Lack of motivation

Hi guys,

I keep tracking and then lose my motivation and stop. Its not until I see myself in the mirror and this horrid fat lump looking back at me that I then get the motivation to start up again but there can be moths between these spells.

Does anyone have any tips on how to keep yourself motivated?

And please, anyone that can keep kicking my *kitten* into gear, add me because I really need it!!

Nicki x.


  • Bluescat1
    Bluescat1 Posts: 207 Member
    Just like anything important in life you have to want to do it first. Don't let anyone or anything get in the way of your focus. I go to the gym with my wife & daughter, but I am there for ME. If they get done before I do they just have to wait till I get done, and if they don't like it they don't have to ride with me. I AM ON A MISSION !!! I decide what I will eat and how much, and I decide how long I will work out.