Pet Peeves

bazuukajoe Posts: 49 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
First of all, I hate when I see a commercial for a diet/weight loss machine/pill/gimmick and the people on TV always say being overweight "isn't you're fault". Let's be real. Yes, it probably is your fault. 90% of the people that are overweight are overweight for a reason. It is your fault! Sorry. Maybe you shouldn't drink so much soda. Maybe you should exercise more. Maybe you should eat less. Either way, 9 times out of 10 there is something you did to make yourself overweight.

Secondly, I am annoyed with people who cheat when they log their meals/exercise. You know who you are. You're not cheating anyone but yourselves. You think that you can earn extra calories by logging "doing laundry" as an exercise? Sorry honey, that is already added into you daily actives. You can not log every little activity into your exercise log. Running on a treadmill should be logged as exercise. Bike riding. Swimming. But just because you get off your butt and walk to the front counter for a refill of your diet coke, doesn't mean you can log that as exercise.

The truth hurts but I wish people would just be honest with themselves.

That is all.


  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Wow, dude, harsh. I agree with the first part of your post, but not the second. The BMR calculation is if you never got out of bed. Getting off of your butt to do laundry, mop the floor, vacuum the living room, chase the kids, pick up toys, fix dinner... it all counts. Especially if you're sweating at the end of it. If you do a search under cardio, it actually has cleaning as an exercise!

    Anyway, just expressing my opinion, too. Merry Christmas. Have some pie :)
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Wow, dude, harsh. I agree with the first part of your post, but not the second. The BMR calculation is if you never got out of bed. Getting off of your butt to do laundry, mop the floor, vacuum the living room, chase the kids, pick up toys, fix dinner... it all counts. Especially if you're sweating at the end of it. If you do a search under cardio, it actually has cleaning as an exercise!

    Anyway, just expressing my opinion, too. Merry Christmas. Have some pie :)

    Actually what MFP uses to calculate your daily calories burned is NOT just BMR - it is calories burned based on your "normal daily activity." It takes your BMR then adds calories you're expected to burn every day based on your selected activity level. So if you pick a moderate activity level, then your normal moderate daily activities are built into your program and should not be added as exercise. However, if you pick a sedentary lifestyle but then go and rake leaves, mow the lawn or do activities above and beyond walking around, then you'd likely want to add those as exercise. It all depends on what activity level you select when you setup your individual goals.
  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
    Hmm.... I guess you must be a perfect person.

    My pet peeve is people who like to take it upon themselves to push people down when they are just trying to get some motivation and support.

    Bravo Bravo for being such a supportive person.....
  • First of all, I hate when I see a commercial for a diet/weight loss machine/pill/gimmick and the people on TV always say being overweight "isn't you're fault". Let's be real. Yes, it probably is your fault. 90% of the people that are overweight are overweight for a reason. It is your fault! Sorry. Maybe you shouldn't drink so much soda. Maybe you should exercise more. Maybe you should eat less. Either way, 9 times out of 10 there is something you did to make yourself overweight.

    Secondly, I am annoyed with people who cheat when they log their meals/exercise. You know who you are. You're not cheating anyone but yourselves. You think that you can earn extra calories by logging "doing laundry" as an exercise? Sorry honey, that is already added into you daily actives. You can not log every little activity into your exercise log. Running on a treadmill should be logged as exercise. Bike riding. Swimming. But just because you get off your butt and walk to the front counter for a refill of your diet coke, doesn't mean you can log that as exercise.

    The truth hurts but I wish people would just be honest with themselves.

    That is all.

    My pet peeve is when people decide to stereotype everyone as if they actually have any idea what they're talking about.

    Personally, my parents made me fat. It's my fault I'm still fat but it's their fault I got fat in the first place and because of that I will have a struggle the rest of my life. I didn't choose what to eat when I was that young, they did. I had no control over any of that. Now that I do I try to make healthy choices and they've actually gotten healthier themselves. My sisters are lucky and don't have to go through any of it because my parents learned their parenting skills by messing up me.

    Don't pretend as if you have a clue as to what everyone's story is. The whole reason people are on here is to get healthy. Way to push them down. Cheers to you. Happy Holidays!
  • turn off the tv when the weight loss related infomercials/commercials come on.

    how do you know that people are cheating on their food log?
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    A little harsh, for thanksgiving weekend I spent two hours cleaning my mom's house. Not moderate cleaning, but cleaning and moving stuff around that had me sweating my butt off. I ended up burning almost 600 calories that day. Not normal for my every day. So I think it's totally reasonable to add in cleaning as an exercise.
  • bazuukajoe
    bazuukajoe Posts: 49 Member
    I never claimed to be perfect. I'm overweight because I don't excise and eat too much, bottom line. In fact, I lost over 70 pounds last year and gained it all back over a 10 month period, so I'm far from perfect, but I don't cheat. When I am on a diet I do it 100% and don't try to fool myself. And there are exceptions. I realize that no one controls their genetics, but there are plenty of people with overweight parents/families and diseases like PCOS that are in shape and not overweight. You can't control your genes, but you can control what you put into your body and what comes out of it (as in exercise). HealthyKt78, If you blame your parents for being fat that's just shifting the blame. As a child you should have and could have been more active. As a child and teen I ate very poorly, but still had 6-pack abs as a freshman and sophomore because I played sports and stayed active. Your parents should share some of that blame, but to say it was entirely their fault is delusional. The truth hurts.

    As for the second part of my rant, what accountant_boi said is completely true, and that's the argument I'm making. If you log in your daily actives as anything other than seditary then you've because screwed yourself out of being able to add cleaning as an exercise. Just because cleaning is listed as in exercise doesn't mean you should add it. Your body burns calories while driving, while sitting, and even while sleeping. Are you adding these activities into your exercise log as well? The exercise log is for exercise[/]. It's not called the "daily activity log". Cleaning is something someone does as a daily activity whether or not they are on a diet or trying to watch their weight.

    I'm not trying to bring anyone down. If you were brought down by this, then maybe you needed a reality check. Telling someone what they want to hear does not equal being supportive. Telling someone what they need to hear is.
  • I actually specifically said that the reason I am still fat was my own fault. And to say that a CHILD controls what they eat is you being delusional. I'm not speaking of a middle schooler or high schooler, I'm speaking of a young innocent child who doesn't know any better. And I actually was active. I was a dancer and in high school I did marching band (if you don't think that's a sport you get on a field and march a 15 min show over and over again while trying to not only a heavy instrument but also play it) . I understand the truth. YOU have no right to judge me and you have no right to judge others on this site. If this was a private discussion I would have many other words for you right now.

    No one asked for harsh advice. If you were responding to someone else's post who needed a reality check that would be a completely different story. You however decided to randomly post on the board unnecessarily insulting people on MFP.
  • bazuukajoe
    bazuukajoe Posts: 49 Member
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Not sure what you hope to accomplish by dredging this back up from last Christmas, but let me be the first to say that after reading your initial post and all the subsequent ones, I concur with the opinions previously expressed.

    Since you seem to like directness......"You need to learn when to Shut the ***** up!!"
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I log extra calories burnt by kicking stupid posters in the balls.

    Word up.
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