New to this

wagsie Posts: 14 Member
Hi All,

Been on Mfp a couple of weeks now, need to lose the weight to help me look better and feel better about myself, not really sure of what I'm doing, lost 3.4 lbs then put most back on. Doing zumba 1hr twice a week and looking to take the bike out a couple of times a week too. I have an under active thyroid which may not help me but can't find anywhere on here where you can add a medical condition and find out if or how it will affect weight loss.

Would like to find some friends for motivation and guidence...... :)


  • luckymeme93
    hello im new to this site to haha but im more then happy to help you feel free to add me :)
    xALEXANDROx Posts: 3,416 Member
    Hello and welcome !!
  • Lexalina132
    Lexalina132 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi! New to the dieting thing myself! Just want to wish you luck on you health mission! Good luck! :)
  • wagsie
    wagsie Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, and thanks for the welcome :smile:
  • wagsie
    wagsie Posts: 14 Member
    Hi lexalina132' thanks and hope things are going well for you too :smile:
  • LowcarbNY
    LowcarbNY Posts: 546 Member
    I have an under active thyroid which may not help me but can't find anywhere on here where you can add a medical condition and find out if or how it will affect weight loss.

    Would like to find some friends for motivation and guidence...... :)

    Join the hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism group.

    COMMUNITY - GROUPS - then search on thyroid to get a list of several support groups.
  • seabreeze2012
    I have been here a couple of weeks. I too have an underactive thyroid and am on medication for it. Are you one medication? I also have very bad knees which makes it difficult to excercise. I have found an underactive thyroid, even on medication, does make it a bit more difficult to lose weight, but not impossible - just perhaps a bit slower than most. I especially crave carbs for easy energy and don't burn fat as efficiently as I would like. I am a bit older so I am working on adding some muscle back to help as well.

    Please do not get discouraged, I believe you (and I) can do it. Please feel free to add me as a friend:)
  • Jerry945
    Jerry945 Posts: 7 Member
    I am new also..been here one week today and have lost 8 pounds so I am liking it so far.
  • wagsie
    wagsie Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for the info about the thyroid group LowcarbNY will definitely join them. So far I have lost 3.4 lbs, just weighed myself :smile: I'm really pleased and hope to keep it up, every little bit counts huh!
  • wagsie
    wagsie Posts: 14 Member
    I have been here a couple of weeks. I too have an underactive thyroid and am on medication for it. Are you one medication? I also have very bad knees which makes it difficult to excercise. I have found an underactive thyroid, even on medication, does make it a bit more difficult to lose weight, but not impossible - just perhaps a bit slower than most. I especially crave carbs for easy energy and don't burn fat as efficiently as I would like. I am a bit older so I am working on adding some muscle back to help as well.

    Please do not get discouraged, I believe you (and I) can do it. Please feel free to add me as a friend:)

    Yes I am on medication, levothyroxine, it's seems to be keeping my thyroxine levels stable but i am finder it is much harder to lose weight, loving this site tho, finding it is really helping me to keep things in check. Hope you are doing well, have added you.
  • wagsie
    wagsie Posts: 14 Member
    I am new also..been here one week today and have lost 8 pounds so I am liking it so far.

    Hi Jerry945,

    Thanks for the message, I'm liking this site to, I'm really watching what I eat, never really thought about it before, so far I have lost 3.4 lbs, quite happy with that :smile: