

  • likearadiowave
    likearadiowave Posts: 445 Member
    I have lost a total of 17lbs since the beginning of the year. Not fast but I am in no hurry as long as it slowly comes off I am fine with it. I have also recently started running(this spring). I am doing my first 5k on Sunday and run about 10-15miles per week.

    Well recently someone I hadn't seen for a while said "WOW I thought you would have been a lot skinnier with how much you are running." They knew I was running due to fb. Nice thanks for the support. UGH!

    At least I am getting off my butt setting goals and accomplishing them. Sorry you don't like the timeline at which I am accomplishing them.

    Thanks for listening to my complaining:)

    Ignorance is bliss.

    They probably don't realize that everyone is different and loses weight at their own pace.
  • LittleRedBird18
    LittleRedBird18 Posts: 70 Member
    People can be so insensitive. Just remember that the weight that comes off slowly by diet and exercise is easier to keep off in the long run. I am surrounded by co-workers that constantly go on fad diets that basically require them to put their bodies in starvation mode. They lose the weight quickly, of course. But it always comes back as soon as they start eating again. If you keep plugging away and doing this the healthy way, the pounds will eventually melt away. And because of all the awesome muscle that you are building, you will be able to maintain that weight loss. Screw what others think. You are doing this the smart and healthy way.
    Keep up the good work. Every pound lost is a great accomplishment!
  • legs_n_bacon
    legs_n_bacon Posts: 478 Member
    Some people are dilholes.
  • JudyL5305
    JudyL5305 Posts: 215 Member
    I certainly have dealt with this also. I simply try my best to ignore these people. They are just filled with negativity You know what you are doing and you are doing it right. keep up the good work!
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    What a ding-dong ...... but ignore it ..... it's hard to cure stupidity .......

    BTW, you're doing a great job, keep on truckin' :drinker:
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    My first thought would have been to respond 'Wow, you really misunderstood what I'm doing. It's not about rushing to get skinny, it's about doing it right and getting fit at the same time.'
  • puffidredz
    puffidredz Posts: 119 Member
    wow how rude. dont let it get to u.

    a few weeks ago i was fixing my ex-boyfriends computer because he was dumb enough to be searching for porn on the internet and caught a virus, so he brought his computer to me to fix it. so after i fixed it, he came to pick it up and he says to me "wow you're packin on the pounds!" and then on top of that he didn't pay me for fixing his computer.

    the best thing tho is that i've been hoping for years that he'd stop calling me because i don't want to go back with him or have anything to do with him. looks like when he finally saw me "fat", that it finally drove him away.

    there are jerks out there. jus ignore them.
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    That is exactly why I havent told anyone besides my hubby, mom & grandma that I'm trying to lose weight because of comments like that! Sorry that person was so rude. Try not to let it get you down!
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    So many people have unrealistic expectations about how quickly you can lose weight, no doubt because of all the fad and scam diet promoters making it seem like you just go on diet x and the weight falls off overnight. It reminds me of the joke "I've been dieting all morning, why aren't I skinny yet?". Anyway, you're doing it right, he clearly doesn't have much clue either about human physiology or about social skills.
  • mandydanyele
    mandydanyele Posts: 121
    Jealously sucks.
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    My dad once said to me, "Once you lose all this weight, you can finally find a boyfriend!" Keep in mind, my dad would never say something to hurt me intentionally, but OUCH. I just don't think people realize that what they say hurts. (While I was still "heavy" I found the love of my life. Never once has he dissed my body. He fawns over it.
  • freew67
    freew67 Posts: 348 Member
    I have lost a total of 17lbs since the beginning of the year. Not fast but I am in no hurry as long as it slowly comes off I am fine with it. I have also recently started running(this spring). I am doing my first 5k on Sunday and run about 10-15miles per week.

    My question is, if your running 10-15 miles a week, why have you only lost 17 lbs? While they were slightly mean spirited in their comment, they have a point. Now, if you have MFP set to .5 lbs per week, then your right on target. Either or, keep up the good work. You obviously doing something right.
  • Monalisa85
    Monalisa85 Posts: 31 Member
    That goes to show THEIR real colors. There are just some people that cannot say anything nice or encouraging to another. Blow it off cause if you feel good about your progress, that's what counts! And our bodies don't lose at a certain pace even with you doing all the work you're doing. But then you have those times of more loss or more muscle gain and let's not forget more energy! Don't let anyone else rain on your parade.
  • DaneDillinger
    DaneDillinger Posts: 70 Member
    dhakiyya is right- a LOT of people have unrealistic expectations as to how quickly weight "should" be lost. Millions of people watch "The Biggest Loser" every week, so they think that everyone should be losing 11 or so pounds weekly. What these viewers fail to understand is that those contestants work out 6 hours a day and consume only about 1000-1200 calories daily, both of which are unhealthy (hence all the injuries). But how many of the viewers would tune in to watch the contestants lose the weight at a healthy clip, say about 1-2 pounds a week? Each "season" would take about a year and a half to film to see someone lose 140 pounds at 2 pounds a week. Tell him that you got this, and that he is welcome to join you in reality whenever he is ready...
  • melindadunston
    I have lost a total of 17lbs since the beginning of the year. Not fast but I am in no hurry as long as it slowly comes off I am fine with it. I have also recently started running(this spring). I am doing my first 5k on Sunday and run about 10-15miles per week.

    My question is, if your running 10-15 miles a week, why have you only lost 17 lbs? While they were slightly mean spirited in their comment, they have a point. Now, if you have MFP set to .5 lbs per week, then your right on target. Either or, keep up the good work. You obviously doing something right.

    I just started running in May so I haven't been running 10-15miles a week for 6mths. I assume I will loose more by I have been running 10-15 miles per week for the past month maybe. I am sorry it's not enough for you as well.

    Everyone else thanks for the encouragement. BTW....besides loosing a little weight. My resting heart rate used to be in the 90's. Now it's in the high 60's or low 70's. Also my bp is very good and I have enough energy now to keep up with my kids. But for some people the weight is all that matter.

    BTW I 15 lbs from my ideal weight. I am far from obese. Just got a little ways to go...
  • melindadunston
    ^ I think I did that quote thing
  • freew67
    freew67 Posts: 348 Member
    You did put you started running the the spring, hence why only 17 lbs didnt make sence to me. When I jog I burn a crazy amount more then when I was walking. Even only in 30-40 min segments. I never said it wasnt enough, sorry you feel you need to go on the attack. I did put if that was your goal, then keep up the good work.

    Sorry for just asking a question.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Keep your head up and keep doing what you're doing. Ignore the comments from the peanut gallery. BTW, you're beautiful. I keep looking at your user pic and thinking that Ashley Tisdale joined MFP. :)
  • Lizzym911
    Lizzym911 Posts: 301 Member
    Congrats on the 17 lbs! thats great I've lost 13 and i have a couple friends that are like" you should have lost that the 1st month,it hurts but i don't let it discourage me. i'm losing not gaining and everyone loses at their own bodys rate. People always have advise but what works for one dosent work for someone else.I've learned that already,if i try something and it dosent work i try something else,its all about learning about our own body and what it needs.some people are rude and thoughtless..just know your doing it at your pace and for you! what others think dosent really matter. wish you luck on your continued journey.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Wow, what an idiot.