What exercises for people over 200?



  • Being over 200 also, I'm walking first and then I'll pick up the pace to power walking with weights. Not sure after that.:smile:
  • christydarlin1969
    christydarlin1969 Posts: 2 Member
    Just rejoined fitness pal for the second time. My husband is a personal trainer, and we both LOVE food. :) So, I went to my doctor because I am also a type 2 diabetic and it was time for a check up. Unfortunately the only thing I have NOT been consistent with is exercise. My sugars are still out of control even after religiously taking my meds, etc. So my doctor referred me to an Endocrinologist. This scares the PEE out of me. I do NOT want to be insulin dependent. So I have started using that gym membership I have been paying for but just being stubborn about going.

    Mostly, right now I'm doing interval training on the treadmill, that's my focus. I do inclines maxing out at 10% and I max out my speed at 3mph. All of that is going to change as my body becomes more accustomed to the workout. My goal is to be able to run with my husband for health. He doesn't know that yet, I kinda want to surprise him.

    Anyway, I also do weight lifting one or two times a week, for the tone factor.

    I didn't mention that I am currently around 240 lbs, but the highest I have been is about 320 and I am a 43 year old gramma of 4.

    Good luck to you!!!
  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    Walk. You don't need to buy anything. You can do it any where and every where. Set a length of time - 30 minutes - and see how far you can go. Keep to that time and extend how far you go every three times you walk. Once you hit 2 miles, extend the time and start again. You want to keep challenging yourself. Also, you can "sneak" in extra exercise by parking far from the door and walking in to the store or work. Stop using the elevator and start using the stairs. If you are new to exercise, this will get you started. When you're ready (you'll know) join a gym and get a trainer to start you out with the right exercises and form. I lost my first 50lbs with walking as my only exercise.
  • DebbieMc3
    DebbieMc3 Posts: 289 Member
    At 250 lbs I was doing Weight training, C25K, Zumba, TaeBo, swimming....... give it a go - your body will love you for it!!


    There is nothing you can't do. You might need to modify the activity. ie. instead of jumping during kick boxing I just step.
  • I like to ride a bike. I am just a little over 200 myself and I have a bad foot...making walking or running impossible. Swimming is good too.
  • I'm over 200 pounds and I bike 10 miles a few times a week, power walk for an hour in the morning, do Wii Active in my living room, weight lift in my basement, dance in front of the TV, do push ups, planks and squats til failure. Don't limit yourself. Everything is possible.

    Just watch the Biggest Loser if you think you are limited...some of those guys are well over 400 pounds and they RUN on a treadmill the first week. Your limitations are all in your mind.
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    DDPYoga, its awesome, you get the flexibilty but most important, you get cardio! The best thing is that they show you how to make the positions easier. www.ddpyoga.com BANG!

    Oh ya, forgot to add, its NO IMPACT, so you dont hurt when your done. BTW, I'm 240 lbs right now, been doing DDPYoga for a month.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I was 228.4lbs at 5'2"...just a month out from a 4 month case of bronchitis/asthma flare when I started working out. My first 2 weeks I spent 60 minutes on the treadmill 5x a week. I wanted to die, but I refused to quit. The third week I started adding strength training on the machines. In 6 months I have lost 24lbs, IDK how many inches, and can now do 60 minutes of hill intervals without stopping or slowing down.

    My friend Min came to the gym with me last week--she is 330lbs, and she did 30 minutes on the treadmill with me the days she came.
  • I'm just over 200 (really, really hoping to make it under that bloody number next week!), and I love the elliptical. It's excellent on my joints and I can really get my heart rate up when I do interval programs on there. Also, I'll echo what everyone else says -- I love to walk everywhere! My goal is to become a runner after I shed some more of this weight -- I feel so... floppy... when I run now. But soon! SOON!

    Also, yoga. And I am about to try swimming (eek!).

    Good luck! You can do it!
  • suz4260
    suz4260 Posts: 1
    I would suggest walking to start. Park farther away, take the dog for a walk or walk around the block. After you lose some pounds and you feel like you have more energy try some more activities. If you are disciplined you can have home excercise equipment and use it faithfully. If you skip exercise try joining a gym and go with a friend. It will keep you on the correct path. Good Luck.
