ARTICLE about drinking too much water - WOW!!!



  • whitefang66
    whitefang66 Posts: 38 Member
    Most recommendations I've seen are to take 1/2 your body weight and drink that many oz per day.

    For example If you weigh 150 lbs you should drink 75 oz of water a day.

    That provides a pretty good ball park figure to work with.

    I don't think I can handle the oz requirement for me using that formula...160 oz?!?!?!
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    While I know water intoxication is real, for those of you quoting wikipedia, do you really believe everything on there to be gospel? Please quote real medical sites.... hahaha... any schmuck can add to wikipedia. Next someone will be quoting tmz and dr. Oz.
  • whitefang66
    whitefang66 Posts: 38 Member
    Sport drinks will help with electrolyte replenishment. Not more water.
    utter rubbish... there is NO evidence to support this!! (and dont quote me reports that companies like Coca Cola (who make Powerade) or SKB (who make Lucozade Sport) quote, as they are complete CRAP!
  • katemme
    katemme Posts: 191
    Its not that too much of it is a bad thing, its too much in a short amount of time that is bad for you. It throws your body off, I don't think your kidneys could process that much water in a short amount of time.
  • Colleen_G
    Colleen_G Posts: 57
    Sport drinks will help with electrolyte replenishment. Not more water.
    utter rubbish... there is NO evidence to support this!! (and dont quote me reports that companies like Coca Cola (who make Powerade) or SKB (who make Lucozade Sport) quote, as they are complete CRAP!

    mmmmm...yeah...let me go drink chemicals! NOT!
    I agree...complete CRAP!

    Now...I like some coconut water on occasion though!
  • gayje
    gayje Posts: 230 Member
    Most recommendations I've seen are to take 1/2 your body weight and drink that many oz per day.

    For example If you weigh 150 lbs you should drink 75 oz of water a day.

    That provides a pretty good ball park figure to work with.

    I don't think I can handle the oz requirement for me using that formula...160 oz?!?!?!

    You can handle it. I have to drink 184oz. it isn't the easiest thing to do in the world, I am always walking around with my bottle and drinking from it, but slow and steady. I am basically drinking a glass and a half over an hour...every hour I am awake. Now...pre, during and post work out I do consume more water (we workout Phoenix), but I noticed that I drink less in the evening when I get home.

    Yup. I do this too. I drink a 10 ounce cup of water each hour I'm awake and not so much in the evenings. I still drink 90+ ounces of water a day though. Never had an issue other than many trips to the lou...
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    I can tell by the rants on this post that most of them haven't actually watched the clip. There is a lot of useful information in there! The doctor in the video clearly says lack of salt, too much water, leads to brain cells swelling causing death.

    So inform yourselves BEFORE posting comments such as, "Going to the bathroom will solve the over-hydration" or "rubbish" to NOT drinking more water when over-hydrated. Have faith in doctors! I think they know what they are saying.
    Sport drinks will help with electrolyte replenishment. Not more water.
    utter rubbish... there is NO evidence to support this!! (and dont quote me reports that companies like Coca Cola (who make Powerade) or SKB (who make Lucozade Sport) quote, as they are complete CRAP!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Sport drinks will help with electrolyte replenishment. Not more water.
    utter rubbish... there is NO evidence to support this!! (and dont quote me reports that companies like Coca Cola (who make Powerade) or SKB (who make Lucozade Sport) quote, as they are complete CRAP!

    True watch panorama from last week. Proved sports drinks don't work unless your a super athlete 3 hours in on a very intense training session. Even then the effect is tiny. Few enlightening things on there. Not saying they are right with everything, but think they may have been with a lot of thigs. Their recommendations were to follow thirst too x
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Most recommendations I've seen are to take 1/2 your body weight and drink that many oz per day.

    For example If you weigh 150 lbs you should drink 75 oz of water a day.

    That provides a pretty good ball park figure to work with.

    I don't think I can handle the oz requirement for me using that formula...160 oz?!?!?!

    I have been known to do that on occasion. It IS possible. It is about 20 (8oz) glasses...the average drinking glass is 16-20oz, so that is 8-10 of those. When I go out to eat, I can drink like 4 glasses with my meal!

    Just last week I asked my urologist about how much the average person should drink. I see so many people say that you don't NEED to drink 64oz ( 8 8-oz glasses) because you can get most of your fluid requirements from your food. He said that for every ONE person he sees who drinks too much water, he sees HUNDREDS who are chronically dehydrated. I drank 144oz+ the day of the urine test for him, and he was THRILLED. He told me to drink as much as I would like.
  • ockara
    ockara Posts: 33 Member
    I think you should follow your thirst too...some days I'm fine with 3 glasses, some days I'm drinking 15.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Sport drinks will help with electrolyte replenishment. Not more water.
    utter rubbish... there is NO evidence to support this!! (and dont quote me reports that companies like Coca Cola (who make Powerade) or SKB (who make Lucozade Sport) quote, as they are complete CRAP!

    mmmmm...yeah...let me go drink chemicals! NOT!
    I agree...complete CRAP!

    Now...I like some coconut water on occasion though!

    I am not pro sport drinks, but electrolight thing is true. As you sweat you lose it. And it's important to replenish it. Salt sugar or sport drink, you really have to do it. :)
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I think you should follow your thirst too...some days I'm fine with 3 glasses, some days I'm drinking 15.

    I would use urine as detector. If it's yellow even orange, you need to drink water even if you didn't feel thirsty. :)
  • Maridar
    Maridar Posts: 164 Member
    this is such a controversial issue that I would only rely on personal experience. I don't drink much at all... I watch my child who is young and assuming children act naturally on their needs, he does not require much water, he drinks when he is thirsty. I once trained to run 10K and the recommendation was to start drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day three months before the event so the body gets used to it and you are comfortable running. I did, the first few weeks, I think, I was going to the bathroom like crazy, then my body adjusted and the trips weren't as frequent.
    Now, I am not sure, I drink when I am thirsty. I usually have a glass or two when I wake up in the morning, helps the digestive system, too, then at work I have a cup of coffee. Throughout the day I refill an 8 oz water bottle maybe once and that's it. I drink water when working out. I am not very good but I feel fine.
  • whitefang66
    whitefang66 Posts: 38 Member

    True watch panorama from last week. Proved sports drinks don't work unless your a super athlete 3 hours in on a very intense training session. Even then the effect is tiny. Few enlightening things on there. Not saying they are right with everything, but think they may have been with a lot of thigs. Their recommendations were to follow thirst too x
    I watched it too... of course companies like SKB and Coca Cola are going to tell you that their drinks hydrate better than water.. they have to sell the damn things to make money .. like duhh ;)
  • whitefang66
    whitefang66 Posts: 38 Member
    I would use urine as detector. If it's yellow even orange, you need to drink water even if you didn't feel thirsty. :)
    Yeah? :/ show me where it tells you that in Natures Handbook!
  • whitefang66
    whitefang66 Posts: 38 Member
    I am not pro sport drinks, but electrolight thing is true. As you sweat you lose it. And it's important to replenish it. Salt sugar or sport drink, you really have to do it. :)
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    There is no too much water, there is something called electrolyte balance and ignoring it.
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    The last time I mentioned this I got charged with posting "broscience." I tried to explain that no, it was just science, but I saw the same person snidely repeating the charge in another post. You just can't help some people.
  • DaveMurphy6
    DaveMurphy6 Posts: 129 Member
    Perhaps start using your goal weight l as your water goal. If your goal is 200 lbs drink 100oz a day. Remember to include not just water but any liquid that does not contain sweetner or other additives. This would include black coffee or tea. but watch the caffine with these, Use as much water as possible to meet this goal.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I am not pro sport drinks, but electrolight thing is true. As you sweat you lose it. And it's important to replenish it. Salt sugar or sport drink, you really have to do it. :)
    Your willful ignorance is astounding.