counting calories on 3rd shift?

Hello all, I normally work 1st shift but tomorrow (Sunday) I am working first, then coming back in for 3rd. How shall I count my calories, and for what day? I will be hungry on 3rd shift so i will be bringing food. So confused. If I count them for tomorow, then i will barely be able to eat anything all day, and same goes for monday. Any advice?


  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    What worked well for me was keeping a meal schedule. I would eat dinner at 6 or 7 am, then go to bed at 9 am. I'd wake up about 5pm, eat breakfast, and then eat lunch at midnight. As far as calorie counting, start counting calories at midnight and stop at 11pm.
  • Carolyn1012
    Carolyn1012 Posts: 41 Member
    Will you be sleeping at all when you get home from 3rd shift? I used to work 12 hour nights so I would just count my calories per 24 hours. I would sleep a good 4 or 5 hours when I got home so my day time eating decreased since I was using that time to sleep. Honestly though I rarely ate on night shift. For some reason I get a horrible stomach ache when I eat during the night. But when I did eat I would just aim to keep my calories at 1500 in a 24 hour period whether or not I did the bulk of my eating during the night or the day. Hope this helps!
  • afgivens4
    afgivens4 Posts: 117
    record from midnight to midnight just as MFP does. I always work weird schedules and this just fits the best. (i have tried other ways). Feel free to look at my diary. Its open to public.