Disappointed in slow rate of weight loss...



  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I hear you - the closer I got to goal, the more my weight loss slowed down. I now average 0.5 - 1lbs. per week which was/is frustrating because ideally, I'd like to lose another 5-15lbs and I want it gone quickly! However, I started looking at it from a different perspective, I'm now (categorically) at a healthy weight, so anything I lose going forward is a bonus, not a requirement.
    Are you doing weight training as well?
  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    I hear you - the closer I got to goal, the more my weight loss slowed down. I now average 0.5 - 1lbs. per week which was/is frustrating because ideally, I'd like to lose another 5-15lbs and I want it gone quickly! However, I started looking at it from a different perspective, I'm now (categorically) at a healthy weight, so anything I lose going forward is a bonus, not a requirement.
    Are you doing weight training as well?

    No, but I know that I really need to start. I'm hooked on cardio and it's hard to switch my mindset.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I will share with you something. Several years ago (about 5) I lost quite a bit of weight. Mainly doing cardio, maybe one day a week of weight training, I was about 180. Today I weighed in at 203.5. I have been doing weight training 3 days a week and I fit in a shirt that I purchased 5 years ago, that I couldn't fit into then when I was 20 lbs lighter. I wore it yesterday and the stomach area was actually loose, I was shocked. The weight training has totally transformed my body and I am loving the results.
  • ovege
    ovege Posts: 110 Member
    My weight loss has slowed too and instead of focusing on the weight goal, I'm focusing in my fitness goals. I hope to ride a Century at the end of September so now I'm working on base building and adding miles to my rides. It helps distract me from the scale and when I do weigh in with a low loss, I can say "but I rode X number of miles last week".
  • miss_ally08
    miss_ally08 Posts: 167 Member
    I know how you feel. My friends who have a lot more left to loose than me, they are all loosing like 2 lbs a week steadily, but my loss is slower because I don't have a lot of weight left to loose. However, I look at it as any loss, even 0.1 of a lb, is a loss and that means I am going in the right direction :)

    Stay positive and know that your hard work is paying off in the long run, even if you can't see it right now :) You're doing great!
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    I would definitely start taking your measurements b/c even if the scale is not showing much of a loss (and a loss is always a good thing to me) the inches going down is a much better way to see a difference....Also, take pictures at least once a month or every couple of weeks so that you can SEE the differences as well...

    You burn less calories the smaller you are in weight and those last pounds are usually the hardest to lose...You may want to try lifting just to tone up what you have and gain more muscle and strength...You won't worry about the scale as much that way either...At least that has been my experience.

    I am 5'2" and I had a goal weight of 120lbs but now that I am lifting I put my goal weight at 130lbs but would be fine with 135-140lbs as long as I am toned rather than skinny fat...Strong is the new Skinny!!

    Best of luck to you!! :flowerforyou:
  • ovege
    ovege Posts: 110 Member
    I will share with you something. Several years ago (about 5) I lost quite a bit of weight. Mainly doing cardio, maybe one day a week of weight training, I was about 180. Today I weighed in at 203.5. I have been doing weight training 3 days a week and I fit in a shirt that I purchased 5 years ago, that I couldn't fit into then when I was 20 lbs lighter. I wore it yesterday and the stomach area was actually loose, I was shocked. The weight training has totally transformed my body and I am loving the results.

    I love this. I need to get going with the weights but I'm so intimidated by it. You rock!:smile:
  • MarkAWhipple
    MarkAWhipple Posts: 77 Member
    You've done a great job. You have nothing to be disappointed about. Honestly, you're not really in the weight loss part of your trip any longer. Now you are in the toning/conditioning part. It will be about exploring how much you want to exercise, looking fantastic and generally laughing about how big you use to be!
  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    Hi! You might be gaining muscle. Congrats on the weight loss. I would love to here how you were able to accomplish this huge feet. Do you mind sharing? I also sent you a friend request. Thanks!
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    Hi, 2 things, how often do you weigh yourself? and also, the only way you lose is to eat less calories and excercize more. Another big tip I receives from my sister in law who is short and was really heavy, went on a program at the hospital where she works. They put her on 1200 calories a day and 80 grams of protein each day. The protein is a big help in getting rid of fat. She has lost 75 lbs in about 5 months.

  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I will share with you something. Several years ago (about 5) I lost quite a bit of weight. Mainly doing cardio, maybe one day a week of weight training, I was about 180. Today I weighed in at 203.5. I have been doing weight training 3 days a week and I fit in a shirt that I purchased 5 years ago, that I couldn't fit into then when I was 20 lbs lighter. I wore it yesterday and the stomach area was actually loose, I was shocked. The weight training has totally transformed my body and I am loving the results.

    I love this. I need to get going with the weights but I'm so intimidated by it. You rock!:smile:

    Thanks YOU ROCK TOO!
  • iron_jj
    iron_jj Posts: 446 Member
    Throw out the scale and stop worrying. I'm stuggling to lose the last pounds as well, my weight loss has slowed down a lot and I refuse to eat less. So it's whatever, I occassionally weigh in to get an average idea of my current weight but track my progress in measurements only. :wink:
  • NoxDineen
    NoxDineen Posts: 497 Member
    Stop getting on the scale. :)

    Seriously, you've made an amazing change in your body and your lifestyle. Set yourself some fitness related goals instead for now, run a little further, run a little faster (I love the Nike+ app for making setting and tracking goals easy). Test out one new fitness activity a week (rock climbing, Crossfit, caonoeing, take a circus class (trapeze and silks, looks soooooo fun), there's a ton of awesome things your new healthy body can do).

    Your brain is right, you're smaller now and your body is building/maintaining muscle rather than just losing excess fat. Try taking your measurements and instead of weighing yourself redo measurements every 2 weeks. I bet you get some results there. :)