Emotional Eatting

catzway Posts: 9
edited December 2024 in Introduce Yourself
Does anyone else suffer from this? If so what do you do about it? I haven't found the key yet that will stop this. Any idea's?:sad: :sad


  • HellySuccess
    HellySuccess Posts: 39 Member
    Yes, catzway, I'm a fellow emotional eater. Evenings are especially tough. I can be good with food all day, then undo all the work in the evening.

    What I've found that helps me is some aerobic exercise. Doesn't have to be a lot, even 20-25 mins. will do. Maybe being good to my body makes it harder to do harm to my body?

    Recently had toe surgery so couldn't work out like before, and wow, what a difference! I regained about 5 pounds really fast before I got a handle on things. Now looking forward to my workouts and making friends with my scale again.

    Another thing that has helped me is identifying my trigger foods (ice cream, yogurt, chips, ...) and not having them in the house. I used not to be able to stop eating these until I either finished the food or made myself feel sick. Now if I crave something sweet, I have fresh or frozen fruit - in moderation.

    Best of luck to you. I'm sure that you have plenty of company here! I'm going to check back and see what tips I can pick up from others who've managed to overcome their emotional eating.
  • barkin43
    barkin43 Posts: 508 Member
    It's not easy to overcome the emotional urge to eat. There are many times that I've just said To h--- with it, I'm gonna have ___ and I don't care how bad it is for me! I've found that if I get on MFP website and spend time reading some of the threads on the community forum, especially the ones on "Chit-chat, Fun and games" I can get past it. Some of those threads become so funny I burn calories just laughing at some of the responses. If you live in a safe neighborhood for walking, it might help to take a walk. The success stories are very motivational on MFP website. It gives me hope when I read about someone losing 100+ pounds and makes me want to try harder. I wish you luck in beating the emotional eating curse. Just remember, even if you do give in to it, it's not the end of the world. You can just start right over the next day. An occasional lapse isn't going to hurt you as long as you get right back on the healthy program. You'll have plenty of support from your friends. It might be a good idea to post this same comment on your home page as a shared comment.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    What really helped me to gain power over food was getting rid of white flour (including refined grains) and sugar from my diet. In about 2 weeks I was free from the siren song of food for the very first time in my 50 years. I've never gone back to those things in my daily diet. When I do, I can expect cravings to happen. The old me would open a box of crackers or cereal and just stand there at the cupboard until they were almost gone. Potato chips were off of the chart. I never buy trigger food like that anymore. DH gets some treats but as long as I don't take that first bite, I am fine. Seriously, get rid of white flour products, sugar, and junk food. Leaving those things in your cabinet and having small amounts on a daily basis is like playing with fire.
  • catzway
    catzway Posts: 9
    I forgot to mention that I am i a power chair so a lot of exercises are out. I do belong to Curves as I can walk the circuit of exercise equipment there but to stand and do exercises is out. I do have an exercise bike and try to ride it everyday at least twice.

    My hubby is a junk food addict so it is always around the house. I have him put his "stash" up above the kitchen cabinets but alas I found a way to get them down if I go into "I have to have one" mode.

    Evenings are the worse as my hubby works 3 to midnight and the hours just slow down and drag. That and the fact that I have bi polar and my meds cause me to gain weight. I use to have all the willpower in the world but these days my emotions get the best of me and I find things I should not have.

    There is no sugar or white flour in our home.(except hubbies stash) If I want something sweet I get out a sweet freedom ice cream that has just 100 calories. You would think that would help but do I eat just one..of course not I have 2 or 3. My mind seems to say "go ahead have another'. I bet my mother would have loved it if I listened to her as much as I do my mind.

    The tv is an enemy as I sit here watching it and munching at times not even noticing it. Well this evening I did grab a plum to munch on and that is saying somethiing for me.

    I appreciate all you gals have written and wish you all the very best. Perhaps we should exchange phone numbers and instead of eating talk to someone who can say' "your better than this, so put the fattening things away...has anyone here ever tried Over Eaters? I did and it made me desire more goiodies" I sound like I have such a terrible life but except for my weight I am on top of the world with family and friends..oh I cannot forget my little dog Wrigley either.
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