What's your best diet/fitness advice?



  • JSmallz88
    JSmallz88 Posts: 6
    #1 diet - take a daily multi-vitamin to make sure you are getting all of your nutrients
    #1 fitness - when you don't feel like exercising, make yourself do 10 min. after 10, you may decide you want to keep doing it, or if ur still really not feeling it, at least u did 10 minutes instead of none

    This is a great idea =)
  • cbevan1229
    cbevan1229 Posts: 326 Member
    Diet: Measure everything. Portion sizes are not what you think they are!

    Fitness: Set small, attainable goals for yourself. Accomplishing a goal will feel great and motivate you to meet your next challenge.
  • TheChangingMan
    TheChangingMan Posts: 73 Member
    Create a reasonable calorie deficit.
    Eat sufficient macronutrients for your goal.
    Use some common sense with food selection.
    Train hard. Most people should do some form of resistance training assuming they want to look good naked.

    And beyond that, don't complicate things.

    This !
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Before you eat in a restaurant, research the menu online and find healthy (or at least healthier) choices.
    Or, learn to make healthy choices on your own without relying on nutritional info.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Burn more calories than you eat.
    Eat mostly whole foods in good macronutrient proportions.
    Get plenty of activity some of which is intense for developing your muscle tissue.

    And like Sidesteal already said, don't make it too complicated.
  • FitRican
    FitRican Posts: 98 Member
    My nutrition advice is: For each pound of your desired weight consume one gram of protein daily.
    My activity advice is: Work out with weight 3 times a week, as much aerobic as you want.
  • andeey
    andeey Posts: 709 Member
    Diet - measure and weigh everything, your eyes deceive you!
    Fitness - if you work with a PT like I do, make sure you LOVE them so they can push you beyond what you think is possible.

    Bonus - don't wait to get started and don't let your own head mess with you if you want to join a gym, thinking everyone will be staring at you. They might, but who cares - just focus and get started, regardless of starting size or fitness level!
  • nikkitodhunter
    The advice I give to myself :D ENJOY IT.

    If I'm miserable because I won't let myself have a bit of cake or whatever.....I have a bit of cake. It stops me giving in and bingeing on it later.
    I eat out with friends/family occasionally and just make sensible choices.

    If I'm out for a run and I want to stop I say to myself, this excersize will make me feel proud when I am done, but miserable and ashamed if i give up now. And then when I do let myself stop, I think WOW I did that, I just ran for x amount of minutes, that felt great! I never push myself so far that I start not enjoying myself - if I did that, I wouldn't go for another run and then where would I be. Yeah I've probably progressed slower than I would've if I were going for properly horrid, gruelling runs...but if I'd done that, I'd have quit long ago!

    I enjoy finding ways to cook healthy delicious recipes, and then sit down to savour it thinking about how good it is!

    I enjoy planning my meals for the next day, and working out my calorie deficit each night and week, and seeing the numbers clock up and being proud of the changes I've made :)

    The key to making these sorts of changes permanent is LETTING YOURSELF ENJOY IT!
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    My best nutrition advice (don't like the word diet because it often has the connotation that a person is "on a diet") would be not to deprive yourself. Aside from the fact that I'm vegan I will never cut certain foods out of my diet just because it's "bad." I eat chocolate every day. I eat grains and carbs. As a future dietitian and as someone who'd struggled with eating disorders, I can say with absolute certainty that is it only going to be detrimental in the long run if you keeping telling yourself you can't EVER have something you really want. Allow yourself to enjoy some of the foods you like. Just keep it to moderate amounts - and I know that's the most difficult part - but it's possible.

    My best fitness advice would be to do something you enjoy. Don't force yourself to exercise a particular way if you don't enjoy it.
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    Don’t go on a diet because when you go off of it, you will gain weight. Change your lifestyle that got you into this trouble in the first place and do something that is sustainable for the rest of your life.

    Do cardio for your heart and lungs, and lift heavy weights for your muscles, bones and to increase your metabolic rate.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Diet advice: Eat fewer calories than you burn a day while maintaining all of your nutritional needs such as Protein.

    Fitness Advice: Do something you enjoy. No matter how dedicated you are, if you hate the activity, it is unlikely to become a lifelong change.
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    #1 Diet: Increase protein and do not deny yourself your treats in moderation.
    #1 Fitness: Strength train with heavy weights and mix up the cardio. Everything from long slow low HR to HIIT.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I give this advice to patients all the time. #1 nutrition advice: EAT! No 1200 calorie a day diet....eat to fuel your body, stay away from 100-calorie packs and eat real food! #1 exercise advice: Strength train over cardio if you only have time for 1. And, yes, I'm telling this to women. :)

    Your patients are very lucky! Most doctors I've come across are very narrow minded in their views on strength training, and diet!
    Just wanted to say- you rock Dude. Was way cool of you to take her under your wing and hook her up with a program that works. I quit my gym (worlds) because of this- no one really versed on how to show women how to lift and my favorite classes all turned to that zumba crap- they took away HIIT, Boot camps and the like. So a gym not being the best place to get fitness advice is no shock. This board has more experts than the gyms I swear. So again- just chiming in to say- I think its hella cool you took the time to help her get to her goal.

    Thanks! Honestly, I wish ALL my MFPeeps lived close to me. We could just buy a gym and avoid all the BS entirely!
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member

    Thanks! Honestly, I wish ALL my MFPeeps lived close to me. We could just buy a gym and avoid all the BS entirely!

    Wouldn't that be cool!
  • heddy90
    heddy90 Posts: 144 Member
    Diet: Eat SLOWLY, so you can feel when you're actually full. When you're full, stop eating. So often we have the habit to just continue eating just because there's food left, even though we're full. It might sound basic and obvious, but a lot of people don't think about it.

    Make smaller portions. You will probably still feel full afterwards, and there won't be much left that you feel obligated to eat.

    Learn more about cooking. Cook more of your own food, instead of buying microwave food or similar. Gives you more control, and is healthier.

    Don't go on diets. Change your lifestyle to something you can live with forever.
  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    Eat your fruits and veggies!!
  • rhondagraymond
    Some low carb diet tips (http://www.dukandiet.com/) - eat non-starchy vegetables in the form of stir-fries, bakes, grills, soups and salads. Eliminate potatoes, peas, beans, beats and other starchy veggies from your diet. Increase your intake of proteins. Include SOME kind of protein in every meal, be it eggs, lean meat, chicken, seafood or even tofu and skimmed milk. Sleep for 7-8 hours every day.
  • browneyedmama03
    browneyedmama03 Posts: 6 Member
    With both: Strive for consistency; not perfection. :-)
  • Sherylmarlee
    Sherylmarlee Posts: 224 Member
    #1 food advice-eat!!! Let me repeat...one must eat to be lean!!!!
    Eat clean, fresh food and eat frequently.

    #1 fitness advice-don't get in your own way...no excuses - make
    Yourself a priority and do it for YOU!!!
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    For me, everything has been 90% mental...meaning my attitude. I view every time I eat as a step in the right direction...just because I either ate too much or the wrong thing a few hours ago doesn't mean I should throw away the whole day. Every time I step into the gym it's progress.

    I also have a goal every time I walk in the gym; whether it's a certain calorie burn, time doing cardio, or weight I'm lifting, I set a goal and don't leave until I've reached it.

    As far as diet advice, plan your meals! I usually go shopping once a week, and get everything for the week. That way I dont spend more money on crap food if I've already bought the healthy stuff!