Birth Control...anyone on Loestrin (1/20) (28)

I've been taking ortho cyclen for 3 months, it was okay but it caused extreme bloat and water retention. I went up two cup sizes which was alright at first but then I realized that I just felt bloated and buffy. The bloating got so bad that I actually noticed I dropped 8 pounds on the week where I have my period - still bloated but I was actually relieved to have menstrual bloat. So tonight I am starting my first pack of Loestrin 1/20. Has anybody had any experiences with this, or could compare the two? If I could just feel less bloated it would really help me stay on track. Sometimes I just feel so huge and worthless and it completely discourages me and I end up binging. Then as soon as I quit taking the pill for the week I realize that I'm actually fairly thin although the whole process has ended up earning me a few extra pounds. I really would just like to be where I was before I took the pill because that was very close to my goal.
If anyone could also offer me tips on losing weight on BC, that'd be great. Obviously I know that it's still calories in vs calories out but sometimes I just feel so hungry. Thank you.


  • texaricangirasol
    texaricangirasol Posts: 38 Member
    The only side effects i remember from Loestrin was breast tenderness and spotting & bleeding at the wrong times. But everyone reacts differently to the hormones because everyone's hormones are different. I do not remember any bloating.

    One option that may help is use one of those belts around the stomach and go for a walk and it will help loose some of that extra water. All birth control have a side effect of weigth gain.

    Talk to your doctor about any pills that may have less chance of weight gain if it is really bothersome. And make sure your doctor is running any needed test to make sure the weigth gain is not part of something more than the pills.

    hope that helps
  • grubb1019
    grubb1019 Posts: 371 Member
    I have taken Loestrin for almost 10 years with out any problems. But, everyone's bodies react differently to different pills. Ask your doctor to change you to something that works better for you.
  • skinnyfithealthyme
    I have taken Loestrin for almost 10 years with out any problems. But, everyone's bodies react differently to different pills. Ask your doctor to change you to something that works better for you.
    Awesome! That's very encouraging and that's what I did. I just took my first Loestrin yesterday, so far I already feel better than ortho but I know it's impossible to say. Thanks!
    The only side effects i remember from Loestrin was breast tenderness and spotting & bleeding at the wrong times. But everyone reacts differently to the hormones because everyone's hormones are different. I do not remember any bloating.

    One option that may help is use one of those belts around the stomach and go for a walk and it will help loose some of that extra water. All birth control have a side effect of weigth gain.

    Talk to your doctor about any pills that may have less chance of weight gain if it is really bothersome. And make sure your doctor is running any needed test to make sure the weigth gain is not part of something more than the pills.

    hope that helps

    Thank you! That is good to hear that there is no bloating. I didn't get my period for about a year and that's why they put me on the pill so I wouldn't even mind a little break through...just to know it's there! I'm not so worried about weight gain as I am bloat, it's just so uncomfortable and frustrating...weight gain is something I can control, but not so much bloat. Thank you :)
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I am on Levelen and I too notice a big weight loss when I am on my period. I tend to use 2 packs of 28 days before having a break because I honestly hate having my period.... Its pretty weird. I had a loss of 1.2kg last week on my period :huh: :huh:
  • trdepalo
    trdepalo Posts: 106
    I've been on loestrin for six months which i know isn't long but i've had absolutely no side effects and it even reduced the length of my periods. the only problem i've encountered thus far was one day a week into a new pack i missed one pill (usually take it at 4 pm but i was in the middle of a serious cat nap) and by the morning i had started to bleed and had a full on period for the next week and a half. i assume it was just an isolated experience but i try to take it religiously at the same time just so this doesn't happen again!