much without it bothering me.... it even bothered me on rainey days. Now? I barely know it was ever injured.

    But, I am curious...people are talking about 'net carbs'...and I got to thinking...who came up with the idea that you could 'lower' your carb intake by counting 'fiber' against the total 'carbs'? I mean....Benefiber has 15 calories and 4g carbs....with 3 grams fiber. I get that we have been told the fiber isn't digested, therefore it passes through....and that's why you can't count them. Why is 'net carbs' now being pushed?

    That's so weird what you said about your knee! Since I started low carb/high protein my hip pain that has plagued me for over 10 years is nearly non-exsistant! I don't know if its because of a change in diet but it works for me!

    And for those asking about where your ennergy comes from- it comes from the high protein. I have way more energy now eating under 30 carbs a day than I ever did before. I actually sleep less, and wake up refreshed. I feel like the carbs weigh me down and without them I feel great! I did have slight headaches in the first 3 days after cutting carbs, but that only lasts til. Your body gets used to itand I haven't had a headache since then.
    I realize its not for everyone but I am very happy with the results I get and with how I feel.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    May I ask where people who are taking in almost zero carbs getting their energy?

    I could not do it!! Thats just me

    Ketones and protein are perfectly fine once adapted after a couple weeks.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    Personally, I recently started doing a low carb diet. I watched 'Fathead", and the science just made sense to me. I try to keep my sugar low, and my carbs only from veggies. It's more Paleo than Adkins, I think; in that I prefer to not have processed foods; any fruit and veggie, but nothing processed. I am feeling wonderful; I had a knee injury when I was 24, and since then, I haven't been able to run as much without it bothering me.... it even bothered me on rainey days. Now? I barely know it was ever injured.

    But, I am curious...people are talking about 'net carbs'...and I got to thinking...who came up with the idea that you could 'lower' your carb intake by counting 'fiber' against the total 'carbs'? I mean....Benefiber has 15 calories and 4g carbs....with 3 grams fiber. I get that we have been told the fiber isn't digested, therefore it passes through....and that's why you can't count them. Why is 'net carbs' now being pushed?

    That's so weird what you said about your knee! Since I started low carb/high protein my hip pain that has plagued me for over 10 years is nearly non-exsistant! I don't know if its because of a change in diet but it works for me!

    And for those asking about where your ennergy comes from- it comes from the high protein. I have way more energy now eating under 30 carbs a day than I ever did before. I actually sleep less, and wake up refreshed. I feel like the carbs weigh me down and without them I feel great! I did have slight headaches in the first 3 days after cutting carbs, but that only lasts til. Your body gets used to itand I haven't had a headache since then.
    I realize its not for everyone but I am very happy with the results I get and with how I feel.

    It's very likely the cutting of grains that comes along with a low carb diet generally that is helping your hip. My wife had major back issues that have almost gone away due to going low carb. She had been getting treated for a bulging disc in the lower spine and was on steroids, getting injections into the disc, etc all in an effort to reduce inflammation and heal the disc. NOTHING worked (though the steroids made her GAIN 60lbs in 3 months...). I started reading up on low carb and Paleo after deciding to return to the lifestyle, and one of the side effects of cutting grains is reduced inflammation.

    After the change in diet my wife went from needing assistance just to walk to more or less normal in 2 weeks. 2 WEEKS! She'd been getting treated aggressivly by doctors for 8 months prior with no improvment, and they were even talking about removing the disc and fusing her spine near the end!!
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    If I cut my carbs down to below 100g a day for more than a week or so I feel weak, grouchy, lethargic and starving. I did it for 4 months last year and was miserable. I also get heartburn if I eat too much protein.

    It is amazing how we all respond differently. I'm totally the opposite of you.

    I feel weak, grouchy, lethargic and starving if I consistently eat above my 80g day carb limit. Oh, I can do it occasionally but not on a regular basis. If my carb counts creep up, I feel horrible and become a bit horrible to live with, too.

    And you know what gives me heartburn? Grains. I can eat some in small amounts, especially if I time it for shortly before or after a workout, but if I eat too much, I get horrible heartburn and, quite often, hiccups, too. And I can taste the yeast with each hiccup. Yuck!
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    Personally, I recently started doing a low carb diet. I watched 'Fathead", and the science just made sense to me. I try to keep my sugar low, and my carbs only from veggies. It's more Paleo than Adkins, I think; in that I prefer to not have processed foods; any fruit and veggie, but nothing processed. I am feeling wonderful; I had a knee injury when I was 24, and since then, I haven't been able to run as much without it bothering me.... it even bothered me on rainey days. Now? I barely know it was ever injured.

    But, I am curious...people are talking about 'net carbs'...and I got to thinking...who came up with the idea that you could 'lower' your carb intake by counting 'fiber' against the total 'carbs'? I mean....Benefiber has 15 calories and 4g carbs....with 3 grams fiber. I get that we have been told the fiber isn't digested, therefore it passes through....and that's why you can't count them. Why is 'net carbs' now being pushed?

    That's so weird what you said about your knee! Since I started low carb/high protein my hip pain that has plagued me for over 10 years is nearly non-exsistant! I don't know if its because of a change in diet but it works for me!

    And for those asking about where your ennergy comes from- it comes from the high protein. I have way more energy now eating under 30 carbs a day than I ever did before. I actually sleep less, and wake up refreshed. I feel like the carbs weigh me down and without them I feel great! I did have slight headaches in the first 3 days after cutting carbs, but that only lasts til. Your body gets used to itand I haven't had a headache since then.
    I realize its not for everyone but I am very happy with the results I get and with how I feel.

    It's very likely the cutting of grains that comes along with a low carb diet generally that is helping your hip. My wife had major back issues that have almost gone away due to going low carb. She had been getting treated for a bulging disc in the lower spine and was on steroids, getting injections into the disc, etc all in an effort to reduce inflammation and heal the disc. NOTHING worked (though the steroids made her GAIN 60lbs in 3 months...). I started reading up on low carb and Paleo after deciding to return to the lifestyle, and one of the side effects of cutting grains is reduced inflammation.

    After the change in diet my wife went from needing assistance just to walk to more or less normal in 2 weeks. 2 WEEKS! She'd been getting treated aggressivly by doctors for 8 months prior with no improvment, and they were even talking about removing the disc and fusing her spine near the end!!

    This doesn't surprise me at all. When I eat too many carbs, the first thing I notice is that I start getting throbbing aches in my knees and elbows, sometimes my ankles as well. If I go out and exercise almost immediately upon getting those feelings, even if it's just a brisk walk, the throbbing will go away. But if I'm in a situation where I can't exercise, I can be miserable for hours and the throbbing will extend into my calves, neck, and feet and, sometimes, my hands and back in a really bad case of it. I've never been diagnosed with arthritis but it sure feels like the type of aches arthritis sufferers describe.

    This doesn't happen to me if I've just gone a little over. It's only after succumbing to a big carbfest on days where my activity is minimal.
  • SmartWhatever
    SmartWhatever Posts: 718 Member
    Wow- that's interesting about how cutting out grains can reduce inflammation! That's something you would think my doctor would have told me about instead of just trying to give me pain killers and basically telling me there wasn't anything else to do at this time because I'm too young for a hip replacement. What a *kitten*!
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    Wow- that's interesting about how cutting out grains can reduce inflammation! That's something you would think my doctor would have told me about instead of just trying to give me pain killers and basically telling me there wasn't anything else to do at this time because I'm too young for a hip replacement. What a *kitten*!

    This is all interesting. I'm leaning more and more into the belief that the human body was not meant to thrive on wheat products and grains. When I cut out grains and processed foods, my heartburn went away completely within 2 weeks. I had heartburn that would wake me up at least twice every night. Now I sleep completely through the night, getting about 6-7 hours, and feel refreshed, when I used to crash about 2 pm every afternoon and want a nap.
  • caseyjmc
    caseyjmc Posts: 37 Member
    I started out at about 225 lbs, and just started eating about a third of my usual fare. After about 30 lbs lost, I learned my cholesterol was still high: LDL 152, so I dug into oat bran/meal/flour, flax seed meal, whole grains, fruits and veggies, and dropped another 20 lbs. My LDL as of five months ago was at 138, so the diet seems to be working.

    I just started 30 carbs, 35 fat, 35 protein because it seems to be comfortable for me, and in the past few days, my weight is starting to drop again. I exercise, usually on my recumbent stationary bike (and do some dumb bell work at the same time with 5 pounders), about 60 minutes / day, plus other calorie burning activities varied, such as dragon boat racing, racquetball, etc. I'll go in again soon for another lipid test to see how the cholesterol is doing.

    I'm 57, female, and athletic. Will these food percentages hurt me?
  • clschaan
    clschaan Posts: 16
    I find it interesting how carbs are lumped into one big category ... there are carbs that have little effect on insulin release ex.most vegetables and then there are carbs that have a larger effect on insulin resistance ..

    I don't think the be all and end all in losing weight is counting calories .. you are what u eat .. high quality food is key .. cut out the processessed junk carbs and fill up on the good ones ..
  • caseyjmc
    caseyjmc Posts: 37 Member
    I so agree! And that has been what's made the difference for me. I eat very high quality carbs and fats.
  • cranberrycat
    cranberrycat Posts: 233 Member
    I find it interesting how carbs are lumped into one big category ... there are carbs that have little effect on insulin release ex.most vegetables and then there are carbs that have a larger effect on insulin resistance ..

    I don't think the be all and end all in losing weight is counting calories .. you are what u eat .. high quality food is key .. cut out the processessed junk carbs and fill up on the good ones ..

  • huntindawg1962
    huntindawg1962 Posts: 277 Member

    This is all interesting. I'm leaning more and more into the belief that the human body was not meant to thrive on wheat products and grains. When I cut out grains and processed foods, my heartburn went away completely within 2 weeks. I had heartburn that would wake me up at least twice every night. Now I sleep completely through the night, getting about 6-7 hours, and feel refreshed, when I used to crash about 2 pm every afternoon and want a nap.

    Exactly the same for me - I cut carbs way down and the chronic heart burn disappeared. NADA. No more Prilosec. There are people around the world that exist just fine without any carbs to not worry about restricting them to some fictitious number someone on the BB claims you need to use (certainly not an MFP guideline number).

    Anyone see 60 minutes tonight talking about the issues with sugars? Check it out on the web if you missed it. Pretty interesting. Also have the mandatory interview with the "sugar grower" that disputes and reverts to the "eat balanced" approach, which, as we all saw when the food pyramid was re-done in the last 10 years - simply means the food industries that have the most lobby money get included in the name of "eating balanced."
  • Mindywv2003
    Mindywv2003 Posts: 62 Member
    I would like to add you as a friend, I would be interested in seeing your food diary
    I am also on low carb, started 2 weeks ago today and lost 12 lbs. so far
    was on it manyyy yesrs ago and lost 67 lbs. in less than 4 months (my younger days) lol
    so hopefully would like to drop approx. 40 lbs.

  • bvjamison
    bvjamison Posts: 1
    Short answer to the original question "what do you use for energy on a low/no carb diet" ...FAT.

    Long answer: The body has 2 metabolic states. you either burn sugar or you convert fat to a usable source of energy. It can't do both at the same time. one or the other. If there are carbs/sugar in your system your body will use it for fuel until it's gone. once it's gone your body switches into producing the chemicals needed to use fat as energy. This process is painful! Your body convinces itself it is starving even if your eating tons of fats and protein, because your shocking it. You go through withdrawal symptoms. You are lethargic and fatigued. You are moody. along with many other unpleasant things. It's not easy to go through the switch, but once you are their, you will find you are hungry less often, your mind is clearer than ever before, your stamina and energy levels increase, and any excess weight falls off. This is because the body burns fat more efficiently and evenly than carbs...you don't have high bursts of energy like carbs can give you, but you have a more efficient and constant source for more stamina. But you have to be willing to push through the process of your body adjusting.

    I'm 33 and I've been over 300lbs since about 25. I could hardly move...I felt like life was over. I spent about 3 weeks completely cutting out carbs a year ago...forcing myself to get through the change, I lost 40 lbs in those 3 weeks! NO exercise and eating a ton of everything but carbs. At the end of that I had so much energy I was bursting! I started riding a bike 7 miles every day as an outlet for the energy. I was able to remember things better than I had in years. I was sleeping better. I felt better than I did in my 20s. I kept this up for most of last year and lost 70lbs. however, I slowly began to fall off the wagon grabbing a subway sandwich for lunch or eating pasta for dinner (which I think is fine as long as it stays in moderation), but slowly I fell back into a mostly carb diet, and slowly began to feel the way I used to...and after having lost 70lbs I put about 15 back on. So now, I'm going through the processing of switching again...which sucks! But I'm a week in and finally feeling like I might be coming out on the other side. lost 10 of those 15 lbs just in this week! The body stores several lbs of carbs in the organs for use when you don't take in enough...so when you force it to burn through that energy store you can lose quite a bit of weight quickly at first.

    I would encourage you...don't let your body tell your mind your starving...push through. And don't make the mistake of NOT eating fat. If you get your body switched your brain NEEDS you to take in fat...even if you have plenty already stored on you! :-) If you don't get enough fats you will become fatigued because the body can't convert stored fat fast enough. This is the mistake many naysayers of the low carb diet make.
  • MurphysLawTD
    MurphysLawTD Posts: 310 Member
    I just started on a low carb high protein kick yesterday to try to put my body into ketosis. My weight loss slowed down in the last 2 weeks and I decided to try something different. I would love to hear about anyones experiences and results from doing this. Any advice?

    Completely unrelated, but I LOOOOVE, love, love that you have Dale Dixon on your weight loss ticker!!!!!! BRILLIANT!!!!!!
  • SmartWhatever
    SmartWhatever Posts: 718 Member
    I thought I'd just check in here. I can hardly believe I orginally posted this 5 months ago.
    Well, I did push through the the first few weeks, and they were kind of tough! But I came out of it feeling incredible.
    I've had great sucess with low carbs, and I'll never go back to my old eating habits.
    I've lost just over 50 lbs since I started low carb, 10 lbs a month!
    I feel like this was one of the best things I've ever done!

    there was some good advice posted here and I appreciate it! I don't think I could have been successful without the help and support I get from the MFP community!
  • azaza91
    azaza91 Posts: 2 Member
    How do you set each nutrition? Mine's always automatically set whenever I try to change my goal weight. Do you guys who are in super low carb diet count the carbs on fruit? Since like in one banana it has 35 : \