Fitbit help...



  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    I'll give you my feedback as I have both a HRM and a fitbit.

    Fitbit first-I started off with the fitbit classic last year, and loved it. Never went a day without it. It did keep me motivated as I always wanted to break the 10,000 steps mark. It tracks activity, intensity (the more active you are the more a little flower grows on the fitbit), your sleep, and tells you how many calories you are estimated to burn. I wore it clipped to my bra most of the time, and slept with it on a wrist band provided by fitbit during the night. You can also track a specific activity with a start/stop feature so you know how many steps you took on a particular walk or how many calories you burned during a workout. Again these are all estimates based on data about your height/weight you enter on the website. It holds a charge for approx 4-7 days.

    That being said, six months after I got it, it broke. The plastic shell snapped so the circuitry was exposed. I emailed customer service and with a photo uploaded to them, they replaced it free of charge. Fitbit #2 lasted 6 months as well before the exact same thing happened.

    Then I decided to get a heart rate monitor. I have a Polar FT4-very basic but does what I wanted it to do-tell me where my heart rate was and calories burned. I used that for six months and got the fitbit itch again.

    I bought a fitbit ultra this time-the difference being it tracks flights of stairs and some other cute features like giving you messages now and then. I had it for one month and it stopped working. No clue why-I suspect I sweat too much because I wore it during a very sweaty class and that's when it died. Despite drying it out it didn't work well again. Fortunately I bought a protection plan through bestbuy this time so they replaced it for me. I wear the fitbit on the clip provided by fitbit now instead of clipping the fitbit itself to my clothing-hoping that will preserve the elasticity of the plastic so what happened to my first fitbits (the plastic shell snapping) doesn't happen again. I also love that now fitbit syncs with MFP. I still use my HRM for my workouts and use the fitbit to monitor my overall activity and keep me honest about how much I sit on my duff. I love both my gadgets.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I just ordered a Fitbit and am waiting for it to come in the mail. I did a thread about two weeks ago and got nothing but raves, but I also read the reviews on Amazon and saw a few cons against having. However there wasn't enough bad about it to put me off so I went ahead and ordered it.

    BTW, there's a Fitbit Group on MFP that only talks about using the Fitbit and also has a post on how to set it up.
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    I love my fitbit. It encourages me to walk more. It automatically syncs to MFP once you plug it in. It's a little confusing at first, but I mainly like using it to figure out my calorie burns and times more accurate. All you do is hold down the button and the timer starts. I check my calories burned before I push the button again to stop the timer but even if you don't log it FItBit adjusts the calories for you. I got mine on either Ebay or Amazon. They're a few dollars cheaper.
  • I_love_frogs
    I_love_frogs Posts: 340 Member
    Love it love it love it love it LOVE IT!!!!

    My lil Fitzy is the best ever.... I seriously cannot imagine not having him around. It's almost an addiction to check my flower, and my cals burned....and steps and miles....makes me seriously try to do better!

    I wear him on the clip tho attached to my bra, so far so good! Seems too flimsy to use the fitbit as the clip, rather than putting it on the clip.He's actually pretty secure in the little clip!! I also put a little saran wrap over him when I work out to keep the sweat off him.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    Personally, I have a BodyMedia Fit Link and I love it. I wouldn't buy a FitBit because I do more things like cycling than anything else. The BMFL also monitors sleep, as well as 24/7 calorie burns, without having to switch modes or anything. Considered the most accurate of calorimeters on the consumer market for most people.

    I know people that love the FitBit but to be honest, if I was going to invest in an HRM AND a FitBit, I'd just combine the cost and get a BodyBugg or a BodyMedia unit. The arm band will do everything the other two do and more... And the Fit Link syncs to a smartphone, so you can get real time, up to the minute readings on your burns, your deficits, steps, and activity intensity. I love it.
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    I'll give you my feedback as I have both a HRM and a fitbit.

    Fitbit first-I started off with the fitbit classic last year, and loved it. Never went a day without it. It did keep me motivated as I always wanted to break the 10,000 steps mark. It tracks activity, intensity (the more active you are the more a little flower grows on the fitbit), your sleep, and tells you how many calories you are estimated to burn. I wore it clipped to my bra most of the time, and slept with it on a wrist band provided by fitbit during the night. You can also track a specific activity with a start/stop feature so you know how many steps you took on a particular walk or how many calories you burned during a workout. Again these are all estimates based on data about your height/weight you enter on the website. It holds a charge for approx 4-7 days.

    That being said, six months after I got it, it broke. The plastic shell snapped so the circuitry was exposed. I emailed customer service and with a photo uploaded to them, they replaced it free of charge. Fitbit #2 lasted 6 months as well before the exact same thing happened.

    Then I decided to get a heart rate monitor. I have a Polar FT4-very basic but does what I wanted it to do-tell me where my heart rate was and calories burned. I used that for six months and got the fitbit itch again.

    I bought a fitbit ultra this time-the difference being it tracks flights of stairs and some other cute features like giving you messages now and then. I had it for one month and it stopped working. No clue why-I suspect I sweat too much because I wore it during a very sweaty class and that's when it died. Despite drying it out it didn't work well again. Fortunately I bought a protection plan through bestbuy this time so they replaced it for me. I wear the fitbit on the clip provided by fitbit now instead of clipping the fitbit itself to my clothing-hoping that will preserve the elasticity of the plastic so what happened to my first fitbits (the plastic shell snapping) doesn't happen again. I still use my HRM for my workouts and use the fitbit to monitor my overall activity and keep me honest about how much I sit on my duff. I love both my gadgets.

    Some people have said you shouldn't clip it to your bra. The moisture will mess it up. I did that a few times and noticed it didn't work right one day but then I left it alone for a whole day and it fixed itself. I only clip it on the bra if I absolutely have to but other than that I put it on the clip it came with and attach it to my jean pocket. I don't care if anyone sees it.
  • sotellmedarling
    sotellmedarling Posts: 35 Member
    Personally, I have a BodyMedia Fit Link and I love it. I wouldn't buy a FitBit because I do more things like cycling than anything else. The BMFL also monitors sleep, as well as 24/7 calorie burns, without having to switch modes or anything. Considered the most accurate of calorimeters on the consumer market for most people.

    I know people that love the FitBit but to be honest, if I was going to invest in an HRM AND a FitBit, I'd just combine the cost and get a BodyBugg or a BodyMedia unit. The arm band will do everything the other two do and more... And the Fit Link syncs to a smartphone, so you can get real time, up to the minute readings on your burns, your deficits, steps, and activity intensity. I love it.

    I had heard of BodyBugg before, but never the BodyMedia. I will have to look into both more and see what's the best for me! Thanks for throwing in some FitBit alternatives to consider.

    And, of course, thanks to everyone else for stating (or repeating) your thoughts on the FitBit! (And, not to sound like I'm defending myself, but I searched the forum and this thread was the first one that came up. The others were about damages to the FitBit. Guess I should have dug a little deeper lol.)
  • Lovelybirdxx
    Lovelybirdxx Posts: 22 Member
    I'll give you my feedback as I have both a HRM and a fitbit.

    Fitbit first-I started off with the fitbit classic last year, and loved it. Never went a day without it. It did keep me motivated as I always wanted to break the 10,000 steps mark. It tracks activity, intensity (the more active you are the more a little flower grows on the fitbit), your sleep, and tells you how many calories you are estimated to burn. I wore it clipped to my bra most of the time, and slept with it on a wrist band provided by fitbit during the night. You can also track a specific activity with a start/stop feature so you know how many steps you took on a particular walk or how many calories you burned during a workout. Again these are all estimates based on data about your height/weight you enter on the website. It holds a charge for approx 4-7 days.

    That being said, six months after I got it, it broke. The plastic shell snapped so the circuitry was exposed. I emailed customer service and with a photo uploaded to them, they replaced it free of charge. Fitbit #2 lasted 6 months as well before the exact same thing happened.

    Then I decided to get a heart rate monitor. I have a Polar FT4-very basic but does what I wanted it to do-tell me where my heart rate was and calories burned. I used that for six months and got the fitbit itch again.

    I bought a fitbit ultra this time-the difference being it tracks flights of stairs and some other cute features like giving you messages now and then. I had it for one month and it stopped working. No clue why-I suspect I sweat too much because I wore it during a very sweaty class and that's when it died. Despite drying it out it didn't work well again. Fortunately I bought a protection plan through bestbuy this time so they replaced it for me. I wear the fitbit on the clip provided by fitbit now instead of clipping the fitbit itself to my clothing-hoping that will preserve the elasticity of the plastic so what happened to my first fitbits (the plastic shell snapping) doesn't happen again. I also love that now fitbit syncs with MFP. I still use my HRM for my workouts and use the fitbit to monitor my overall activity and keep me honest about how much I sit on my duff. I love both my gadgets.

    That is a great piece of information. I bought the fitbit ultra the other day. im waiting for it to arrive. im pretty excited to get it. Ive been looking at it for some time. I have also been getting a lot of information on the HRM and i think both will come in handy. that will most definitely be my next investment. I like different things about each of them. I will have to compare and update later once using both.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    Personally, I have a BodyMedia Fit Link and I love it. I wouldn't buy a FitBit because I do more things like cycling than anything else. The BMFL also monitors sleep, as well as 24/7 calorie burns, without having to switch modes or anything. Considered the most accurate of calorimeters on the consumer market for most people.

    I know people that love the FitBit but to be honest, if I was going to invest in an HRM AND a FitBit, I'd just combine the cost and get a BodyBugg or a BodyMedia unit. The arm band will do everything the other two do and more... And the Fit Link syncs to a smartphone, so you can get real time, up to the minute readings on your burns, your deficits, steps, and activity intensity. I love it.

    It's been a couple years since I had a BMF so maybe they've changed it but it didn't use to track cycling or resistance training any better than the Fitbit so in both cases you needed a HRM to track everything.
  • mandemonious
    mandemonious Posts: 217 Member
    I've had the Fitbit Ultra for about 8 months now and I love it. It is motivating and fun to see how different activities increase your overall daily count for steps and stairs. Climbing hills counts as stairs, also neat to watch..

    Many people prefer a heart rate monitor because they want a more specific count of calories burned. I take a sort of relaxed approach to this whole counting process and am okay with an estimation based on the activities I log and the Fitbit adjustments from extra steps logged when I am more active than the activity levels I have set with MFP. It's also pretty convenient that Fitbit automatically syncs with MFP.

    Good luck on your search! Do some research online first. I got mine brand new off of Amazon for $85. :wink:
  • falcon367
    falcon367 Posts: 116
    I bought the Fitbit on Amazon back in May as I started my weight loss journey to bring another dimension to losing weight. I thought perhaps it could make it fun, interesting or at least motivate me to do more as it tracked my activity throughout the day. Plus, I work as a FedEx guy, in and out of a truck 100+ times a day .. I wanted to see exactly what kind of burn I was getting at work, if much of any.

    I must say .. I do like the Fitbit ... however, it does not like me. It wasn't long after getting it that I started experiencing problems with the battery. I do P90X and work extremely hard ... meaning I sweat A LOT. Most often its like walking straight from the shower when I'm done with the workout, so everything is wet, including the Fitbit clipped on the waistband. So as time went on, with each workout, things have gotten worse. For whatever reason it either doesn't hold a charge or doesn't charge all the way. I put it on the sync pod to charge it nightly and yet by 3 PM, its dead .. I've noticed this trending sooner and sooner in the day as well. So any activity after that time is not logged >>>Fitbit<<< FAIL!

    I've contacted Fitbit customer support concerning the problem to which I get copy and pasted answers ... FAQ'S from their web site ... not what I had hoped for. I'm hoping for better customer service and answers to this problem, however, just like anything else you buy, there are always terms and conditions to everything. I'm guessing I'm out $90.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I just got my Fitbit Ultra and it is charging. Don't know how it works or how it syncs with MFP yet. I also ordered the Polar ft4 HRM which should be here next week. Don't know how that works either ;-) I'm such a techy!
  • Libb3C
    Libb3C Posts: 56 Member
    I love my Fitbit! It motivates me to find something to do even on the days I don't exercise. Make sure you set up the food plan on the fitbit site also - it will feed from MFP and estimate how many calories you can eat to lose 1 or 2 lbs a week ( you pick).
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I bought the Fitbit on Amazon back in May as I started my weight loss journey to bring another dimension to losing weight. I thought perhaps it could make it fun, interesting or at least motivate me to do more as it tracked my activity throughout the day. Plus, I work as a FedEx guy, in and out of a truck 100+ times a day .. I wanted to see exactly what kind of burn I was getting at work, if much of any.

    I must say .. I do like the Fitbit ... however, it does not like me. It wasn't long after getting it that I started experiencing problems with the battery. I do P90X and work extremely hard ... meaning I sweat A LOT. Most often its like walking straight from the shower when I'm done with the workout, so everything is wet, including the Fitbit clipped on the waistband. So as time went on, with each workout, things have gotten worse. For whatever reason it either doesn't hold a charge or doesn't charge all the way. I put it on the sync pod to charge it nightly and yet by 3 PM, its dead .. I've noticed this trending sooner and sooner in the day as well. So any activity after that time is not logged >>>Fitbit<<< FAIL!

    I've contacted Fitbit customer support concerning the problem to which I get copy and pasted answers ... FAQ'S from their web site ... not what I had hoped for. I'm hoping for better customer service and answers to this problem, however, just like anything else you buy, there are always terms and conditions to everything. I'm guessing I'm out $90.

    The initial email you got is automated, I got that too. Just reply to it saying you tried all those things with no success, if you have tried them with no success, and they will most likely replace it. They did with mine when I got the same issue, but yes, I was told to not have it in contact with skin if working out and sweating as it isn't waterproof. I now keep it in the clip holder provided with it when I workout and that seems to keep it safe.
  • ValkyrieFD
    ValkyrieFD Posts: 83
    yes most people answerd this well, but I just use it to track my steps only. I always leave it in and when I log exercise in MFP, it will over ride fit bit (just make sure you input your start time). I think it's a great motivator to keep walking and burn those extra calories you normally would never count or track.
  • TheMolloy
    TheMolloy Posts: 31 Member
    yes most people answerd this well, but I just use it to track my steps only. I always leave it in and when I log exercise in MFP, it will over ride fit bit (just make sure you input your start time). I think it's a great motivator to keep walking and burn those extra calories you normally would never count or track.

    I agree 100% ... use the fitbit to track your walking / running and log all your excersise otherwise.

    Since having my FItbit i HAVE to do atleast 10000 steps a day ... HAVE TO ... heh ...

    Before i used to think that just walking to the shops was good enough, but now its walking to shops ... going round the block 3 times instead ya know ?

    Fantastic motivator ... would not have ANY problems recommending fitbit to anyone at all :)
  • Petefry1
    Petefry1 Posts: 29 Member
    I also recommend the FB. I only use it to track sleep otherwise everything on MFP. Except I do delete MFP runs and manually add them back on to FB as MFP does not track distance so your steps are out in FB.
    It is an amazing motivator to keep moving for steps and climbing hills/steps for floors!
  • papate
    papate Posts: 67 Member
    Love, Love LOVE my Fitbit. Wear it constantly, keeps you apprised of daily steps, calories burned, it's awesome. Be faithful in your journal of intake and you're all set
  • sms215
    sms215 Posts: 1 Member
    The combination of FitBit and MyFitness Pal has really helped me stay motivated and accountable.