Seeing a trainer for the first time

riouxha Posts: 995 Member
Okay so tomorrow at 10 am i am meeting a trainer for the first time. I got a deal on 4 sessions, and in these sessions i would really like to learn to lift free weights, NROLFW style. i avoided lifting so far because two yars ago i was in a car accident and my back/neck was badly injured, and in that time period i could do NOTHING, so I ended up gaining a good 60 pounds. im fine with cardio, i used to swim competitively, and I am currently in week 4 of couch to 5k, but lifting is foreign to me. does anyone have any suggestions?


  • Ruqui04
    Ruqui04 Posts: 3
    As an exercise physiologist I highly recommend that you interview your trainer. Ask him or her about background and whether they have had any experience with individuals that have back limitations etc.. the trainer should know about all your health issues and past injuries.

    My main advice is modification of all strength training exercises that target the movement of back and neck. Gradually work up to lifting heavier but start out easy and never let a trainer push too much too soon Pay close attention to your body and what it is feeling and telling you. Soreness is ok but never to the lower back and neck! Pain is definitely not acceptable.

    Trainers are great for motivation and knowledge! You are making the right decision to learn how to properly lift weights! Remember check his or her references as well:)
  • riouxha
    riouxha Posts: 995 Member
    Thanks, I think hearing that makes it a little clearer, especially because im a little intimidated. I used to be an athlete, so now being in my current state im so ashamed f what i cannot do, i forget that the trainer isnt god either haha
  • Vonwarr
    Vonwarr Posts: 390 Member
    Something I have learned - you can get more benefit out of a trainer for a short time if you can list out your short (3-6 months), medium (6-12 months), and long term goals, your reasons for wanting a trainer, your current diet, your current weekly exercise routine/amounts/etc, and any injuries or weaknesses that you feel you have. It allows them to get a good idea of where you are and where you're going and drill down much faster to what you want to focus on.

    On another note, just being able to clearly lay out all that information is a great tool for yourself, let alone a trainer! Best of luck... Sometimes you have to try a trainer or two before you find one that works for you. :)
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,177 Member
    Make sure the PT knows how to lift, at the gym I go to half of the PTs don't have a clue as to what kind of program a beginner should be doing. I see a lot of tricep kick backs and 1/4 squats with a piece of pvc pipe.