Living with a disabiity

I am new to this but thought I would give it a try. I was at my goal weight and maintained it until I was in a major accident. All of the 100 lbs I lost have come took 7 years to come back but it is here. I am trying to find some way of doing some activity and I really need to pay attention to what I eat. I am stuck home all day so I am starting to feel disconnected from life.


  • CrystalDreams
    CrystalDreams Posts: 418 Member
    I am sorry to hear about your accident, and that you are stuck at home. This site is great for tracking food and getting support =)
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Sorry about your accident and disability. Check out the groups. I think some of them are for people with physical limitations.
    There are many ways to be more active and get exercise... without knowing something more about your current limits, it's hard to make suggestions.
    Also, there are many ways to adjust what you eat and make it part of a lifestyle. And since you managed it before and maintained, you can probably use some of the things you learned then, even though you'll need to adjust some things to your current situation.
    Good luck!
  • Katahna
    Katahna Posts: 326 Member
    I saw this dude with no arms and no legs at the gym, he was ripped...

    Find the "NO EXCUSE!" mentality my friend, we all need it, disability or not =]

    I have extremely limited movement in my right ankle, to the point where I can't balance on it, and it does my head in when I am doing kickboxing, but hey, if a guy with no arms or legs can be a ripped freak, then what am I complaining about!
  • CajunNino
    CajunNino Posts: 269
    It's easy to get discouraged. You CAN control what you put in your mouth. It's going to be hard, but this site is great for tips on good foods, to help getting yourself more positive minded. I've lost 40 lbs basically on diet alone. It can be done. I hope you get the best out of this site you can.

    (BTW, I spend my days in a wheelchair these days with a broken back, while I await major back surgery in a couple of weeks. I can only exercise via physical therapy, but I'm extremely limited on what I can do.)
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    So sorry about your accident. Welcome to MFP - there is a lot of good information and lots of entertainment, too. I understand about feeling disconnected - even in the short 6 weeks at home following a surgery I experienced some of that. What hobbies do you have?
  • Lizzym911
    Lizzym911 Posts: 301 Member
    Hi , I can feel where your coming from.I came down with G.B.S.(Guillain-Barre syndrome) I was completely paralyzed for a year and it took me almost anther year of therapy to walk on my own , it was hard but in the begining i did chair exercises and as i got stronger did walking sometimes just in place for as long as i could. i gained a lot of weight and i just had to eat better knowing that i couldnt work the calories off as easy as everyone else but i started losing it was hard work , its been yrs since then but as i've gotten older and weight comes on more easily i've had a hard time with some physical limitations but on those days i still try and work out even in a chair if i have to.I just try and stay motivated. just take one day at a time
  • Deej53
    Deej53 Posts: 12
    I have a mild form of cerebral palsy; my left leg is smaller and shorter than my right, which means I walk with a limp, kind of like walking sideways on a hill. I also have arthritis and degenerative disc disease and 6 yrs ago, got my bell rung in a car accident--still have occasional severe vertigo from that. But you know what? I do what I can. So will you, even if it means sitting in a chair lifting plastic milk jugs full of water (8 lbs, in case you're wondering). Even cans of soup if that's what it takes to get started. And even with a disability, you know how to be careful of what you eat. And you're NOT alone. You'll find boosters here, a support system like no other. Please feel free to add me. I'm a grumpy old bat, but I'm with you! (And the "grumpy" part is just a ruse!) You can do it!:happy: