Scale obsession?



  • I weigh daily if I'm close to a goal. Otherwise I go every 3-4 days to a week.
  • I weigh every morning. I do this as part of my diet routine. I do it to stay disciplined and focused.

    Whenever someone offers me a random 'fat bomb' I think of what the scales will tell me and think twice before stuffing that 600 calorie slice of cake in my gob.

    But am I 'obsessed'? I don't think so. I don't starve myself or totally deprive myself of the odd treat. It's just that using the scales regularly is part of my diet regime and strategy.

    A fat bomb! I love this thinking!
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I weigh once a week. It's hard to not let the scale define us, but it doesn't tell the whole story of weight/fat loss!!!

    check out my debut you tube video! judging from what you said it might benefit you!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I don't have a scale. I weigh in with my nutritionist every other week. I don't like to see the weight bounce up and down. ;-)
  • smkcx
    smkcx Posts: 69
    I weigh every single day, sometimes multiple times a day. I am completely obsessed with weighing myself.
    I've gotten better since staring the site, although I weighed myself this morning and yesterday morning as well.
    it's a habit I need to break =/
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    I'm boggled by people who can weigh themselves every day. The constant monitoring and fluctuations would drive me crazy.

    Working out at Curves they take your measurements every 25 workouts I think it is. It works out to once a month for me which is perfect. Knock on wood I haven't had to deal with that horrible feeling of "ugh I've gained weight" that people seem to complain about on here when they weigh themselves every day or week. It's nicer when it's in one big chunk of losing 8 pounds in a month than 1 by 1 with those "I've gained weight" moments mixed in there. I think weighing yourself too often is unhealthy but that's my opinion. I personally spend more time weighing my food so I know what I'm putting in and know it will lead to me losing.

    I have hopped on the scale a couple times outside of that just because I wanted a ballpark of if I'm still losing or not. It's one of those old scales with the slidey things and I don't know how to work it so I can only get my ballpark anyway. Plus another perk is I only have that to fight little voice saying "I've lost weight so I can binge" once a month rather than every week or whatever.
  • So long as you grasp the concept that your weight will fluctuate a few pounds from day to day thenI don't think it matters how often you weigh yourself

    I use the scale as a useful tool for tracking progress on a week by week basis

    I use the scale as a bit of interest on a daily basis

    It's when you measure daily - and do something with the daily information that it becomes an issue

  • BaDaSsBrUnEtTe
    BaDaSsBrUnEtTe Posts: 518 Member
    i weigh once daily in the morning, i find it helps keep me acountable and i tend to stay on track easier.
  • chubbachub
    chubbachub Posts: 40 Member
    Everyday. I can't help myself. Every shift in the right direction motivates me. It may not be accurate in terms of ups and downs throughout the week/day. And then I also get weighed weekly by my pharmacist. It may not be healthy but when you're motivated and want to achieve a goal, its hard not to take a peek and see how you're getting on.
  • I weigh daily either at home or at the gym as a tool to be more intune with what my body is doing. Although I get a little dissapointment if the number isnt where I thought it should be based upon how I feel and the effort I put in, I dont dwell or feel it is a negetive. I use it to manage what I do differently or the same to get the desired results. Plus a huge bonus for me is that I put the scale all the way down in my basement next to my washer dryer so I am keeping up with my laundry like I never have before ;-):bigsmile:
  • katrinkap
    katrinkap Posts: 443 Member
    i'm thinking of starting to weigh myself "officially" once a month because i became obsessed with it before when i was starving myself...
  • puffidredz
    puffidredz Posts: 119 Member
    i weigh myself daily just for tracking. i am aware my weight will fluctuate and it doesn't bother me if i gain a few.
    i have bigger things in life to worry about than if i gained a few pounds lol.
  • otrlynn
    otrlynn Posts: 273 Member
    i weigh once daily in the morning, i find it helps keep me acountable and i tend to stay on track easier.

    Yep--same here! Plus, I need the validation that I'm losing as frequently as possible--even if it does take a week or two for the number to head in a downward direction.
  • Penelope2Plyr
    Penelope2Plyr Posts: 166 Member
    I weigh every morning. It works for me. I do fluctuate. I don't call it obsession. I would rather see it daily and see when it goes down, than to get on once a week, and that day happen to be a higher weight day, and think I had made no progress that week.

    However, I only use my weight watcher scale weight at 7am on Thursday morning as my official tracker. As they say, to each his own! If it works for you, continue on the same way you have been doing it.
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    I weigh myself every single day...I only log my weight every other or once a week. I also keep in mind, if the scale goes up, what I have been doing to make myself accountable. If I didn't do anything wrong with my diet then I figure it is water fluctuation due to starting exercising again. It is a way to help me stay accountable and motivated.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I'm very scale obsessed. I weigh in now at least once a day. It serves my interests right now while I have so much to lose. I know from past experience that when I reach goal weight it will not serve my interests and I intend to put the scale away and concentrate on other goals, like fitness.
  • fityfriend
    fityfriend Posts: 21 Member
    Same extremely scale obsessed, my scale is under my bed and I usually weigh myself about 2-3 times a day and every time I go to the gym, before and after my work out ahah

    I like seeing how what I eat affects my wieght, I don't think its very healthy though lol :D
  • I weigh every morning. It works for me. I do fluctuate. I don't call it obsession. I would rather see it daily and see when it goes down, than to get on once a week, and that day happen to be a higher weight day, and think I had made no progress that week.

    this is how i am
  • DIYmomma
    DIYmomma Posts: 74 Member
    I weigh every morning. It works for me. I do fluctuate. I don't call it obsession. I would rather see it daily and see when it goes down, than to get on once a week, and that day happen to be a higher weight day, and think I had made no progress that week.

    same for me, except you could probably say mine is a borderline obsession!
  • natymatos
    natymatos Posts: 8 Member
    I weigh myself every morning. It has become part of my morning routine and it helps me watch out for any upward trends. Is it obsession? Maybe, but so far is working so I shall remain obsessed.