The concept of a "Cheat"



  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    RealWomenLovePitbulls Posts: 729 Member
    I just eat what i want in moderation. There are some foods I tend to try to stay away from completely thought, because I know how hard it is to stop eating them and they will be calling to me from the pantry until they're gone.
    I am going on vacation in 3 weeks and am a little nervous about it because I don't want to undo my work while i'm there, and I know we will be eating out the whole time, and I also won't be near my computer most of the time in order to log the things that I do eat. I like to pre-log when I know I am going out now or eating something that I'm not sure how many calories are in it, so that I can kind of adjust my serving size accordingly, but I know that fast food can really creep up on you! lol. I think I will do some research before I go and just look at different calorie amounts for certain places that I think we might go.
    and I won't have my elliptical with me, and don't think i'm going to take my dog out for walks in a strange city... unless Hubby is game to go with us.
  • vilmafraguada
    vilmafraguada Posts: 26 Member
    No "cheat" days for me...however, I committed to this plan with the understanding that I was going to lose weight eating the things I love and driking my vino---I still do this but loggin my food has helped me plan for those indulgences without cheating.
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    I guess if I needed to go that route, I would call it a "treat" day instead of a "cheat" day. (or meal, or whatever)
  • laurenshansel
    laurenshansel Posts: 1 Member
    I just did last week, felt awful for half a day. Felt pretty bad. And then i found MFP, just a few days ago. I don't think I can cheat anymore.
  • oandptech
    oandptech Posts: 12
    Cheat is a synonym for reward to me. While I might say cheat sometimes the meaning to me is treat for a job well done. Mainly because I don't have the self control to always treat myself in only small amounts(everyday ect). But when it becomes a "treat" day or "treat" meal then I have more self control to not over do it with that treat and I DON'T feel guilty later about it, ever.
    Basically, we are discussing semantics.
    It's like saying "I'm going to kill you" to your brother when you're playing around. You don't mean it literally even though those are the words you use.
    If cheat or treat days don't work for you and you can eat and treat yourself when you wish it, then I'm a smidge jealous but I'm not going to post an entire thread questioning your reasoning.
    To each their own.
    Cheat days work for me and my lifestyle and I'll thank you not to say I'm dishonest with myself.
  • MMMendoza007
    MMMendoza007 Posts: 157 Member
    I guess if I needed to go that route, I would call it a "treat" day instead of a "cheat" day. (or meal, or whatever)

    To me, it's not about the terminology. It feels like I'm telling myself I'm punished 99% of the time, but there's that litte 1% when I can get out of jail. And to me, that's kind of setting yourself up for failure.

    Instead of making all these foods off limits and bad for you, why not be of the mindset that you can have anything that you want within moderation? It seems like that would take some of the allure and emphasis off of the food and put the emphasis instead on your behavior.
  • LoJoanna
    LoJoanna Posts: 2 Member
    I much prefer to think of them as "reward" meals.
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    No cheating for me, I do have a higher calorie day once every week or two, but still stick to healthy choices, and very occasionally I will have a treat, not a cheat. By "treat", I mean something outside of my regular nutrition, for instance, yesterday I had, no sugar, lowfat, butter pecan icecream, one single measured serving, in a cup, and the last treat I had was on July 4th. But I will NOT give myself a "treat day". I save my treats for special occasions, yesterdays treat was for a friends birthday, we met at a local ice-cream shop to celebrate. I didnt have to exclude myself from going, but I also didnt need to splurge and eat a giant waffle cone filled with extra sugar and fat. I ordered something tailored more to my needs and still had a great time!
  • grapegirl1
    grapegirl1 Posts: 22
    Thank you everyone! I now know for certain that,..
    I am not on a diet,
    I am not perfect and
    I am committed to mindful decisions.
    I find this so helpful.